
Showing posts from May, 2008
Happy Birthday Miss Misery

Funny Guy

I still have not found my Nero CD. They said I was funny at work. After a co worker, told me he craved Barbeque chicken. Noting he had a bad back. I asked if he was pregnant. I was quite pleased with this bon mot. Of course the funniest I have ever been, was in Germany. Ask Astin min

Best wishes Kate

A happy birthday to my friend Kate, and Good luck with her exams.

Did you steal my pencil

I am looking for my Nero 7 cd. If anyone finds it can they tell me.
Congratulations to Hull City Play off winners, in 2008 Welcome to the Premier League


Russia wins the Eurovision song contest.  Well done Russia ! Dima Dima Dima ( I voted for Iceland) My friend Can now enjoy a well deserved rest. You can see her work at :
Monster defence plans. A Monster attacks B Monster chases Astin min, wearing pink dress from Jane Norman. Astin min calls her Boyfriend C. Boyfriend sends the T10000 codenamed Valya, to fight Monster D Monster vanquished. Hurrah for Astin min and her man kiss This plan was criticised by Astin min. As sending friends to fight monsters, is not the done thing Therefore the plan was revised. A Monster attacks B Monster chases Astin min, wearing pink dress from Jane Norman. Astin min calls her Boyfriend C Boyfriend, tells his Sis, that there is a new friend for her. One who longs to hear about her day. D Monster flees in panic. Astin min and her BF kiss.


A belated postcard, from my good friend Valya. Who visited the fair city of Prague this year. I myself visited the place, in 2004. I bought a orange Puma jacket, and drank Budvar.

Doctor Who news

Doctor Who guru Davies steps down Russell T Davies oversaw the 21st Century relaunch of Doctor Who Russell T Davies is to step down as executive producer of Doctor Who, the BBC has announced. Davies is credited with breathing new life into the show he brought back to television screens in 2005. Bafta-winning writer Steven Moffat will succeed Davies as lead writer and executive producer of the fifth series of Doctor Who (from the BBC) The revived Doctor Who, would have had to outgrow, its guardian. It will be interesting to see the direction Steven Moffat, takes the series into. I wonder what the conseqences, for Torchwood will be


It is with saddness I learn of the untimely death of Lisa Moran. A student from the University of Glasgow, who was studying abroad at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. I myself, was an exchange student at Chapel Hill. Ten years ago My condolences, to her family, her friends

5 000 001

5 000 001 She likes the 44 000 5 000 002 She is cute when she falls alseep 500 003 She looks pretty in Sky blue   ( I hope my friends in Akranes have fun on their bikes)
Not big or clever I got a voucher, at work. I watched the 100 episode of family guy. My sister has a new job. My brother is off to Bulgaria. I watched American dad, season three.

Ups and downs

Today I was awarded with the prize, of a voucher, for my hard work. I did on the other hand break my electric tooth brush. I saw this lady, walking up the street, the other day. I however have my own beautiful Redhead.

Iron man

When I first saw the trailer for Iron man. I was bemused. I thought Robert Downey Junior? Why, how did he get the nod. Robert Downey junior. The Drug addict. The star of Ally Mcbeal. Who was good in the early 1990's but since then.... Turns out I was wrong. This was a well made, well performed film. Downey junior to use a soccer metaphor, holds the ball up well. A lot of the film, is Robert Downey Jnr, working on the suit of  mechanical Armour, whilst chatting to a computerised robotic arm. He keeps our interest. The man has presence. I am familiar with Ironman, from the Avengers series Ironman Comics, have Ironman as more as a flawed, hero. I was not aware of this. Downey's Ironman, is the crown/clown? Prince of a military industrial complex. He dates supermodels, he appears on the front cover of Wired. The world is at his feet. We first see, Stark. (Downey Junior) In Afghanistan, he is drinking whiskey, and flirting with an Airman (Female) The Airmen, are asking for his
A safe trip, to my friend. Tan, who is of to Belgrade. She will be covering the European song contest. Meeting, Dustin the Turkey. Break a leg

Like Drugman

  ``Aga cos you in black glasses, like drugman!     oi!''   (The words of one of my hardest critics)   Perhaps this is the reason, why I seem to inspire a lot of interest from Customs, and Immigration officers. All over the world. Yesterday, I had something of a cold. I am feeling better though. 5/7 was the Birthday of Miss Bennett. The original. As well as my friend Irisha I hope they had great Birthday

Iceland, Island

Iceland Island I think, I saw Ulrika Jonsson, british tv star. She was wearing a cowboy hat. This was while I was waiting for my flight. The flight over there was great. I watched the Simpsons, and whilst glancing over the seats. I saw Katie Holmes, on Batman Begins. Oh my  I had terrible heartburn though, (nerves) After we landed, the customs police in Iceland. Pulled me over they wanted to look into my bag. I was worried as i had beer, they x rayed my case. Which revealed my stash of antacids. My innocence established the Blonde constabulary officer waved me through I met  my Astin Min, at the airport, she kissed me. It got better from there:) She drove me, to my hotel. Then explained to her cranky Malchera, that I would have to wait for the clerk. Iceland.  Is a land of Snow covered mountains and Glaciers. Rekyjarvik reminded me of Sligo, or Killibegs. My Astin min, and I  went out for dinner, and did walk around for a bit. We saw where Regan met Gorby in 86. The nex
I am home again, after venturing 66 degrees North. It is a harsh land. Ice competes against fire. Yet my welcome was so warm, so passionate

Good luck to my Astin Min's father

My Astin Min's father had an operation. I wish him, every success and a speedy recovery. Get well soon

1st of May, 2008

Today I was given a key ring. A happy 1st of May to you all.