Doctor Who season 10

I like Pearl Mackie she comes across with the right mixture of naivete and curiosity. She looks the part, She feels clumsy

Thin Ice.
I was annoyed the Dr hit, the baddie for the racial slur. Is this going to happen all the time?  Compare this to the treatment of Martha in Human nature. Where Martha has lived with constant insult both deliberate and unconscious. I get it, the Doctor despises Racism. Trying shouting the MESSAGE louder and louder. I liked the joke about the Doctor, looking for a man with a ship tattoo by the docks.

The Lodger
A waste of a good guest star. Suchet is brilliant. The juxtaposition at the end is good. Bill pointing out to the Doctor that a dad does not bring insects into the house to show his sick daughter. But for god's sake give Suchet a meatier role.
This is the point the Trial of a Timelord podcast made. Who gets these stars and wastes them...

The Walking Dead in space. I liked this one. I wonder if it fits into the same continuity as the Sunmakers? Nice to see there will be a consequence to the actions of the story


Quite a nightmarish idea-the world is all just a projection. The episode started from the ridiculous the Pope interrupting Bills date-to the sublime-The Dr being offered a chance to confess, and be given absolution. Yes the Dr does the Da Vinci code-We see a female pope- (Is it me or does she look like Angelina Jolie)   The universe being only a simulation. I am sure a lot of kids tried out the counting game. The Wine swinging French accented scientist banging on the table while he waited for a bomb to go off was unsettling.  The dead president in the oval office, and Nardol realizing he was a projection and disppearing forever in testing his idea,. The Dr being blind was interesting.

The Pyramid at the end of the world.

Okay it was a nice subversion to see the soldiers refuse to fight. I spent a while connecting the name to the face of Oregon,s college lecturer . I liked the idea that the end of the world was going to come through a series of unfortunate and unforeseeable error. The Dr being blind had a direct and unpredictable result.

Lie of the Land
Yes, I am not sure what happened here. It started well, the fake regeneration was nice  Missy giving them the solution to how to deal with the monks. Lobotomize Bill and live with the consequences I thought was an idea that had potential. What if there is no good way out. What if you just have to push someone in front of a bus to kill Hitler?

The Empress of Mars

It was nice to see the Ice warriors again. I note that Gatis was worried about having a black soldier in the British army. Could you have not just made them sailors ? Or set the story in India The RHIP quip is a call back to Day of the Daleks. I was not impressed by the Ice warriors guns-nor the noisy males line. Yay Alpha Centauri its back

The Eaters of Light

Okay, I liked the quips about Scotland. The Roman army being comfortable with gays and bis, I am not sure is historically accurate.  At least not in the way modern people would view things. There were Batavian boys used as sexual slaves by the Romans after a revolt in or about this time period. The further back we go the messier consent as an idea and ideal becomes 
 A point was raised, about Bill being a lesbian. Most cultures will not see what the fuss she is making is about. Yes she prefers woman, but she still find a husband obviously. How else would she have children, to manage the servants, to provide for her in her old age.  So Bill should be and would be pursued. Pearl Mackie face grows on me.
 I am not sure about the we sound like children to the Doctor line. , RDS was better at calling out the Time LORD- This is the opposite idea to Dona, and even going back as far as Ian  Chesterton of the companions humanizing the Doctor 

The finale
part 1  World Enough and Time
Okay, the meta jokes- I am Dr Who. Michelle Gomez Dances. Okay yes. I saw Green wing. Michelle Gomez I am a violent Glasweigan stick got old there. I thought she was much better in the book group. 
I am not sure why there is a blue janitor on the  Colony ship, and everyone else is human. The scenes with The Dr, and Bill back on Earth were touching. The Nurse Ratchett figure was creepy. The Master's disguise was silly. Why does he need it? I get it is call back, but why not have someone point out how ridiculous it is on camera. The Master does not seem to hear the drums. I thought the fact that the Mondassian cybermen spoke with Bills cadence was nicely done



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