
Showing posts from March, 2007
I counted 8 smokers on the piazza, today. I envied them. I felt naked. I didn't smoke, I sat and listened to the radio. It was warm, and pleasant out, the students were not as pretty as yesterday. I felt naked without the the ciggerate. I am waiting for the week to wind down..
This is from a nice lady I know. She lives in Belarus I'm glad you're fine.Me too.Yesterday i worked with 3 orphants of 3,4 and 5 years old,we went to a shop,bought sweets and on the way to school we met my mother and uncle and they presented to the children more sweets. The xholdren then asked was it holiday or something. A different world from us..

The 300

The 300 When boyhood's fire was in my blood I read of ancient freemen, For Greece and Rome who bravely stood, Three hundred men and three men; And then I prayed I yet might see Our fetters rent in twain, Thomas Davis I studied Ancient history since primary school. I know the story, I know the history. An excellent account of the history is : Persian Fire : So this is the the story Its the story. Its the myth of the Battle of  Thermopylae The film probably is close to Spartan norms in terms of dress. The Spartaides, the 300 are all half naked. People simply don't wear much. Greece is warm, and cloth is expensive. The Athenians are dismissed as Boy lovers and philosophers. There is some confusion, or rather the Ephors are depicted as an oracle. They were the council that governed Sparta day to day. Sparta had two kings. -The other king Damaratus, was actually in the Persian camp Lord of the Rings is a clear in

The A-team Season 4

The A Team  I eat jelly/jello with my lunch. I am almost 30 years old. Apparently this is not the done thing. A man of man years should not be eating jello. If that’s the case. Then he certainly should not be watching the A-teams  The A team, is cheeseburger fries and a strawberry milkshake. It is Tizer, and hoola hoops.  It is glorious. The premise, a crack commando unit, escapes to the los angles underground. Is simply, a modern way of saying Sir Hannibal Smith and his men, Page Baracus, Murdoch the fool. Friar Peck, The A-Team was nothing more then Robin hood, and his Merry men. In southern California, with rolled up sleeves, and lots of chains. The A-team, rob from the rich, and give to the poor. Well Maybe not. But they certainly ride about the land, righting wrongs. Occasionally singing sons. They could have been on horseback, and My brother bought the 4th series on DVD  Recently. I caught the season opener. The plot of the episode, was simple enough. A judge’s daughter

Colonge 2007

Germany I am back from Germany.  I was there for a brief holiday. Traveling with my brother. I am pleased to report that I did not smoke. Germany seems to be the one place left in the world. Where its possible to light up, without raising anyone's hackles.  I remember eating an open salami sandwich in the departure lounge I watched sports-Rugby, Cricket, and  Football.  I enjoyed the local brew. (Kolsch) I ate salami sandwiches. I went up Koln cathedral. Well almost. I will admit to a panic attack, a few flights from the top. I was so close, then I saw the last piece of the puzzle. The spiral staircase. My nerve went. To get up top, one goes up a spiral staircase.  Which travelers ascending and descending must share. I have never prayed so devoutly then on that staircase. Children passed by me laughing, teenagers, oblique to the world, beyond their mp3 players and phones. I was in terror.  In the Ludwig museum- As I left, I saw a video. It was a woman enjoying herself in an art
I dodged a bullet a work today. (Metaphorically of course) Its been raining I woke up this morning at 7am. With the pitter patter of rain, on the roof. I thought of my father working outside. I guess I am getting older. I have purchased a new phone. I am so disapointed I lost my old phone. I spent sunday going arround the shops. In a vain attempt to find a handset with MSN Messenger. I have gotten used to bantering with people over my lunchbreak. I am looking for information, about a Roman sword that turned up in the Americas I need new lenses. They cost more then I want to spend.


Primeval. Not bad, Not bad To be honest, I am easy sell here. I got the Dinosaurs spotters guide for Christmas. Well the series is based on a simple premise. Dinosaurs in 2007. Slipping through a portal in time, and probably space. A team lead by a Paleontologist, Nick Cutter, whose wife disappeared a reptile specialist, Abby Maitland. Cutters students Are set up by the Home office. To investigate the problem. Why are Dinosaurs and other extinct fauna, tearing across the country Well it has some nice touches. A previous episode, has a plesiosaur haunting, a swimming pool. SPOILERS (The team, are brought by Cutters ex wife, to a football stadium. Where a portal is about to open, next to a pride of sabretooths. (I am pretty sure sabretooths were solitary ambush hunters) But lets not be snippy. Anyway, Sabretooths and London in the same sentence. Is not something that the Home office cares to hear. So, Mrs Cutter, is released to the care of the Primeval team. So they can find t