
Showing posts from September, 2006

Butch Cassidy and the the Sundance Kid

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. `` Most of what follows is true' ' ( Major spoilers) The movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, is , a classic of the Western . It has been recognized as a work of Cultural significance in the USA. It gave its name to a film festival.  I have seen it, on and off, a few times. . When I was younger, I suppose I identified, with Robert Redford's Sundance. Now, its with' Newman's, Cassidy. T hose of you, who have known me for a while. Will know what I mean-When I am amused, by the thought of a protagonist. Trying to get to South America. Seeing the film, I noticed its influence on Michaels Jordan's work. Michael Collins. The relationship between Boland, and Collins, in that film, draws on this work. It was thinking of Mick, that made me think The Western, like the pirate movie, deals with mythic time. Before History, before bureaucracy, before industry. We were clock. I can gauge the hour, from 7 different sources in my ro
Mitchel and Weber If theres one thing we've learnt in the last thousand miles of retreat, its that Russian argiculture is in dire need of mechanisation Introduce you to the manager, you haven't even shaved Look at that you could put, a goldfish in that, and it would'nt even die. Where else do you here lines like that


One of my friends, was in town. We were horsing about.

Two Thousand one, Nine eleven

9/11/2006 ( From a forwarded email message I may have gotten just after the events of 911. I do not know the poet, I had forgotten the poem,was on my blog. My thanks to the writer) TWO THOUSAND ONE, NINE ELEVEN (2001-911)Two thousand one, nine eleven Three thousand plus arrive in heaven As they pass through the gate,Thousands more appear in wait A bearded man with stovepipe hat Steps forward saying, "Lets sit, lets chat" They settle down in seats of clouds A man named Martin shouts out proud"I have a dream!" and once he did The Newcomer said, "Your dream still lives."Groups of soldiers in blue and gray Others in khaki, and green then say" We're from Bull Run, Yorktown, the Maine"The Newcomer said, "You died not in vain."From a man on sticks one could hear"The only thing we have to fear. The Newcomer said, "We know the rest,trust us sir, we've passed that test.""Courage doesn't hide in cavesYou ca
This is the great seal.
OOps This is the picture, of diogenes. I meant to post yesterday

Steve Irwin

Midweek I got my haircut, today. I am still suffering from Biblos Fever. A minor illness. I get from time to time.   Anyway. I have decided to vist Corpus Christi. I am posting this picture -a Mosaic I saw in Germany.  The piece has my favorite classical philosopher, in the centre.  Diogenes.  Is of course responsible for refuting the Platonic description of a man. ( A hairless animal, with two legs) By presenting the scholars, with a plucked chicken. Any man, who asked Alexander the Great. To stand out of his sunshine. Deserves to be remembered. From the Sublime to the...  ***************************  Steve Irwin, has died, at the hands of a Ray. Fair well Steve. An Aussie Battler, passionate about his subject. Gone to the great Outback in the Sky. (Steve Irwin) Father, Husband, Documentary Maker, Reptile lover (1962-2006)

Battlestar Galatica season 2

Battlestar Galatica season 2. It cost a little more then I wanted to pay for it. I could not resist it. It was worth it. I watched the orginal series. Starring Lorne Greene and Dirk Bennedict. Also the lamentable Galatica 1980. I even have 2 of the novels, based on the pilot, and one of the original tv episodes. (War of the Gods) The new reimaging is great. ``So say we all'' The new series is the brainchild of Ronald D Moore. Formerly of Star Trek DS9. Treks red headed and brilliant stepchild. The influence of Moore, and the similarities with DS9 are noticable. The theme of religion. A better understanding of Miltary dynamics. DS9, was the only member of Treks stable to feature a non com. As a recurring character. (Chief O'Brien) An enemy which can strike from within, and without. Even one of the leads. James Callis, resembles an actor, in Ds9. Alexander Siddiq. In form and voice. A beautiful cast. Though, as I often do. I lean away from the main, Glamour girl
Hawaii, or Texas, or Puerto Rico Stetsons, or Lua's, or Vejigante Ahh so many decisions