Spiderman. No Way Home


Yeah its fine. There will be spoilers

It has as Marvel films always do a great cast. Holland, Cumberbatch, Cox, all solid British pro's

Holland and Zen have great natural chemistry

 It has a lot of heart. I can't help thinking this is the Justinian or the Charlemagne of the MCU's empire. The Golden Age has passed. There is moments of greatness here, but it is a greatness that looks back to it's past. Like Charlemagne or Justinian This film spans two worlds 

There is an image in the film that I think is significant. It has the Statue of Liberty holding Captain's America's shield. So the Avengers films are part of the mythology in the university

(Happy has a CPAP machine- Sorry just something I notice working with Medical equipment) 

I am getting a bit tired of CGI though. There are extended green screen scenes- I think this is an editing problem too though. Audiences can watch and re watch Marvel's back catalogue whenever they want. 

Why do we need such long chases? Cut them down

I suspect this is also the problem with a big and famous cast. Everyone wants their 15 minutes. 

So what I liked:

The Charlie Cox/ Daredevil Cameo is great. I hope to see him back 

I did like the solution to  the mirror dimension  Holland realizing it is just geometry Well done 

If you don't know-Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire's Spidermen cross into the MCU along with their villain's Doc Ock, Sandman, Electro and the Lizard- The campiness of the Raimi universe is noted 

I notice James Franco did not get a call back. 

I liked the banter between the Spidermen- The ``Cool Youth Pastor ''quip about Maguire whom is now mid 40s - I liked the fact that there was reconciliation between Maguire and Molina 

Well as I said Spiderman no way home has a lot of heart

Peter Parker is a kid. Holland who looks younger than his age was  Marvel's smartest bit of casting. Young Holland is currently carrying the MCU on his shoulders- Him and Cumberbatch Do you remember it was supposed to be Brie Larson- Who was going to lead us into stage 4. That idea seems as ancient as Belly Bongo's, The Manchester  Olympics, and Pepsi Clear 

So in No Way Home - The writers plays on Holland and Cumberbatch's chemistry- Their father and son dynamic.  Strange trying to explain to Holland's Spiderman that he cannot change fate. Parker has to move on to-accept that with great power comes suspicion and jealously and fear Even if you are responsible  

This is something that we saw in the Raimi universe. Peter Parker- was sometimes seen as young upstart by Doc Ock, and Gibson 

Strange is like most parents not as true to his word as he should be. He wants his kid, to have a little fun Doctor Strange tries to bend the rules for Parker, he does a solid for the intern. It doesn't work 

He was warned

Holland's Parker tries to change his fate, he tries to make things better for his little family- His team, his Girlfriend, his best friend and aunt  - He tries to change people's nature. Which is good as Spiderman is supposed to be a good man. A good young man. One thing I notice about the MCU is how rarely it is commented upon that Thor killed Thanos.  Thor is still a pagan God

While with Spiderman we see an idealistic young man try to save people. Spiderman is the Superman of the MCU He may not be as strong as the big boy scout. He may not be as noble- But he will try to be better 

Or Spiderman is the next Captain America if you think of it, this way 

So yes it was nice to see a film Which tries to save souls as much New York. 

This is also a coming of age drama. I liked the College rejection letter scenes. I felt for the kids.I was rejected by Birmingham University. I always wonder what if it ... It is interesting that Zen works in a coffee shop, this is not something teenagers do anymore. It is a flash back to an earlier time. To John Hughes  Which is the type of films Holland and Zen would have made in the 80s. or Rom coms.  Hollywood does not seem to make those movies anymore. So we have to make do with the MCU doing John Hughes

It could have been sharper though

As I said liked this film though 


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