
Showing posts from June, 2016

Happy birthday nade

best wishes

Captain America Civil War

Tom Holland steals the show One of the best cameos in years I am surprised they cast as a white actor for spider-man, but Tom despite being English.( In fact I may have known his father) nails the role. Just nails it. Is much better writing. The boy steals the scene from Downey Jr. Apart from the false premise, the bad guy holding people hostage in a mall, is responsible for the damage and death caused, as the Police, or Swat, or Superman try to save them. Why are the Avengers doing special forces work. Black Widow, is as good as a Delta Force operative, so send the Deltas. In fact the series acknowledges this. It keeps the big guns, Thor and Hulk are not in the film. The second most powerful characters, Vision and scarlet witch, are kept out of the action In some ways this is a direct sequel to Avengers 2. Or its Avengers 2.5 Its a big cast Hawkeye Antman Vision Scarlet Witch Black Widow Iron man Iron patriot Falcon Bucky Black Panther Thunderbolt Ross Again its mo

Iron Man 3

Whatever happened to Guy Pearce? Young`` Mike Young'' Last time I saw, him was in the Road. Croydon is named checked. By Pearce's character. Was that an in joke? Your panto past Mike? Tony deals with the fallout from the Avengers movie. We see Stark having panic attacks.  As part of his adventures Tony meets up with a kid.The kid is aware of and questions Tony, about his symptoms during a panic attack One of the best scenes was the fight in the bar. Tony travels to Tennessee to meet a woman whose son was accused of murder-A bombing. The aging mom, at the bar, is a Polaroid of grief, and perseverance . The Tennessee sheriff refusing to take a no, as an answer It would have been better to kill of Pepper Oh and yes, Kingsley is good..

The Martian

There is a big leap between this, and X-Men, Age of Apocalypse Yes, its unfair to compare them. On the other hand, the distance in talent, between Jackman, Turner, and McAvoy, and Fassbender, on one hand, and Sean Bean, Matt Damon, Jeff Daniel is not insurmountable. The story is better., it is simpler. A man is left alone on mars, and must survive. Its Robinson crusoe, for the digital era. But the twist is we see the effect on the people left behind, on Earth, and Damon's crewmates traveling back to Earth The film is visually   a wonder, to behold. We see the plains and crags of mars Its educational. I learned that Planita refers to an area of Mars. I remembered Utopia Planita from Trek. A key plot point has Damon, retrieving the pathfinder probe. Then there is the accident that triggers the events of the film. A simple storm, A storm of dust and sand. There is the physics lessons the atmosphere of mars is so weak, streamlining is not needed. The distances and difficulties of

X Men Age of Apocalypse

One good injoke. Sophie Turner plays Phoenix,  and not one person in the cast lured her into a shower ....  and everything else is predictable. Magneto loses a child ...One is tempted by Wilde's remark about little Nelle .Solidarinose era Poland looked nicer than I imagine it was. They recast Nightcrawler. Jackman had his cameo, and Jennifer Lawerence is the real lead


It is worth it for the are you there god it's me Margaret joke alone. A tour de force-Ryan Reynolds carries an entire movie by himself, and makes it look easy

My baba is safe

Django unchained

It is the same criticism, I made, with regard to Inglorious basterds. It's almost a perfect movie. But Tarrantino has to be Tarrantino and give us the gore and genre flipping. It's a pity because unlike a war film, the premise of Mandigo fighting gas not been seen on screen. As far as I know. Now,  that would make an interesting and tragic film.  Blazing saddles did the sthick better, with the hoods.Though nice to see Don Johnson again. Christopher Waltz reminds me of a co worker, now hearing his accent. He is however faultless. It will be nice to see him, free from Tarrantino I kept thinking how are these escaped slaves going to eat. One criticism, I had was of Samuel Jackson's character. He seemed to crude, to upfront with his master, Candy. I can understand Jackson being the power behind the throne. I can understand Jackson viewing Candy as his son. There has to be some refinement to the butler of a 19th century Plantation.