
Showing posts from April, 2011
Best wishes to my friend Valya, on her trip to the Russian Far East Best wishes to my friend Joanna and her mother Best wishes to Granniog on her house hunting Glad to see my friends in NC, are okay, and the winds passed Best wishes to my friend Susanne, and her family, who will be celebrating over the long weekend. Belated Best wishes to Souldragon, and Danielle on the ending of Passover Best of luck, to  Queen zenobia and her family
Best Wishes on the loss of her beloved friend


Last night I had an awful dream. I guess brought on by the anxiety, and alcoholic ginger beer. It started innocently enough. I was sitting down, not doing the work I was supposed to do. Instead I had been drawing, or something. Than I moved into the kitchen, where people came and went.  One of the people who came, in was Russell Brand. Yes, the Wife of Ms. Katy Perry, and the tormentor of Andrew Sachs.  Well Brand played a trick on me, and put custard in my tea. Though it came out looking more like, vegetables in chicken soup. Someone said to me, that you can't let Russell get away with that. So I than lost it, I started to attack Russell. I hit him with a hot pan. Someone commented on this. Daniel McEvoy from my High school, and I broke his glasses. Than some girls, entered the scene. I had decided to be a monk. So, I paid them no mind. The whole encounter above, may have been in a monastery. Which I think explains, why Russell was there. Also it was a communal kitchen. We
Today the ``Rs'' the soccer team I follow. Are playing Hull City A.F.C Oh how cute. There mascot is called Roary the tiger. Anyway, why am I mentioning this now. It is because my Good friend in Glasgow University. Barry Jones was a fan. We were both outsiders, he came from Hull, I was from further afield. However we were both big soccer fans. So, across the divide of sport, I salute an old friend

Easter 2011

Честит Великден   Paşte Fericit Veselé prežitie Veľkonočných sviatkov ¡Felices Pascuas! З Великодніми святами   Gleðilega páska Dhaoibh, Beannachtaí na Cásca Frohe Ostern воистину воскресе  
Cath Chluain Tarbh

Random maths

r5tr5t69+69-59-9-59-59-5+ 65.0533333333333333333333 35 312+312+6563 I was stepping on my spare keyboard, and this set of numbers occured

An old enemy

This is the green visa waiver form. I used to have to fill out when traveling to the USA I used to have to fill in a copy for myself, and my brother. nerves and jetlag meant I never got it right first time and I had to take two or three attempts. At JFK, we were sent to the back of the line at least once. Now, this is done electronically, from the comfort of my own home Look at the questions on the second part of the form….  
Elisabeth Sladen ``Sarah Jane Smith'' (1 February 1948 – 19 April 2011) Actress, Stage Manager, Mother Farewell

Postcards from Nevada

These are a few years old. They were from an old love. Who is now happily married, and a mother. I have retired them from my space at work. They brought me smiles, and light all these years

Short Circut

Short circuit. This was one of the films, my family had VHS. Remember VHS? Anyway it is being repeated on one of the TV channels has I type Newton Crosby : OK. Listen closely. There's a priest, a minister, and a rabbi. They're out playing golf. They're deciding how much to give to charity. The priest says "We'll draw a circle on the ground, throw the money in the air, and whatever lands inside the circle, we'll give to charity." The minister says "No, we'll draw a circle on the ground, throw the money in the air, and whatever lands outside of the circle, that's what we'll give to charity." The rabbi says "No no no. We'll throw the money way up in the air, and whatever God wants, he keeps!" Number 5 : Hmmmm. Oh, I get it! Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! Nyuk, nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk! Stephanie Speck : What's going on? Is he laughing? Newton Crosby : Yeah! Yea
Found on the street today From Brasil a coin, so far away from home I wonder will it bring me luck

