Star Trek, Into the Darkness

I finally got round to seeing  New Trek 2. I basically had the plot spoiled by spending so much time on SF Debris and confused Mathew and such. I still enjoyed it. Its a solid piece of entertainment.
I think I was watching a rip from an Airplane though

Well done Noel Clark. Only a cameo, but his 15 minutes were pretty nicely done. I think he only had one line, but his face said it all

The Star Trek Uniforms now have hats? I guess someone is going for a retro look. I noticed San Francisco still has cars. Interestingly some Uniforms-The Top brass are clearly based on Star Trek the motion picture While Kirk and co on board the Enterprise are wearing classic Trek uniforms

I did not see the Spock Cameo coming-There was an in joke with the red shirts.

There was more comedy then I expected. Bones being told to can the metaphors. The argument between Uhura and Spock in the shuttle, with Kirk sitting their as the third wheel

Nice to see the Klingons. One thing I was not sure about-Why did Kirk bring Uhura down to  the surface of Quonos and then not want her to speak to the Klingons? Seemed to be e a glitch.

J.J Abrams has been ripping off the death scene from wrath of Khan for a while. I realized I had seen a similar scene with Charlie drowning from Lost.

Cumberbach chews the scenery as Khan. I liked his fight scene with the Klingons. I wonder if he beat up a relative of Worf. I would have liked to have seen more of him. I was surprised no one seemed to be reacting to the name Khan. I thought in the Trek Universe thats like being called Usma Hitler the Hun. Spock mentions later Khan exterminating people he thought inferior- that seems like an afterthought

Here is a thought what if Khan saw, the Klingons as a threat... What if Khan wanted to lead us..


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