
Showing posts from January, 2023

Happy Birthday to the boys

The A-Team is 40 years old this week AirWolf is 39 Years old this week- A spin off from Magnum P.I And a happy birthday  to the Thundercats born today in 1985

The King's Man

 Spoilers Well it was jolly good fun- I have not seen the first two Kingsman films. So I knew nothing of this when I put this on. So when the young lead dies. I was shocked.  A boy's own steampunk adventure. Really I would have liked this to be a series. The same citicism I have of Knives out. I think they could have easily made a 10 episode 30 minute series Which you know is good feeling to end a film  I am getting older- I thought Gemma Atherton was played by Sadie Frost I do like the fact that the King'sman series keeps the langague of the time  I liked the nod to Dupont- as a villian I think they should have put the boot into  President Wilson more We see through the younger characther the horror of killing- A german conscript begging for his life-stabbed to death in a dirty ditch in No Man's land.  Poor Raputin he is always going to be seen by Anglophone propaganda as a sex maniac, as the devil whispering in the Tsars ear. Now they make him gay- Also I don't think

Trainspotting 2

  I have put off seeing this. My brother has been asking to watch it with me Yes it is fine. It is a love letter to Edinburgh- It looks beautiful. The Castle, the Old Town, the Hills We also see the generally unmentioned sauna scene  Yes we have seen this before.  Now I am removed by time and distance from the 1990s. There is a reason why I never watched the whole of Trainspotting- I only saw bits and pieces of it. Thing is, these people- Renton, Sickboy, Begbie are not likeable. Yes I get that is the point. They are junkies and petty criminals. There was something about seeing them eulogised by the sons and Daughters of Leith Drs and Accountants  I note that Diane is now a lawyer- She was protected by class, and money but still able to slum it I should have emphasied with Renton, having myself been cast adrift on to middle age. His marriage is over- he is about to be made unemployed . But why should I everyone here, is out to screw someone else over for money? 

Benedict 15th

 Pope, Tango Drinker, Bavarian