
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Inbetweeners

I spotted the movie on Netflix. Alas residing in Peru, I cannot re-watch the series which I really enjoyed. The series depicted life in the middle of the Teenage food chain pretty well. In fact the series strength, is this. The 4 protagonists are simply too young to enjoy their lives. Simon is too inexperienced with women, to stop allowing Carli, to lead him around by his manhood. Will has the confidence and intelligence -a product of his public school education but simply cannot finesse things . Jay lacks confidence fall stop and resorts to lying. He scored with an entire Netball team Finally the fourth man-Neil is the most confident of the quartet. Noticeably the tallest and broadest Neil is in an actual relationship, an actual physical relationship. Gilbert, the deputy headmaster returns and gives a wonderful valedictorian message to his charges-Piss off. Oh  and in a bit of cute casting Tony Head plays Will's father. Will's father whom we never saw in the series. (Papp

I am worried about my daughter

She is now 18 months years old She does not really talk. She babbles a lot, and grunts She walks about all day She does not point. She does not clap. She does not react to people


Means Star in Welsh.  I am very lucky

Mad Max, fury road.

I wanted to like this film. Its okay, I should have liked it more though I really like Charlize Theron. Its nice to see her here. She does a good job. The problem is  that it is supposed to be a Mad Max film. She pushes Max out of the spotlight. My other quarrel with this movie is that in the Road warrior and Beyond Thunderdome, Miller used Children as  viewpoint characters. Giving us a sense of the world changing. Max being the last survivor of the broken world. As the ``new normal'' takes over. Ie the Children in the Oasis, who do not understand what a rifle is, or the kids playing with the record player half remembering and half associating it with the emergency radio. There are flashes of that here. The girl praying and mixing Christian and New age Buddist gestures.  It also felt implausible. Barter town, needed no explanation. We see people trading. Here someone is harvesting mothers milk? Why-using people as living blood banks. I understand. I  half recognized Nicolas

Round up 18th of August 2015

I have been trying to play Victoria 2-A house divided, It is beyond me My daughter is sick. Whether it is just the sniffles or something more serious, it is difficult. She has been off her food today I had an interview at my wife's school. It was quite difficult. The class was very large, you really notice when your walking about the class. Checking up on the students. I was then waiting several days for a reply, there has been no answer as off yet. I had to give up two classes as well. I  have a lot of unwanted free time. QPR are losing, again Its the midst of winter here in South America, but Christmas is a long way away


If you do not remember the 1990s, or you are seeing this in passing. The casting of Michael Keaton who played Batman, is great touch. Keaton is great actor. The silver screen has missed his presence. The Oscar nomination was well deserved. The scenes in which, Keaton barely contains his contempt for a poor actor, and then has his performance picked apart by Edward Norton-Norton playing a asshole of a lead actor. We explore similar territory to Black Swan , a film which I enjoyed very much also. We see a descent into madness. Riggan cannot escape his past. Riggn's  performance as Birdman follows him everywhere. Its the picture on his wall the crew present him with. A picture which cannot be taken down, it interrupts his drinks with Norton as somone asks him to pose It is nice to see Lindsey Duncan getting Hollywood work. (Waters of Mars,),  There are some wry observations on the Theatre. Do not piss off the crew. We see people changing back stage mirroring this are observatio

The Office UK

I have been re watching this:  Dawn and Tim, are much less sympathetic. Tim, spends his time tormenting Gareth, but he is never really called on it. Yes Gareth is a moron. Yes David Brent is a moron. Well that is life. See the little clip of Gareth and David, humming the Muppet's phenomenon . Its a brief little intrusion grow  up. That is actually my problem with  Tim. We keep being told he lacks confidence? Why exactly-Tim is somewhat successful in his job. Yes he dropped out of university. Okay fine, and for five years he was working and earing in his job. For five years he was seeing graduates come and go. Probably people with psychology degrees, and they did what? The same job as he would do. Tim has a reasonably good, white collar job. Finally they offer him Davids job, and he does what? Gives it to Gareth. Basically he plays wrecker with every other person in the office. Oh Tim, makes a crack about the warehouse workers being working class. Which sits odd with Gervais