
Showing posts from July, 2008

The Dark Knight

I went to see this with my sister. We had gone to see Batman Begins. We went to see this one A few times here, I have complained that my mood, may have cost me the movie. I had arrived at the cinema too early. Well today I was at the cinema, hungover. I was drinking the night before. I am not sure why. The Russians are very worried. I was somewhat overdressed. I have a Banana republic cardigan, and I wanted to wear it. It was about 30 C. I had arrived a half hour early. Anyway the film was spectacular. Heath Ledger, puts in a dazzling performance as the Joker. A mad man. Sometimes, stumbling sometimes mumbling.  Heath does not try to do the OTT, performance that Nicholson did. Heath at one point is captured and sits quietly in a cage. The violence, often happens off scene. There is a cut away, when the Joker maims and mutilates Anyway, its been a year since, the events of Batman Begins. Batman has the criminals in Gotham on the run. There are wannabe's posing as Batman. One

Aliens do exist

I don't mean to sound condescending, but Kerrang radio, is one of the stations, that I always flick past. I associate the brand, with High school indie kids. They were interviewing He holds the honour of being one of the 12 men, to have walked upon the surface of the moon. Like Martha Jones, he has stood in the Earthlight Sky news, can take up the story: ``Top Astronaut: 'Aliens Do Exist' Aliens do exist and have even contacted humans on Earth, according to top astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell who was the sixth man on the Moon. Dr Edgar Mitchell says aliens are just like little men The truth has been hidden by governments for more than 60 years, the Moon walker says. And he claims he is lifting the lid on a conspiracy to keep aliens a secret. Dr Mitchell, who was on Apollo 14 in 1971, has told how he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with Nasa but each one was covered up. The 77-year-old

10 000 BC

I had planned to catch this in the cinema. it may have lost something on the small screen. I was a little dispointed. Perhaps I had set myself up for a fall. perhaps I know too much. I was under one miconsception about this film. Looking at the fauna, I thought it would be set in the ancient Americas. I should have thought of it more as Conan, set in some Hyperborean age. Well its an old story, a young man, is abandoned by his father, who fears that  shaman's dream, will spell doom for his tribe. The son grows up, and wishes to redeem his name, and win the heart of a blue eyed girl. The tribe are a dreadlocked  multi ethnic bunch. I assume they were living in what is now Alaska. Some one made, an effort, to teach the actors an accent. To keep Nu Yawkers, and Valley girls out of the cast is a good idea. Spartacus had occasional outburst of standard american, which can jar. The first set piece is a Mammoth hunt. This is done well, I am not sure about the use of a net, to catch


Two friends, are invited too a party. They have to bring the booze. They hope the kudos from this will win the hearts and other organs  of two lovely ladies. Its the last days before college. Their final summer. Afterward they will go their separate ways. They are still in HS. They rebuke a classmate with the information they remember him pissing his pants. One of the two friends, A third friend, has managed to create a fake id. A Hawaiian state organ donor card. Which was entitled Mclovin. He manages to buy booze, for the party, when a robbery, has him shanghaied by a pair of Cops. An African Jew, an odd crime for jews.. The police try to be very PC, with the pretty shop clerk The people at the older party, are often in soccer shirts, Brazil, and Italy. There is more of a threat, at the older party, then in the normal teen movies. No real hi jinks. Rather  a sense, that the boys could be beaten, and blooded. They might really be hurt. This is not a bunch of kids playing Ice Hocke

Sunday 20th July

I am still having problems, with my DVD recorder. I suspect that the machine is worn out.  I would have thought it would have been the freeze frame that went first My Internet connection seems, patchy. I can't find, the Nero cd, for my computer. They are looking for people to supervise at work again. I will almost certainly apply. It is not something I relish. Supervising people, is annoying. A little story, one of my coworkers, has got outside calls cut off, for our department, by constantly being on the phone. They could have transferred her, they could have sacked her, they could have warned her.  Instead they just cut off the phone   The work becomes more frustrating. I have to chase down individual items, and determine what happened to them. Rather then applying myself, to a set goal. Do these requests, escort this item here.... On the other hand, I have been longer in my job, then the Second World War, I want something to show for it


Wanted has a role, as the repair man. Hurrah he was in Hustle, and Dr's Who Blink. The Russian director, Timur, shows his hand early on. Wesley's boss, is a grotesque. A shrieking red headed monster. Tormenting Wesley with her stapler. The ending also uses rats, as a weapon. The Pied piper. Wesley in a modern day Hamlin. (Chicago) Speaking of Hamlin The film, has a somewhat more European feel. There is a butcher, with an accent. The Carcasses reminded me of A villian is chased to the Czech republic. Where Angelina, steals a Yugo/Lada. Some type of People's  republic's car.  There is a shoot out on a train. A proper train, not a city metro. The fraternity is based at an actual textile factory. There is a cool segue to a monastic palace in Moravia. Where the weavers, found the secret in the threads. Wesley in the earliest scenes, wears a Casio watch. A nice tou


I was awarded Thursday off, as a reward for my hard work. I went to see Wanted on friday, I will post my review of it here. Happy birthday, to my friend Kiki I fear my dvd recorder, has  become broken. The dvd burner on it, seems to have worn out. This is a nusicance.

