
Showing posts from October, 2012

Happy Halloween

Buenas Halloween

David Shannon

I am saddened to hear of the passing of David Shannon. A fellow alumni of the University of North Carolina at Chapel hill. It has been a hard year for the University. I send my best wishes and thoughts to his family, friends and Fraternity brothers.

Arms like a T-Rex From the Economist `` A FULLY grown  Tyrannosaurus rex  would have been a magnificent sight 66m years ago on the landscape of what was then not yet North America. Huge, powerful and armed with teeth like daggers, everything about it was awesome. Except its arms, which resembled nothing so much as the twigs that sometimes fulfil that role on a child’s snowman. '' Mean people suggest that I love Dinosaurs, because I have small arms too!!!


An Away goal will be useful though!

The History Ireland Linen Hall Library Lectures

H/t Slugger o' Toole. A series of lectures on Irish History.

Why the Tyrannosaurus Rex Is So Damn Angry

Revealed: Why the Tyrannosaurus Rex Is So Damn Angry From one of my favourite websites the poke.

Good luck

The best of luck, to my big sister who went for an Interview today Bon Voyage, to my other sisters who are traveling in the Far East

Sign of the times


Caprica redux

Being a long time, Battlestar Galatica fan. I have finally got round to watching Caprica The pilot was very good. However what drew my attention was the scene in the V club. A virtual reality night club. The club is underground, and anything goes. There was a scene where a girl, was supposed to lose her maidenhood. ( Sorry for the flowery language I just don't want to much spam or weirdness) to an avatar of an underworld God. I wondered how mainstream this was on present day Caprica. Caprica drew on one good idea. That the change over from polytheism, to monotheism, was a revolution. Like most revolutions violent. I don't think the writers really appreciated the difference between the two modes of thought. They had the government agent mention how one God, sitting in judgement over the rest of the universe is a dangerous idea. . Okay so lets start with Lucy Rand. Lets make her from Gemmnon . Imagine Geminon has recently gone, monothe

Thank you, Gracias, Merci, danke

A big and heartfelt thank you, to everyone, who has sent me, mail at work. It mean't a lot to me. A little ray of sunshine on otherwise terrible days. Thank you. As I handed in my notice today. Please don't send any more.

Congratulations to Tanya

Posdrawlenia! I wish my friend Tanya, Bulgarian poetess. Every Happiness, on her wedding day Best wishes, to her and her new family 

Feliz Cumpleaños"

My fiancée's mother has her birthday today. Many happy returns to her, and her family

Taken 2

Taken 2 I’ve not actually seen taken 2, its been a film, I have avoided seeing probably for snobbish reasons. There were bad reviews of it when it was released in the cinema. It has become a popular success. Well, put simply the relatives of the bad guys in Taken, chases Liam Neeson and his family, through Istanbul How old, is Maggie from lost? She is playing the daughter of Liam Neeson here. The original Taken was 4 years ago. The film ends, with the family all eating ice cream, in a diner? She is still supposed to be in university. 25? Which makes Maggie oldish in college? We get some nice shots of Istanbul, which is good. Always nice to see a new city on film, I am quite used to seeing the same few streets of Chicago. At least we got something new. I don’t wish to comment on contemporary politics here, but I somehow doubt, two grenades and several shootings about Istanbul would go unnoticed. By the Turkish authorities, buying the odd detective or hotel clerk, does not white was