
Showing posts from February, 2011

Celtic Tiger

I am going to break cover, and be openly political on this site. I normally would not do this.  However for most of you what I am talking about will be obscure As you may know there has been a  general election in Ireland. If the exit polls are correct. Than Fianna fail have gone down to there worst defeat, in history. This is a shocking reverse for the most successful political party in the modern world. As the Social Democrats were to Sweden, as the Tories, were to England. ( Not the UK) as the Democrats were to the USA. Then FF were to Ireland. The Ireland, of the 20th century is there story. So what happened. Well the IMF came a calling. However I think, this is only half the story. The basis of FF, is that they are the defeated alliance of the Irregular, the Anti treaty side in the civil war. An obscure conflict in global terms, and quite bloodless It’s effects were keenly felt.  FF were/are the party of what the Irish state refers to as BMW. Border Midlands and West. The sm

Cheetah robot It looks like Ravage from Transformers

Hugs for Nessa

Stay strong, we love our nessa

William Nicholas Stone Courtney

William Nicholas Stone Courtney (16 December 1929 – 22 February 2011) Actor, National serviceman, honorary president of the Dr Who Fan club ``FIVE ROUNDS RAPID!''


I added a FAQ page I hope that answers any questions, you may have. If not please comment! Thank you for reading my posts

A glove

I used to have a UNC deer stalker it was the coolest hat that ever was. I could keep a soft packet of smokes in the pocket. Robyn got these mittens from San Diego because they match the hat. The hat is gone, stolen by Scots. However the mittens remain, like the pair of baby shoes, in ``Alive’’ or the Tennis shoe in Lost, or the Gauntlet in Torchwood

Parabens pelo seu aniversario

Happy Birthday karoline
Happy Birthday Bro My younger brothers birthday today


As I have said before, where other people mark their life with music. I do the same with TV shows. NYPD blue, Star trek DS9, and Eurotrash, all represent  periods of my life Lost is the  first show, of my  adulthood. I was working, I had a gf, In part I watched the show because I had  been to Hawaii. I had taken a small loan out to pay for that trip The program is filmed on the Island of Hawaii, I have been there, though the series is set on the big Island. Bamboo fields, palm beaches, hills and jungle, and rain. Its the first show for me, where the landscape played a part. Its painfully post modern. The baddies are referred to as the others. There are no opening titles, or theme tune. I have been a fan of JJ Abrams work. From Alias onwards, I still have to re watch the new Star Trek movie on blue ray. Lost, shares his love of shifting alliances. ( Jack and Sawyer and Locke playing each other off against the other.  Father and Daughter relationships, Kate and her stepdad, could hav

Well it was only a matter of time

I don’t think we are surprised. Malchera is a bit of a loner, can’t remember the last time, he went out with a woman So no one is suprised he is making bombs.

``you too are adored and revered! You can honestly say you are loved by twins!!!''

``you too are adored and revered! You can honestly say you are loved by twins!!!''

With the beautiful Bennetts

With Rebecca, of Princesses Sister and her beautiful Baby I am holding, the handsome Dagan. 18 days old. Nephew of our beloved friend Princess Dagan and his Aunt, Malchera and Princess

I always liked Donald Duck

I have been spending an inordinate amount of time. Reading That’s Mr Duck. Not Mr Draper, nor the guy from the Western Isles, I met in University. His Girlfriend told me off, once. Not January Jones. I mean Donald from the Western Isles Anyway, I always liked Donald. 1) No one understands him. 2) He actually has a proper job, he is a sailor. He likes to travel. He has to wear a uniform. Probably not many hot chicks at works. So rather like me 3) he has annoying and imposing relatives 4) A lot of his troubles come from, him trying to get a quiet drink, at a bar. Or walking along the street. The world imposes on him 5) You can kinda recall a girl hanging out with him, but not her name. Again…
I will have more to say tomorrow. Or have an interesting picture to post. I went to a football match today, My team drew 1-1. I watched Ireland versus France  I enjoyed Broadwalk Empire. I think I will pick up the DVDs.
I miss my phone. Its been gone a month now. I miss my Kindle app, I miss reading Darwin, or Swift on the train I miss being in the pub, on a Saturday night. I miss trying new bitters, and listening to covers. I miss the bossy girl I miss My Valya, but she comes home soon I miss finishing work at 6.45. I miss being finished for the day by 9pm I miss temps of more than 15 degrees.

