
Showing posts from March, 2008

Miss Misery

My friend the Blogger miss misery. Is a wonderful person. I am taking the moment to remember her here. As she always helps me, when I am down. Well I am happy these days . I want to take a moment to remember my kind and helpful friend. Oh and you should all listen to her podcasts at were mean because your stupid. There funny...

Winter and Construction

Drill Bit Taylor

Two boys, firm friends. Start their first day, at High school. A fat kid, and a skinny beanpole. The more rotund protagonist. Reminds one of Chuck from the Goonies. Or even the Italian Americans from the Sopranos. As they wait for the bus. They realise with horror. That they are wearing the same shirt Drill Bit Taylor, lives a paralell life. A homeless veteran. He showers on the beach. Suprising a rollerblader. He hustles for change. I am going to write not for pot on this dollar. I swear Charlize Theron, makes an apperance. Driving past Wilson The fight scene between the boys, and the bully. Is a bit more violent, then normal. I think, this works. Though it suprised my sister. She had a point. The film is a curious mix. Its a coming of age story, and a screwball comedy. Drill Bit is after all Homeless. The Bully, is prepared to hurt. Not noogies, not pantsing, The bully wants to maim and if enraged enough kill. The kids. Boys years younger then him This may have been the f

Round up

  I have a big hug for my Elskan I do like this picture. It's from Navy pier. To round up, what I have been doing this week I have been watching the earliest episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation.  I see why now Wesley Crusher inspired such venom. The 2nd episode of the series, features young Wesley being warned of the dangers of drink. I saw the last episode of Ashes to Ashes. I have been keeping busy at work. Its been busier in Hades. Then I have ever known. 3008 orders on wednesday. 2700 orders on Thursday. I am being teased by my siblings. I got caught in the rain.

Why I have an Elskan

  5, She introduced me to Dexter, she knows who 7 of 9 , and Starbuck is 4 She looks so young and pretty. Her skin, is like italian marble 3 She is brilliant at what she does. When I hear about how she helps her charges. I am often amazed. As well as humbled. She see things I simply don't 2 She braves the cold, to please me 1 her smile
Congrats Valya
Myself and my brother at Navy field. We were riding the Ferris wheel Then Later at the Field Museum. Where we see Sue the largest T-rex skeleton. In the world. It is not the largest Dinosaur skeleton in the world. Its obvious that my brother in a simple shirt. Is the tough one. I am in a hoodie and a hat. The hat is hidden, by my hooded top

The Windy city...

I made an impression on the hotel staff, having celebrated St Patrick's day so enthusiastically Today I went to LUMA. The Loyola university Museum of art. Where I saw this work.. Silver clouds I had stopped off, in Banana republic and purchased a cardigan, as my sisters insist that is what every fashionable person will be wearing this year. I then went into the chocolate shop and was almost drunk of the fumes Oh and last night a girl took my picture in bar. I have another clone
I went to Navy pier today. I was up on the Ferris wheel. It was freezing. The day is bright and beautiful, but it is deceptive, the wind chill bites. I saw an exhibt about the dangers of drugs, at Navy Pier, forewarned, I headed off, to the Museum. Where I saw, Sue. The largest T Rex skeleton in the world. Then I took a taxi home. I picked up some nice things for my family too, and I posted my cards

The Windy city is mighty pretty

I woke up today, covered with vomit. I had to be helped to my room. I showered, and went back to sleep. As the noon came, I spoke to my beautiful Astin min. I felt better, I went with my brother. to the museum of contemporary art. The item that I remember most was a simple picture of a factory in Baltimore. Oh I was also told off, for walking too close to a piece of art. There was a line, on the floor, closing it off. I have been told of in Art galleries on both sides of the Atlantic. I then had a bacon cheese burger.

The Windy city is mighty pretty

I arrived here last night. After a few beers, in several hostelries, and in the Billy Goat. The bar, where the Chicago Cubs were cursed. I went to bed. I awoke early this morning, after showering in my beautiful bathroom. I went out.   I walked up and down Michigan avenue, with my brother. We were looking for someplace to breakfast No where seemed open, so we settled on Micky Dee's.  I should explain, that a lot of the shops, in Chicago, are inside skyscrapers, to get to the menswear department in Macey's we had to go up several floors. It took 8 floors to get to Macdonalds. Anyway, we visited the lego shop. I am next to a model, T Rex. After 30 years of waiting. Dinosaurs and Lego
Happy St Patricks day, (From the windy city )
Today is the Ides, of March. It is also, if one renders under God. St Patrick's day. Tomorrow I shall be in the fair city of Chicago. I have never been to this part of America before. I am excited. Its not a part of the USA. I know well, and I look to learning a lot, and discovering new places. I shall be blowing kisses towards Akranes, and my Astin Min. As I fly past her beautiful Island I learned a great word this week. Storkostleg

Happy womens day

A very happy womens day. to all the ladies. My Elskan, is dancing. I miss her. :)

UNC-CH news

  Ms. Eve Marie Carson. Student body president at the University of North Carolina at Chapel hill, has been found dead. My thoughts are with her family and friends.

Well done

  Well done Elskan, who is now a yellow belt. Beautiful and deadly....
Good luck Meika Good luck with your exam!


I wish my good friend Tan, is belated, but very happy birthday. It was also Bulgarian independence day yesterday. (3/3/2008/) The anniversary of the treaty of San Stefano My friend Tan, has been working on the Eurovision song contest. You can see he hard work here at eurovisionchat


As Easter approaches, work gets busier. Due to a quirk in the rota. We were short a team. It was not the worst day, I have had had at work. My soccer team won 3-0 yesterday. I wish you all well. Elskan a Yndisleg