The Fifth wave

It is awful.

I did not go to see this film in the best of moods. I was reluctant enough to go along and see Creed. Then the fuck up fairy came to visit
I had to queue up multiple times and then kill an hour. We ended up in a packed cinema, sitting in the middle of the audience. With people ordering food over us While my bladder and bowels came close to bursting

Okay so: There are spoilers here

It's Twilight with Aliens meets the hunger games
Stealing the dressed sets from the walking dead.

The lead actress never has her dark roots grow out. The feisty fem soldier wears Black eye-shadow and the base doctor is in a tight blouse and blonde highlights

Though civilization has collapsed.

I spent most of the film trying to name. Lev Schrier .The man who should play Wolverine

The plot twists are telegraphed by Western Union. I saw both coming
The fact that the others - yeah get another post modern name. Would use child soldiers. This aspect had some promise. It was handled to cleanly.

Equally the human rebels did not seem to know they were fighting kids. There seems to have been no attempt to counter the Alien propaganda.

The humans massacred at the refugee camp are the worst shots in the colonies

No one in a refugee camp prepositions a pretty teen

Boy cries over his teddy bear but not his mother

Amused myself by shouting viva El Presidente Trump when the Mexican chica was quarantined



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