
Showing posts from September, 2010
Tony Curtis  (June 3, 1925 – September 29, 2010) Actor, USN Veteran, Father

Happy Birthday

alles gute zum Geburtstag   Happy birthday Sahara

The writing on the wall

The dipso author is also a fond of cheese. I saw this as I was running errands on my day off. Its written on the wall of an alleyway I had to lurk for a bit, to take the picture. The touch screen on my android is difficult to use sometimes

Virginia Beach Flypast

Virginia beach is seconds away from Norfolk is a centre of the United States Navy. We could see ships, possibly a carrier, out at sea. Curiously my brother and I have made a habit of visiting US Military installations. Corpus Christi and Waikiki ( pearl harbour) The jets would fly low, over the beach. The noise was amazing. I remember the fly past at the UNC-CH game. I was determined to catch them on camera, but they were just two fast. I saw, 4 jets in formation. There were also Helicopters and Military transports On sunday a  P51 flew over the beach, accompanied by jet powered descendent there was an Air show. I miss the blue skies, and the flying machines that crossed them

Virgin Beach video

An even short video from Virginia beach

Virginia Beach Video Diary

Its a little late, As I return to work tomorrow. This is my Virginia beach video diary. I recorded it on the first or second day, I am not sunburnt. It was simply too big., Worked on it since, than. I added credits, and copyright

Punching a Dolphin

Because I can !

Happy Birthday Lilly

Many happy returns to my dear friend

Malchera and Princess


Hugs for Susanne

Who is at a funeral today, my best wishes

Rudee boyz

Visit anywhere now in the USA. They will take your picture as you enter. This can be annoying. See my face in the last posting. I was hot and bothered. I really wanted a moment to collect my thoughts, and not smile for a camera. I never smile unless I am happy. But that aside This is the Rudee flipper. Its a boat trip for the purposes of watching Dolphins in the Virginia beach My brother and I took this trip. Fortified by Bud Lime, which brought General McCrystal down. In strong sunshine. I was reminded of the line about Mad Dogs and Englishmen. Mad dog perhaps. Anyway, the water was rough, and I was grumpy. I kept wanting to say. `` Dolphins are just Gay sharks but I refrained. There was a volunteer lady patiently explaining why you can’t go swimming with Dolphins in Virginia,and showing off a skull of a Dolphin. Full of pretty french girls, actually The Rudee Rocket is a faster trip. We did see Dolphins here, but briefly. Its a roller coaster ride. They start off playin
At JFK, my flight delayed by storm

Today was difficult


My best wishes to Susanne of green

My best wishes to her, and my respects to her family in this difficult time for her, Hugs Malchera

Pics of my brother in Virginia beach

Bad eye and sunburnt Tried roller blading. I kept falling over. They talked me out of it I ate shrimp yesterday They were selling Homepathic remedies at Walgrens

Malchera gone wild


Virginia beach blog

This took 2 hours to process. I am in the housekeepers way! The noise of the brown shoes on CAP, is so loud

Virginia Beach trip 2010

Tired. I stayed up all night last . Thinking I would fall asleep on the plane, and now be fresh. I stayed up. I watched the End of Time. (Dr Who episode)  Than I chatted to Robyn. She happened to be online, at 4.35 am. She was excited to talk I bought SuperFreakeconmics and Frankie Boyle's biography on the plane I slept for two hours. Tops. No Mask and earplugs provided. The flight was understaffed. My brother kept stamping his foot, and biting his hand. Curiously Dexter was one of the TV shows they had on the flight. Oh and no alcohol. At immigration, they hauled us both over the coals. Wanted to see my return ticket. Been waiting for a delayed flight. Won't be able to sleep on the taxi back to Virginia beach, Than my brother will want to go out
Good luck with the new job

Good luck Kata

Best, with the student centred learning conference

How I would spend my time in the 1890’s

A hearty breakfast, Bacon eggs, oysters and champers Actually having French Maids. Granted they would look old at 25. All have rotten teeth, but still Taking Cocaine, Asking women to retire when Politics was being discussed. Indeed, well bred women would just get up and leave. Giving people bad advice. Put all your money in Buggy whips. The Ottoman Empire’s best days are ahead of it!  Motion pictures are a passing fad Recording a sex tape with Lilly Langtree Carrying a cane. Using it to strike members of the lower orders, knock on doors, allied to this would be wearing my hat at rakish angles Bullying Adolf Hitler.

On holiday for a fortnight

Thank goodness

Complaints list

Last episode of Big brother today. Thank God, it will never tie up, the schedules of terrestrial TV again I can see boobs on the internet. Thank you I watched Mock the Week. It shivers in the shadow of Frankie Boyle I am exhausted . Today was so busy at work. I wish I had tomorrow off, my internet is  fading in and out

Advice for Misses Stackhouse, Summers and Swan

``Modern Vampirism its dangers ,and How to avoid them!’’
Song for the day One of the TV channels has Highlander on a loop. A great song, for the first three minutes. Anyway, today I dedicate this to my friend Katharina.  Who is struggling to create a place, for her heart in a indifferent world. I remember impossible dreams. Visions of a future, that could never be. Comfort and love shared despite such difference and distance. Its not what was was that haunts us, its what might have been
Music for today. ``This is Galifrey'' Its an instrumental piece from the BBC series, Doctor who.  I was watching it being performed by a full orchestra in front of an audience of families at the proms. Lovely to see children reacting to the music. After the monsters and the divine miss Amelia. I went and picked up the song on Amazon Highlight of the show. Was Matt Smith  as the doctor doing some audience participation with a young Dr Who fan. Who could actually see, the physic wire. Concentrating on the task he was given with deadly seriousness Music giving voice to wonder
I got home early today..But I got up early and feel tired I booked my brothers hotel room, but he is returning from the USA before we arrive. I have to get my glasses fixed...but I won't wear them for a week
Sunday afternoons. Listening to my sisters talk about redesigning their flat. My father gives his expert opinion.
Best wishes to my Valya and her family

Friday flashes

Friday flashes.  I am still going to kick my brother when I meet him in America. I am watching the mirror universe episode of Enterprise. I have been eating corned beef sandwiches. I swapped my day off, Friday to Wednesday. I hope Charlotte enjoyed her birthday. I won't be able to book an extra day in NYC. Its so cold at night! I got my 25 euros today. I am sorry about my friend Michelle's grandma. I must no longer post jokes about midgets. We got 15 incorrect orders between today and yesterday. My dvd recorder no longer works. I hope my friend Nessa, had a good day at the casino.

My first NSFW blogpost

After yesterdays violence. How about some sex? They used to show show this at dinnertime. When I was a lad. It was a clip show featuring the work of silent movie star Harold Lloyd. Harold Lloyd is now recognised as the third genius of that era alongside Keaton and Chaplin Well apparently Old Harold, also had another career Taking nude photographs of starlets Sorry about the nipples. This is  indeed the first NSFW blog post. If you are looking for this sort of thing, I won’t be making a habit of it They came with a 3/d glasses and they were indeed three dimensional representations of several stars I didn’t look too closely. I actually had a lot of work to do.  Its odd, looking at porn, at work. Strange that I am entitled to do this legally, in hard copy, but not digitally. Anyway anyone interested in learning more can at :

I will punch him in two weeks