Hinton James day

Happy Hinton James day To my all my fellow Alumni. GO TAR HEELS!
I am off to Dusseldorf in March  From the  14-20th semper in excretia sumus solim profundum variat
No thats John Oliver, I am Malchera

Best wishes Susanne

I am very sorry for your families loss, and my condolences to you and yours at this time

The King's Speech

The Kings Speech Its a British feel good movie. If this was American film, it would be Bertie, overcoming adversity to get the Girl and win the white House. Being British, Bertie already has the Girl, and a big house. Bertie was born into it. Its also official history, and a little bit of a travel advert. Still good fun The film is about George VI stammer, and his efforts to overcome it. The affliction which had troubled Edward became more important, with the abdication Crisis,as Edward became King.  The two leads are professionals, and relish their roles. Rush has a lot of fun, playing the Australian rebel, who helps Bertie find his voice. Its a bromance, a reverse pretty woman. In which the pleb teaches the patrician how to behave. Some of the best scenes are Lionel. (Rush) Ham acting. Firth role is the frustrated and reserved younger brother.   Jennifer Elhe is now middle aged. Oh I remember the Camomile's lawn. Helena Bonham Carter plays Elizabeth the consort of

Black Swan

 Black Swan I never realised just how dark the story of Swan lake is. I don't really know much about Ballet. I have never seen a ballet. My friend Sol, studied ballet. From seeing her pictures, I learned how physically demanding it is, I say I learned. I saw from the agony on my friends face. There are scenes in the film, when Natalie is drenched with sweat. But to return to my point. The ballet Swan lake, is the story of two Swans. Who try to win the heart of a prince. The Black Swan seduces the Prince, and the White Swan kills herself, death being her only release A fairy tale, and like the best fairy tales a dark truth hides beneath the family fable Black swan is  a woman's world. A world of s bitchiness, and neurosis. The antagonist, is a hot house flower. Nina, who has gained a position at the New York Ballet. She is striving to step out of the chorus line, and into the lime light. She strives to surpass her mother, She sits alone when the rest of the girls huddle to


So I woke up, at my hosts home. In snowy Montreal, and I made my way to the station. At some point I bought some shooters. Shot glasses. The majority of which were destroyed by falling books, in 1999. I lived on poutine. Which is fries/chips in gravy with shavings of cheese. I was introduced to this by my friend Canadian steve. I compared this Quebocois dish to steak and kidney pie. I had been wandering up and down the Rue De St Catherine. I had passed a few sex shops/Strip joints. The sort of thing, you would see in Soho. I remember some Graffiti proclaiming the Only good cop is a dead cop. I walked about the shopping malls. Seeing a copy of Chelsea FC's official magazine, and learning of the death of Dermot Morgan in a copy of the Irish world. I should  had  mentioned earlier changed my plans, in traveling to Montreal. I had expected to be able to fund a trip home, with a diversion to  montreal, via my return ticket and some change. Something went wrong at some point. It t


Oh Canada! My father was annoying me, last Sunday. He told me amongst other things that my holiday pictures are boring I struck me, that on my face book page. There are no pictures of me, in one country I have actually been Indeed there is very little to recollect that I was there. There is but a solitary shot glass. To tell of my time in the ``Great White North ``The Senior dominion.’’ Canada As I may forget I have intended this story, as a warts and all account. Of my time in Canada. I was much younger, and immature There are pictures I took of Canada somewhere. There of Montreal. None of me, just the river, and a few buildings. I was shy as a teen. To shy to appear in my own photographs. Or not able to realise the importance of connecting myself to a place I am nothing else if not an unreliable narrator. So here is my story of my time above the 40th parallel I had for various reasons managed to acquire a single room, in UNC. There was a threat that we would have to share the

Digitellmarketing A North Carolina based business. I am pleased to pass on, to my readers

A sobering thought

My brother saw someone who looked just like me, yesterday. He assumed It was me on the way to a football match. It was at least a mile away and underground Apparently this is a sign of my impending demise
Pinch Punch! The first of the month Happy St Brigid's day