
Showing posts from September, 2012

Malchera at the match


The Angels Take Manhattan, Doctor Who

Amy's lines of dialogue are in Red, Rory's are in orange, The Doctor is in blue , and River Song is in purple. All other speech is in Italics. I refer to the Doctor, as 11. Amy and Rory are the Ponds, and the Pond Williams, More Doctor Who reviews can be found here Well the weeping Angels are back, but this time they are in Manhattan. Remember the Daleks in Manhattan? That was not one of the better episodes. Lets hope Moffat does better in NYC than RDS (Malchera's note. My PC crashed as I was watching the show. The first part of my notes were lost and so what remains, is what I transcribed after I reset my PC. What is recorded is  the last 15 minutes) ************* New York city of a million stories half of them are true the other half just haven't happened yet. A voice narrates over the keys of an old typewriter ( We see the NYC  Skyline the empire state building, which is presumably now Dal

Andy Williams

December 3, 1927 – September 25, 2012 Husband, Father, Singer, Entrepreneur 

Doctor Who, The Power of Three

The Doctor will be referred to as 11, Amy is in red . Rory is in orange   The Doctor is in blue, other speech is in italics *********** We see the Earth, against the stars and the galaxies, and we hear the voice of Amelia Pond Life with the Doctor was like this. We are treated to a flash of various Doctor Who episodes, featuring the Ponds - The Eleventh Hour A  Good Man goes to War..The Victory of the Daleks .. the Hungry Earth..   An opticians leaves a message on their answerphone, while Rory and Amy go through their fridge. The Dairy products have gone sour We’ve run out of washing tablets . Says Mr. Williams, and casts a box away We return to find Rory and Amy sitting in the garden.. W e have two lives real life and Doctor life, except real life doesn’t get much of a look in What do we do? Choose.. We hear the whir of the TARDIS Not today though! Exclaims Amy to her husband, who answers in the negative affirmative nahh  not today! Ever