
Showing posts from December, 2016


I dedicate this post to Thomas Tiger Clancy. One of the neighbours in the small town land where my mother grew up He served there Its an Irish film for an international audience. I am too young to understand if it works as a period piece. The African scenery is wonderful and there are familiar faces from Game of Thrones. (Roose Bolton) again playing a devious second fiddle. As well as the bf of the older sister from Mooneboy The villain of the piece is Mark Strong playing Connor Cruise O'Brien If anything the film tones down O'Brien. The film also depicts the UN in a bad light. President Kennedy is am off screen character motivating the two diplomats. Its a pretty standard war film. There is a Belgian widow and a dramatic punch to add a Hollywood shine but as a simple action film. Men fighting and dying it works

Carrie Fisher

                  1956-2016              Actress-wit-writer                 Princess Leia


I re watched this and liked it better, (I have since learned my problem with Ms Coleman's Clara was a common one)  Edited Feb 2020 The start is exquisitely filmed and set . A man and a woman alone in a haunted house The episode is a period piece of the seventies. Its nicely done. The male guest star was involved in WW2 black ops. A`` Baker street irregular'' Another Who / Sherlock crossover The female guest star is an empath. Non objective equipment as the Professor refers to her We see the beginning of Clara's death wish. She has to be double dared into looking There is a whose hand is that joke Clara and the Empath drink whiskey. They would both prefer tea The professor and the empath, are investigating a ghost. The professor thinks the Dr is working for an unnamed ministry Air perhaps - intrusion counter measures The ghost is a time traveler -in the  Orson pink mode. Humanity messed up big with time travel We see the beginnings and end of

Rogue one.

I liked it. A bit more nuanced then the rest of the Starswars stable. Forrest Whittaker Saw Guerra is speaking with what I think is an argie accent The dialogue is much better. Than I had expected -  The two leads are fine. Its nice to see Peter Cushing again

Soy me solo




The Rings of Athken

So we met or reacquainted ourselves with Clara last week in the Bells of St John. The episode starts in flashback we see Clara's mother meeting her father. Naturally mom saves dad because... The Dr observes from afar. BTW I hope Matt Smith kept the Beano summer special The purpose for the Doctor's observations is to see if there is anything unusual regarding Clara's birth Parent's marriage and Mother's death Bryan Robson is name checked Is he the only footballer mentioned in Who? But all is mundane .Clara is a pretty young ordinary lady. Who buries her mother Dads hair is obviously whitened at the grave side So on with the plot. The Dr and Clara visit the above mentioned rings They both can breath in space So the Dr and Clara visit an intergalactic Christmas market with lots of Aliens. All humanoid of course and glowing blue fruit. The Dr. name drops Susan. In passing. We learn that the local currency is based on sentimental value. Which raises a q

The Bells of Saint John

Its a tribute to Peter Moffat that the onscreen exit of Amy and Rory stayed with me. I really did not enjoy this episode or indeed the latter half of season 7 There is not much wrong with Clara . she is very pretty . Indeed she is. Well what happens. The great intelligence is Stealing peoples minds over the internet . So first Clara must be shown as  something of an idiot. She asks if she can go on the internet after the female stage school brat Oh yes and Carla is looking after a black British family. No I do not have a problem with this. I think the show is too pleased about it The Dr has taken refuge in 12th century Cumbria sought sanctuary in a monastery . The maudling monk anyone There is a nice scene where the Abbot comments on the Doctor's malady being due to a woman. Thus the novice crosses himself I wondered about the existence of a stone monastery in Cumbria after the Harrying of the North So the phone rings. The Dr answers and Clara speaks  Mmm. We later find o


3 years old

An Unearthly Child.

I  will admit I watched this in response to a challenge. I had heard no less than Steven Moffat describe the first episode of Who as a classic. However it was the reviewer He Who Moans Who stated ``you cannot call yourself a Dr Who fan if you have never seen this'' I am glad I took the bait  The first episode is great. We are brought to an English high school in the early sixties. Whether a secondary modern or a grammar we are not told. Meeting  two teachers Susan and Ian. The professors have become equally intrigued and bemused by Susan a pupil of precocious understanding and also rank ignorance. They decide to follow her home  They do not find a council house or a bungalow. But a scrap yard. Susan seems to disappear into a police box The teachers are challenged by an old man. Who accuses them of tresdtresdpass and refuses to answer what he is doing with, or to Susan This is the strength of the episode. The episode hints but never says. That Susans grandfather is having a