Django unchained

It is the same criticism, I made, with regard to Inglorious basterds. It's almost a perfect movie. But Tarrantino has to be Tarrantino and give us the gore and genre flipping. It's a pity because unlike a war film, the premise of Mandigo fighting gas not been seen on screen. As far as I know. Now,  that would make an interesting and tragic film. 

Blazing saddles did the sthick better, with the hoods.Though nice to see Don Johnson again.

Christopher Waltz reminds me of a co worker, now hearing his accent. He is however faultless. It will be nice to see him, free from Tarrantino

I kept thinking how are these escaped slaves going to eat.

One criticism, I had was of Samuel Jackson's character. He seemed to crude, to upfront with his master, Candy. I can understand Jackson being the power behind the throne. I can understand Jackson viewing Candy as his son. There has to be some refinement to the butler of a 19th century Plantation.


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