
It took me about 10 days to watch this. So perhaps I am viewing it rather more as a mini series then a  film. Well I liked it. I liked it a lot. Its a good story, well acted and told.
Like Titanic we all know how the story ends. Spielberg wisely avoids retelling Lincoln's biography. Instead the great director focuses on Lincoln battling to pass the 13th amendment. Thus we see Father Abraham rather then the more divisive character of the early days of Lincolns administration

Nor does Spielberg try to replay saving Private Ryan, with Mine balls and Springfields. We see a battle at the beginning and the aftermath of one later. The bodies still warm.

Its a strong cast. Tommy Lee Jones as Thaddeus Stevens. Daniel Day Lewis, as the great emancipator
Jared Harris playing Grant. Surely too fair and too sober! John Gordon Levitt plays Lincoln's son and Sally Field,Martha Todd Lincoln. We see a glimpses of Lincoln's marriage. As they struggle with the aftermath of a loss of a child.  As well as life in the Lincoln White House. Huddling round the Telegraph, The Secretary of the Navy complaining about the mis use of maps. An the secretary of war, storming out because he cannot bear another story

James Spader, Walton Goggins add futher to the casserole playing a corrupt politician and the fixer who buys his support.

I liked it. I liked it a lot. There is nothing as fascinating in American History as the civil war. Lincoln lets us see the Man. The Man who has become the Myth in fact. How even Angels must hire crafty stewards and drive their secretaries of war to distraction.

A film that should be watched again and again.


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