I have seen every episode of classic Dr Who

 It's been a long road. I began this journey having seen He Who Moans review of the pilot - An Unearthly Child. I was still living in my martial home.  I was watching episodes often on a cheap Chinese phone

My daughter managed to lock herself in her bedroom midway through my viewing.  I lived on the other side of the planet. I watched Dr Who, on a little screen - I watched the WarGames one afternoon in Lima, in my hotel. ( When I was living in a hotel ala Alan Partirdge) 

Since then, returned home. Watching at Work, 

Some thoughts

The pacifist Dr and the Asexual Dr come from a specific place. JNT onwards

A Woman Dr is foreshadowed and frankly, they should have done it in the 1980s 

Adric might have worked. I can just about see what they were trying to do...Have a critical  mercurial character in the TARDIS - Basically Turlough

I really like Jon Pertwee, Did not expect too.. but there you go

There is more backstory about the Timelords, as Tom's stuff goes on - He's the Cosmic Dr


Including the telesnaps? I watched a lot of the old shows, but I had to skip those. Maybe someday if they ever complete the animation project.
Malchera said…
Yes it does include Telesnaps

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