The Freeport of Callao

About 1900 ad. But somewhere you don't quite recognize. An office, a portrait of Queen Victoria and someone else on the wall. 
Posters in English and in Spanish. Newspapers, A large typewriter, and the smell of smoke

A man in a light suit is talking to a man in uniform

( Note this is written in the vernuclar) 

``There were worse places to die, than San Martin de Porres I suppose Sgt  Cavanagh''

Si Sir

So what happened man? 

The Sgt began his statement. Looking at his notebook 

``We were then outside the Chapel of San Martin it was a Saturday evening… The world and his wife, and their prettiest maid were out for a stroll. I took a glass o Moranda, with the young fella.
 People were selling anticuchos, and cuy, and roz puddin'' The usual stuff
He cleared his throat
``That’s when the commotion started. This fella- que bueno was walking down the street; he had a wan, from the Forest with him. The Strumpets see this, and they don’t like that at all. 
No Senor nada! He flicked his hand
``They seeing her, they knows she is giving away what they are selling for silver Well they start to holler and hoot Curse and so on  the dogs start barking- the bootblacks the sambos, they are starting to rush over to look''
 ``Terrible Naso all of them''
 This fella, says nothing keeps walking on.. him and the wan arm in arm. Like they are courting''
``Now some Eyetie sees your fellow. Me and the young fellow, told him Basta! Stop! See this Eytie won't listen''
`` I heard him, say something to the poor fellow. He spoke in English. With an accent so I am thinking an American sir. He has the look''
So me, and young fellow rush over but the before we get their the eyetie stabs the Yank.
`` I draw mi revolver and get a shot off in the air. 
No one would thank me, for killing a couple of mountain Tia'ss.. The Eytie  disappears, into the crowd. ``The Wan, was screaming at the young fella.''
 ``The Priest is out of the Chapel, and tries to give the Yank the last rites…That wan is still screaming probably not even a Christian. I am having enough of this, so I tell, the young fella, to give her his mano''
She stops roaring.. The crowd drifts off. 
``The Priest calls over this gwatchieman A big lad from the mountains- all muscle, and no conversation. We lift him into the chapel yard ; at least he is off the street.  The Priest has gone in to the chapel and sent one of the ould widows  to the station.
So, I look for his pocketbook, and papers, he is a Yank alright. Some railroad engineer, up in Selva. ``That’s probably where he met the wan…They have no morals up there. It was a mercy she was dressed. Probably seduced the poor yank.. Put witchcraft on the crater..
 ``I was checking his body, felt sorry for the lad He seemed a decent sort Offered a quick novena to el Santa Rosa del Lima''
The Policeman cast his eyes down 
``Anyway, I am poking and prodding him… and I feel something… under his jacket.  I put my hand up, and I looked at the young one, and I said…to the young fella
``Put the wallet.. in your pocket, and give the gwaticheman the Yank’s watch
What The lad is a bebe
``Put the wallet, in your pocket, and give the gwatieman the Yank’s watch!''
That’s robbery
``I sighed. God forgive me, but I scared the lad nearly white. 
``No, it’s murder.
``I look at the boy square in the eye 

``I am not messing with you, Chico. I have killed men cold dead. Do as your told. I fought the Manchue in Patagoina, do not try me- Put the wallet in your pocket- we will talk about this later''

  ``Well The Gwatchieman.. took the watch.. his eyes were colder than the Andes for a moment. ''
He nodded.. put it in his pocket.. and walked away… he paused by an ould woman begging, muttered something and walked off..She took her blankets and sped away 
The priest… came back.. We said little. The cart came from the station. I put the body on the bench myself. I road with it to the morgue myself. I was waiting for yourself inspector Sir
Is that so? Because you seem to have admitted to robbery 
Why is that then
Our Yank, has 100 golden Dollar .. on his person..
``You will need to speak to Inspector Heffernan Sgt for that much Money San Martin would cut his own mothers throat''
I thought so too


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