Bird Box

Okay, there is nothing wrong with this. I quite liked it. Pretty strong cast

Malkovich, Bullock. A lot of good people in the lower rungs. I thought it was Avon's Barksdale playing the love interest. It's not. It is Trevante Rhodes.

I liked how Sandra's character was not likeable at the beginning. The world going down the toilet was well done. Though there is a lot of scenes of extras running up and down the street.

There are some nice twists. One problem I had was I thought the group of survivors huddled in the house at the beginning trusted each other too much too soon. I think it would have made more sense to have them in a supermarket. I think John M drank the most malt liquor I have seen in a while

I liked the dig at Maze runner and the walking dead. I liked the groans when the Supermarket lad told people that he got his info off the internet. The supermarket kid had a nice character arc

The reactions when they were riding over corpses was well done. Again a very strong cast

I had a real problem with Tom Hollander as the crazy enemy within. I remember him from The Thick of it, and from Rev., I am simply not afraid of him. I know he does more dramatic roles now. But honestly, I thought even a pregnant Sandra Bullock can take him down. Not to be that guy, but I thought Avon Barksdale was in the room.

The river and rapid scenes were beautiful countrysides. 

Sandra is old enough to be her love interest's mother. Oh well, what is sauce for the goose!

Peru was hit first by the plague /Demons

I saw the Hollander twist coming like Christmas. I did feel the rapids and river scenes, and the last scene at the end held my disbelief at bay. For a popcorn summer flick, the scenes with Boy and Girl were really quite deep. Sophie's choice meets King Solomon

Quite fun


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