Speaking of Women's football


My friends Chris and Rebecca came to visit London- Bringing with them there children Sophie and Callum. I also had the pleasure of meeting Rebecca's father and brother 

We went to the Natural History Museum- 

I also attended a woman's football match. Which was nice

I took a trip down to Brighton. This cost about 40 pounds. I enjoyed the day out

It was nice to be beside the seaside. I did feel a little sad -as my daughter la Malchera is in a sense on the other side of the sea

There are wind turbines in view of Brighton Beach 

Brighton is a pebble beach- not unlike Waikiki or the Costa Verde

I took a walk along the Pier. I dodged seagulls. I saw young ladies in bathing suits. It was quite pleasant 

Brighton does have a problem with homelessness I wonder if it pleasant after dark

I was looking for a pound land to buy flip flops - perhaps a cheap pair of shorts. So I could paddle alas there were none. There were restrictions of what you could take into the ground

So I took a train to the ground- The train trip took about 10 minutes. There were lots of school children on the train- Lots of Norwegians - I saw one family who were QPR fans 

Brighton have a lovely stadium the views are great- The South Downs

I feared  I saw the England band!

I had a beer on an open top bus. Then I met my friends

Well the Match was a walk over by England. It was a little disappointing I would have preferred a tenser game. I felt sorry for the Norway fans=oft young children and young women Who had come a long and way and spent money to be disapointed

It was a lovely spectacle A good natured crowd-Mexican waves- turning the lights down in the stadium so you can see the sparkles of camera flashes 

I had a decent burger and a few pints 

Going home was a long wait- Very hard for the children and babies in the crowd. Old hands pointed out this always happens at match days



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