Man of Steel

I will give you a definite Ok
I should like this film better. It has a strong enough cast. Russell Crowe, and Kevin Costner.
Henry Cavill, who did yeoman work in the Tudors stars as the son of Kyrpton. Lawrence Fishburne and Richard Schiff as supporting actors. I liked the depiction of Krypton. It seemed suitably alien. Looking down the casting ladder I spotted a few Battlestar Galatica alumni. Hello Gaeta

I felt my self drifting away

Firstly I think the film may be overlong. This is my commonest complaint with films as I get over. The film spent less on the back story then other recent superhero offerings. I think it put an interesting spin on the matter. Young Clark being freaked out by suddenly being able to see through peoples chests and stomachs.Costner warning his charge from acting out...

Michael Shannon can chew the scenary. But jeese another Nazi? Why and logically why? If Zod is bred to defend Krypton why the whole blood lines controversy. Why should it occur to him? Its a crude attempt to make Zod villanious. Why not simply make him a bloodly bungler? After all  Zod is bred to fight. Not to rule

Beyond that is was exciting enough. I suppose


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