
Showing posts from June, 2017

Wonder Woman

Did I say how I thought Batman V Superman was a long prologue for a cameo by Wonder Woman Well lets get it over with. I have a huge crush on Gal, she is just gorgeous.  A star is born. The scene where she is walking about London in a fur coat, and leather underwear comes off as sexier then a lot of nudity or sex scenes. I did not realize Gal  she was in the ``Fast and Furious'' franchise. I have never watched any of those films.   I was simply impressed  indeed I was smitten  Gal carried off Diana's simple  faith in the sureness of goodness-If I kill Ares, Men will be good.  Her naivety If I kill Ares... her childlike delight in the taste of Ice cream. How she defers towards Lucy Davis rather then Trevor When I saw German troops running up a beach...Oh if only it had been the Banna Strand. I also wondered how many people Collins would kill, in the UK war council I did not recognize Lucy Davis -Dawn from the UK version of the office. Though she performed well in her

The Key to Time

To be honest I was not really impressed. To be honest I am not sure Tom Baker is my favorite Doctor  I am glad they ( The Dr Who Team ) did something different.  Change can be good for example how the Daleks are over used in Modern Who. The Key to Time and the 6 connected stories that make it up  run out of steam after the Androids of Tara After watching a bit of classic Who for a while. One begins to see the same faces,-the same repertory of actors who the BBC hired and fired for Dr Who, ``Some Mothers do ave em'', and Fawlty Towers. This is not bad but gets a bit boring  The Ribos Operation   -The Doctor is given his duty by the White Guardian who is nursing a green liquid in a brandy glass What is it ? Crème de Menthe? -Absinthe?   Anyway the Doctor and his new nubile assistant  They fly to the planet of Ribos There they meet a Mummerset speaking con man. Mummerset- Fake West Country or Rural English accent that is not Yorkshire   There are some nice character touches

Round up 22 of June

Happy birthday to my Sister tomorrow. Actually it would be my Wedding anniversary I am of course saddened by the events of the Grenfell tower. The number of dead, the speed and horror of the deaths and the pointlessness of it. I grew up in the neighborhood My judicial proceedings are going well. I would like to thank my family for their support I hope you enjoyed midsummer or mid winters day Congratulations to Brian, signing up to serve his country. Good luck to my friend Robyn I look forward to seeing the Dr Who finale on Saturday