
I re watched this and liked it better,

(I have since learned my problem with Ms Coleman's Clara was a common one) 

Edited Feb 2020

The start is exquisitely filmed and set . A man and a woman alone in a haunted house
The episode is a period piece of the seventies. Its nicely done. The male guest star was involved in WW2 black ops. A`` Baker street irregular'' Another Who / Sherlock crossover

The female guest star is an empath. Non objective equipment as the Professor refers to her
We see the beginning of Clara's death wish. She has to be double dared into looking
There is a whose hand is that joke
Clara and the Empath drink whiskey. They would both prefer tea
The professor and the empath, are investigating a ghost. The professor thinks the Dr is working for an unnamed ministry Air perhaps - intrusion counter measures
The ghost is a time traveler -in the  Orson pink mode. Humanity messed up big with time travel
We see the beginnings and end of Earth. Clara is disturbed by this.
The episode ends with the empath warning Clara about the Dr. The Dr had come to this place to have the empath  scan Clara ...Here we have 11th Dr acting like McCoy suspicious of his companion. Keeping his enemies close


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