Source code

Source code This was recommended by a co worker. It is well made thriller. I am glad I went to the cinema today The premise is one, that anyone who has been following popular culture in the last generation should be aware of. The hero is sent back in time, to relive the last 8 minutes of an event. A train bombing, and to gain information about the act, and its perpetrator . The protagonist is reporting to a US Airforce captain and a mysterious man with a cane. See Cause and Effect in Star Trek the Next Generation The Hero like Sam Beckett in Quantum leap, is sent back into another body.  A US army helicopter pilot is sent back into the body of a teacher. Who commutes into Chicago by rail. The Army pilot, however has only 8 minutes before he is returned to his own time. Or own universe. The film muses that what . He attempts to save the girl, and is killed by an express train. There is nothing the hero can do, but observe. The female lead's phone plays. ``I am the one and

Yuri Gagarin

12 April, 1961 First Man to orbit the Earth ``So blue''
Round up 11-4-2011 Again my best wishes to my friend Sveta I hope our beloved sister Lexie's mother is better Drive Safe Susanne! I have finished the long week, at work. The time after my long weekend has passed. From now on, my working week is in bite sized chunks. I hope I shall be less tired. Bossy girl, is working again in my watering hole. The sun is shining.
As you may know I was  having troubles with my phone company. I am supposed to be reading the Origin of species. So its stuck on the kindle app, on my phone. I want to finish to the book, on my Kindle. Not since High school, have I had to work, at reading something. I have had to make time to read Anyway, I came across mentions of Ayn Rand, in my observations of discussions of American politics. In one such discussion  is a film of Atlas Shrugged in development. Cooper in Mad Men, gives Don Draper a copy of Atlas shrugged in the series. As my friend Valentina was reading Ayn Rands work, I decided to give the works of Ms Rand a try Its different. I will give Ayn Rand that. I can understand why the book does influence people. There is a lot of truth in this book, and there often uncomfortable truths. We don't like to admit. Such as the social worker, who is upset when a charge of hers, gets a better job than the one she had planned to give her, Through the trials (literally) of R
Congratulations Sveta Many happy returns on your engagement
Relepant kissing a Dinosaur

The last day

The Last day. A friend asked me, what I would do, on the last day. If I knew it would all end tomorrow. I would hope for the courage, to face the day, well. I would I would wake up, ride my bike, and watch Vincent and the Doctor. I would than have a steak, and egg Breakfast, and a cigarette I would than buy a Clan jersey, for my friend. The one she saw on ebay I would buy a copy of the magic of the horse for the good witch of the South Tease Lexie, and buy her sweets Send postcards. Postcards from the edge? to my fans Buy Nessa some whiskey. Buy Robyn that jersey Tell my Valya, that she is the best! Instruct her, to look after my brother. Take care of my fan club, and let not Lexie go unteased Buy a relephant, for someone Send chocolates, to the nice people in the shop in Virginia beach Send an e-mail to the Carolina Panthers, thanking there fans for there kindness May charitable donations to the Universities I attended Send flowers to Bossy girl Tip the staff of the
Ég hélt að síðasta heimsókn var frá einhverjum öðrum Hversu heimskulegt Svo grimmur stolt Ég er til einskis

The Tudors Showtime

The Tudors The story of Henry VII and his wives. I always thought Henry VII. The Welsh outsider backed by the French was the more interesting character. Jonathon Rhys myers, plays the Tudor monarch. The first ruler of England, to make it a crime to say something. A man who changed the world. He broke with Rome, and the rest is History. This is not the first time Johnnie boy has played a world changing figure in Michael Collins, he plays the fool with the rifle who changed Irish history. JRM's has some of the demonic energy of Henry. He gives a sense of danger  My only problem, is that JRM is not quite smart enough. Henry had been trained to be a cardinal, and did have an interest in learning. I never quite believed that from JRM. There is also the accent. In Match Point. JRM, lets his accent slip. Or Allen does not correct a slip, made by JRM. Well there is that laager accent throughout the series. Sometimes its distracting. I wonder if they kept any Irish historical charact

Why doesn’t this look catch on?
