
Showing posts from September, 2013

The Triumph of the Demagogue.

The Triumph of the Demagogue The President called for quiet. His voice sharp with anger.  The telegram boy looked about the room, the lad was visibly shaking. A Navy Yeoman knocked on the door, and saluted and handed the President another telegram. In an ash tray cigarettes burned away  As the president the fumed in the antechamber an ambassador was praying quietly.   He was not supposed to do so in public.   That upset people. It was old fashioned. The regime he served  was sensitive  An aide approached the ambassador and demanded he follow This was it then- the horse had left its stall. The   farm, the country had been gambled. It was more than a case of losing their shirts. If something went wrong they would hang. The man he served had escaped a firing squad at least twice. This time there would be no intercession, no truce, no amnesty, no mercy The Americans made him wait He could   hear their President curse.   He saw Marine and Navy officers enter the o

Up the Banner


Adventure time thoughts

From the ridiculous to the sublime Today we remember Stanislav Petrov, officer in the armed forces of the USSR Petrov, did his  duty and may have averted a third world war ********* Getting back to Adventure time, Simon Petrov the Ice King, in adventure time. Is from east of the Vistula, and he too saves the world from the final horror of the mushroom war

Abolishing the senate

From sluggerotoole Also I would point  to the sports  pages of the Sun (Aga two Roo Blue, push up table man city)

Une question

Qui lit mon blog dans Paris?

My wife and I are expecting our first child together

My  wife and I are expecting our first baby, due in Feb The omens say a girl. I am not 100 percent convinced. I will settle for a healthy child

Song for the day (1990s nostalgia)

Ugly Kid Joe, I hate everything about you. I played this for my ESL class. I remember first hearing the song, on a school trip for DofE. I was on my way to  Wexford, I had to listen to this song. Its not a great song. I didn't like it at the time. Felt like most early 1990s stuff it was depressing. Its also sexless. Which is something I remember about the era. Compare L7 to the Bangles or Beyonce, and you will see what I mean I remember I got told off for talking a bit to candidly about my teachers on that trip. Of late I have been on a 1990s nostalgia kick. I have been listening to Baker  and Kelly. I remember listening to them on saturdays At my friends Barry Jones, and Ross Johnstones house, in Glasgow. Barry Jones was a Hull city fan. Once I  left Barry alone to watch football focus I still feel bad about that. Its been freshers week, in Glasgow Uni. I remember those heady days. A pound a pint, and scoobie snacks on Queen Margret drive. A safeway savers card and a crew

Happy talk like a pirate day


Round up Friday the 13th of September

Good luck, and bon voyage to my friend Mr Vince Harrison, who is retiring from Hades I worked with him for many years. A true public servant, I learned a lot from him Good luck to QPR versus Birmingham city My best wishes to any Glasgow University students beginning their Freshers Week. Have fun, stay safe, and remember if you do not enjoy freshers week, you have thousands of new people to meet, and years to go. It gets better. I remember watching Mark la Marr doing a comedy routine. Wearing to many clothes in the clubs, so sweating all night.  Making a fool of my self with a vending machine, and running out of money Best wishes and congratulations to Mary Joe and Charlie who are getting married Good luck to Chamito who is learning the poem..Los Heraldos Negras I hope BT makes Baker and Kelly VPSO available on line


Last night I was in a shopping mall, in Peru. I wanted to go somewhere there. Possibly a cafe. As I walked through the empty mall. I was walking up a stair case, as I ascended I noticed a rat. The rat was huge, as big as a chair. It was horribly fat, and its expressionless eyes red. I was scared of it. I tried to flee. I could feel it pursuing me. I ended up outside on the grass. Perhaps I had jumped.  The grass was full of scorpions, and other such invertebrate horrors and they  were going to get me. I used to be so scared of insects as a boy

My life as a warrior princess

From the New York Times (SF empowered, Fashion assualted My Life as a Warrior Princess By  JENNIFER SKY Published: September 9, 2013  2 Comments FACEBOOK TWITTER GOOGLE+ SAVE E-MAIL SHARE PRINT REPRINTS EVERY time Fashion Week returns to the city, the subways crowded with long-legged adolescents with stylish shoes and wary eyes, I can’t help but think about myself at age 14. That’s how old I was when I started working in the fashion industry. Enlarge This Image Amanda Lanzone Connect With Us on Twitter For Op-Ed, follow @nytopinion  and to hear from the editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @andyrNYT . Readers’ Comments Share your thoughts. Post a Comment » Read All Comments (2) » I had wanted to go new places, to try bold new things. But I soon learned that this was a world where young women’s rights were worth less than the clothing they wore. In Italy, I was hired for a bathing suit shoot. The photogra

Dinosaurs locked in combat From the Daily Mail

Guth magazine Kickstarter project by my cousin. Prominent Irish journalist

Happy Birthday Chamito

My stepson is 8