My dinosaurs

  Aside from Farm. I also keep a collection of toy Dinosaurs. The large T-rex, is from Chicago. It is called Sue. The larger green Triceratops, is from Texas. The Museum, in Corpus Christi The small raptor, I found in the park. I have been told off for this, for picking up things in the park. As well, as stealing some poor child's toy. The rest were from Macdonald's Happy meals. There is yellow stegasaur, a red triceratops, and a Green T rex

My Farm

  These are my farm animals. 10 years ago, a nice lady gave me a toy sheep, as a gag gift. It was Scottish, I went to a Scottish university. So... I picked up the pig, one day going to work. They were handing them out as a promotion. I remember I took home, and showed it to someone, online. I used it to set up a joke . The goat, which is now a cow. Hangs from my ceiling. It hails from Koln. I was hanging out there a lot, in 2006-2008 The little black horse, I got in Iceland
The Chronicles of Narnia. The Lion and the Witch and the Wardobe. I have read the book, and seen two other versions. Of clive staples lewis work. One was a Cartoon version, of the 1970s. Where they wore flares. We had the BBC's 1990's remake on video as well. As I thought about going to see Prince Caspian, I thought, I might as well, pick this up. I was most pleasantly suprised. I am familar with the Narnia series being viewed as a Christian Metaphor. This is of course true. Yet that is not the be and end all of the story. Disney have made a war movie. Thats not as asburd as it seems. Just to drop some history in here. The children, are evacuaees. The UK, evacuated inner city children, and occasionally their parents. Well, their mothers, sometimes. To the countryside, to speare them, the tender mercies of the Luffwaffe. C.S Lewis, took in a few children. Can you imagine this happening now. Lucy seemed much younger, then in the BBC version. Or I guess I am j
Good luck, to Valya Good luck, and best wishes to my friend Valya, don't let the bastards get you down. Stay strong


It starts off pretty good. I have seen Will Smith, in a few movies. I own a few, I Robot, Independence day, I am legend. In this one, he seems different. He does seem, to be rougher, dirtier, grittier here Hancock makes a mild crack about the sexuality of some Korean Bangers. Hancock says Christ. ( This is Columbia, which is part of Sony, Japanese money. The Japanese don't make waves) Our Hero John Hancock, is the resident superhero, of LA. Except, he is something of a drunken bum. He hangs, out in dive bars, he drinks too much. He wrecks, signs, and streets. He doesn't wear a costume though. Hancock, described one caped, and crotched superhero, as a ``Norwiegan fag'' Hancock's misadventures are reported on You Tube. His tryst with the trapped whale, Jason Bateman is referred to as the Bono, of PR. He is trying to get companies to give away, their drugs, food, and power. He wants everything to be given away Pro Bono. There is a decent line, in the Boardroom s

July 2008

  I lost my phone,on my recent trip abroad. I purchased a replacement today. I got the same model as my brother. As I know that it is reliable. I must say the bluetooth function is wonderful. It really does make things easier. I have been playing Star Trek Supremacy on my PC. PS Valya says I look like a ghost

It is with deepest regret

(It is with deepest regret I must inform my friends and readers, that my relationship is over ) I want it on the record here, that I never saw anyone prettier then my redheaded mother of two in the shower. Nor did I feel richer then eating sweet and sour chicken, and drinking applejuice in Akranes

Viking days In Iceland

Image   I was asked if there were Icelandic days in Ireland. Not, but there are several viking festivals.   We have 20 authentic Danish Vikings coming over to recreate what their forefathers once did however this time the Irish will put up a better fight. Race down the river in an authentic Viking ship, 10 people per boat - limited places available! Discover how the Vikings lived with guided tours of the village by local experts. An authentic Viking village will be created with crafts, foods, drinks, weaponry and the general Viking way of life on display. There will be a feast of music from both cultures with traditional Irish music, modern local bands and traditional Danish folk. Annagassan is lucky to have many craftspeople in the area and also quality food producers who will set up their very own village to showcase and sell their products. Apart from the Viking boat races we will

Iceland 2009 snaps

Icelandic lake seen from the Air The road to the Airport The road into the capital from Akranes

Happy Independence Day

  (Flag is from sevenoaks art) Happy Independence day

Round up

  Congratulations to my friend Laura, with her new position at work Congratulations to my friend Kate's sister, There was another case of Library madness at work. One of my co workers, returned from Lunch, to vent his frustrations on the wall. He did return to apologise later,  in tears. Life in the Library, it is a different world ( Allo Charlotte ca va ? ) I am off to Iceland again, from tomorrow. I hope you can all behave yourselves.

Clerks 2

I got round to watching this finally. It had been sitting on my shelf, for about a year. I chose, to watch the intro with Kevin Smith, and Jason Mewes   ``37'' ``Home boy f-cked a Martian once. '' Yes there are many bad words. It iss that part of Jersey, which without the Sopranos, is pure white bread and mayo. The heroes of this tale, are fast food clerks. Randal and Dante, the stars of Clerks. Hellen Keller and Anne Frank are confused, by Randal Ben Affleck makes a brief appearance, as customer.  Only a few lines, there was a slight falling out after Jersey Girl Transformers are a gift from god. Randall is 33, Transformers should have been something he caught the end of . Kevin Weisman (Marshall from Alias) plays a Lord of the Rings fanboy-baited into sickness by Randal Jason Lee, now TV's Earl- (My name is Earl) makes an appearance as a former classmate. This classmate is remembered infamously, as Pickle F-cker. The Pickle F-cker has now made millions vi

Don S. Davis

Don S. Davis  (1942-2008) ``General Hammond'' ``Major Garland Briggs'' Father, Veteran, Artist.