
Showing posts from January, 2017

Doctor Strange

Okay, I liked this film Firstly the Marvel  movies, have got the memo about length. Hitchcock's dictum about the human bladder, is as true today,as it was then Yes, I liked the beginning. Oriental, mystics, battling each other, then, running out to the streets of contemporary London. The weirdness sold me. A bald Tilda Swinton gets glances, and stares as she walks off, after her  mystical showdown into a wet Westminster I would have made a point, that Rachael Macadams played Irene Addler, and Benedict, played Sherlock. So we have Ben, I will use that name, doing his New York accent, being the arrogant surgeon. He is speeding along, and loses control, and loses his hands Its quick, and brutal. Point is made, and we move on. We see the destruction the accident, has done to Strange, his hands are riveted with tens of pins, They are suspended in a wire case. Which in real life must be agony. Stevens career as a surgeon is over. He tries rehab, and gets into an argument, with th

John Hurt

On the 27th of January, John Hurt passed One of my favorite actors. The War Doctor Winston Smith The Elephant Man, The Storyteller Hibernophile, Drinker, Cancer Victim He was 77


Best meme of the Inauguration by a mile... 😂😂 #WWE #trump #sanders A photo posted by Pundit Arena (@punditarena) on Jan 20, 2017 at 1:02pm PST President Donald Trump is sworn in

Round up 16 of January 2017

A belated happy birthday to my sister. And to my cousin Congratulations to the winner of the all England Irish dance competition QPR, has retained the employment of Iain Holloway, and have had some success in the league again Well done Jamie Mackie I have had a haircut. I have moved out of my wife's apartment. It is proving quite a challenge. I have been trying to keep positive and busy. I am working on my Spanish

Star Trek, Beyond

Did you like Times Arrow? or The Killing game? Those are feature length Trek stories. Startrek Beyond is about as good as those. ( Edited 02/2020 ) Do you remember them now? Do you seek them out on Netflix? Its not a great trek film, like the Wrath of Khan, or First Contact. Nevertheless I enjoyed Beyond . What I noticed, is that the Trek reboot, is clearly the daughter of Enterprise, rather then grandfather, of Next Generation-Voyager. There is a reference to the M.A.C.Os, and to the Xindi war.  I am curious about this, because I wonder if  Enterprise has proved to be that popular, even in rerun or DVD or Netflix viewings All of which  leaves DS9 as the orphan of the series. A shame, about Chekov. Sadly this will be the last time we see him. There is a nod, to George Takei who is now more famous as George Takei, rather then Sulu The plot is quite simple. A bored Kirk, answers a distress call from a ship which has been lost in a nebula. The nebula clouds are presented on scree



Suicide Squad

I liked this film But: One Jared's Joke shivers in the shadow of Heath Ledger. Fair play to Jared, it was always going to be difficult to dye your hair, and paint your face and step into that role. I think, the producers and director et al, should have known that less is more. I kept hearing Jeff Coombs when Jared spoke Will Smith is Will Smith, playing Dead-shot so consequently Smith is the leading man. You know, he totally would have killed Batman. My problem with this is this screws up the power dynamic. Flag should be the leader of the team, here Flagg, is coaxing Dead shot It would have been a great wham moment for Dead shot to shoot, Harley and have her revived Margot Robbie is lovely, but her accent wanders across the Mason Dixon. It would have been funny for her to chew out Captain Boomerang in the Bar scene, in perfect Straine! I like the Black woman, in charge of the team. One mean bitch (Indeed she is one of my favorite DC characters Amanda Waller)