
Showing posts from May, 2019




I saw a friend being cheated on outside San Isirio Lince, Winced! Spied ya

The Long Night

I was a bit disappointed and a bit confused Yes, I get what they were going for, the sheer confusion and bloody panic of battle. So the smoke, and fog, the confusion. Were well done. I imagine quite realistic but it is a fantasy series with dragons and zombies. So maybe realism is not your friend. In fact it was I think we got cheated. Okay Let us get Ayra, out of the way. I do not see Ayra as Mary Sue. One thing I like about the novels is seeing Ayra broken at Harrenhal. We see her become a mouse. Literally no one. She just about manages to avoid rape. What I think we are missing is the connection between the Braavos and the faceless men, and the White Walkers. My view is that the Faceless men as the heirs of slaves. Fear the Night King, more than anything. It would be slavery for eternity So all men must die, is a promise of hope. Ayra trained by the faceless men brings an end to the threat of eternal slavery. That is a good idea, but this was just not develped. I suspe

Avengers Endgame

So part two I am reminded of Back to the Future franchise which is mentioned in the picture. But if Endgame reminded me of anything it, was back to the Future two. We see the dystopia, and then rehashes of the first film. Some of these work. Some do not. There was an attempt to answer some questions Which I did appreciate Some Cameos pleased me. I was left with some nagging questions Okay So firstly the Universe after the click. I was surprised that no one seemed to be willing to defend it. We hear about the pod of whales, but why was everything covered with rubbish five years afterward. I did like the memorial. Though I wondered why Antman, did not just check social media. The same trick is used in reverse when the phone call, comes through when everyone returns I did not like the Bruce/Hulk character I have been disappointed with the Hulk, in these two films. Hulk is able to go head to head with literally everyone. Here he gets his arse handed to him, by Thanos and sulks. Br