
Showing posts from October, 2007
Shona samhain I guess the good witch of the south is not coming Happy Halloween
My best wishes, and deepest condolences to my friend, the Blogger Sahara. Who has lost her good friend, and faithful companion after nearly 14 years
Mil'ka It was my friend E-S-H-A's Birthday on the 25th of October. I drew this picture of her famous cat. Who is helping to tidy up, after a successful soiree. My friend E-S-H-A is hiding from wicked overseers, these days, and we do not talk as much. However she is a good friend and I miss her.
Update I have got links to my friends sites. (Miss Misery, 23 Plus and Sol) I am glad, my friend Miss Misery, seems to have come through the woods.
Woke up this morning Last night you were flying but today you're so low - ain't it times like these that make you wonder if you'll ever know the meaning of things as they appear to the others; wives, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Don't you wish you didn't function, don't you wish you didn't think beyond the next paycheck and the next little drink? Well you do so make up your mind to go on, �cos when you woke up this morning everything you had was gone.
My friend Nessa, the blogger Miss Misery, is in Calfornia, at the mercy of the fires. I ask you all to keep her and her family in your thoughts
Saturday 20th October I went to a soccer match on saturday. My team played well, they created a few chances in the first half. They were facing higher placed opponents who were, accompanied by some spirited fans. However after halftime, our boys conceded a goal. Nerves set in before an equaliser could be produced. Some goalmouth scrambles and good luck, kept honours even, after 3 minutes of time I then watched the Rugby world cup final. South Africa beat England
I was walking to work today. I travel through a park on my way to work. As I was walking . I spotted something between the path and the leaves. Porn. Naked ladies The old question came to my mind. Who is it who leaves the porn in the parks. I should thank them. I found a copy of a 70's girlie magazine. Actually mostly topless shots, when I was 11. Goodness knows how the magazine had lasted that long. On another escapade. I found a porn collection, 2 feet high. I could not take it home, or indeed this latest find. I am searched upon entry into Hades Why are the magazines always ripped to pieces. Is it teenagers fighting over the flesh? Tearing the magazine from each others hands Or is it someone who is forbidden to bring it home, and in Or perhaps someone, suffering from buyers remorse? An offering to the gods? To the enity that smiles on pubescants Who knows

Red Dwarf

Red dwarf Its amazing how you forget. I first heard about Red Dwarf in Primary school. From a school mate, whom I remember for crying at a drop of a hat. My sister had a smoke me a kipper I will be back for breakfast T shirt. I bought the videos. I read the books. I read one on a school trip. I bought the magazines. I wrote a fanfic. I wrote a fanfic making light of my best friend. Ripping off the Ace Rimmer plot. When the 6th series was shown. I was in the first year of College. A fellow student remarked he had waited years for it. I agreed (There were legal difficulties between the 5th and 6th series, for a cast memeber) There was an American version staring DS9's Dax Terry Farrell. I looked up a Red Dwarf ST:TNG cross over the first time I was on the net Well it was the second thing I did ... SMEGHEAD enough said Well the show is on again Its the first episode of the fifth series. This series was something of a reboot. The cast were now searching for Red Dwarf. It having been
334 days. 1 Calender month to go
Interesting reading matter. I made a mental note of the readers name. I am in a good mood today. Such a pleasant dream I had this morning. I had managed to snag today off. I got my haircut. I had steak for breakfast. I watched other people huddle away from the rain.

Iraqi Dinar

Iraqi Dinar. I was given this by an American sailor in Honolulu. A veteran of the war, of Iraq.
I came across this book today Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques, Fourth Edition (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations) (Hardcover) I flicked through it. It was a textbook for Policemen. It listed the steps one should take when investigating a murder. Everything must be recorded. When you where first notified about the case. The time and the date. The weather conditons outside the scene. The name, the time and number of the first officer on the scene. There were pictures of people who had been killed untimely. A faulty shower, which scalded a poor woman to death and a gentleman, who had killed himself in a sex act If anyone wants to order it, you can find it at: Weird and wonderful world.
They were arguing today at work. There is a spat over the timing of Lunch breaks. Two of my masters are locked in conflict. Whispers of e-mails and phone calls, to the powers that be. I was unaware of all this quietly working by myself. Thinking of this I thought good. Let them fight Let them be divided. We shall be at peace. In a month, I shall be on Holiday. We shall be at peace. Our wounds will heal, wether black eyes or broken hearts. We shall be sleep easy again Miss Misery Welcome home, we missed you Sahara, Your heart will heal Our Friends in Arkanes. The boys will be fine. Let them argue, let them be sad. We shall be happy today

The Kingdom

The Kingdom I would watch Jennifer Garner in anything. I have 5 series of Alias next to my desk. I have Electra and Daredevil besides them. I have seen. 13 going on 30. I might buy dude where my car, as she turns up in that Its CSI Saudi Arabia. Aside from Miss Garner the film features Jamie Fox, Chris Cooper. The Guy from Arrested development...Jason Bateman. As well as the very lovely Jennifer Garner. A terrorist attack, on American compound in SA. Terrorists steal saudi Polic uniforms, they then go on a killing spree murdering women and children. A quick thinking Saudi Sargeant foils the intial aatck. However a suicide bomber, and a second bomb ensure that over a 100 people are killed. Including friends of the agents. After some politicing an FBI team is sent to help the investigation Some notes ``the Green Beast'' the Saudi Police colonel. Grew up watching the Hulk The Saudi Colonel, berates his American charges, for their cursing. Native English speakers ar

Day Watch

Day Watch (Dnevnoi Dozor) I caught Nightwatch, on TV the other day. I watched a little of it. I was intrigued. I had seen the trailers. The idea was interesting. Good and Evil, after years of fighting came to terms. In this universe. Vampires get licences allowing them to kill Humans. Oh did I tell you this a Russian movie. Yes we are a long way from Sunnydale. Its a bleaker world The Hero, Konstantin broke the agreement, when he made a deal with a Witch. To get back at an ex. The price was that his son, went over to the dark side. The film starts with Timurlane, with his army camped in outside a city in Medieval Persia. Timurlane. Not someone who turns up in Western movies. Timurlane is searching for the chalk of fate. A magical artifact that enables one to write away time. We return to Modern Moscow. Our Heroes, cover is a waste disposal agency. In Moscow. They are doing a dirty job, in a snow covered city. We are a long way from Hollywood. This is a gritty cold world.
I want to say hi, to my friend, the Blogger Miss Misery. She is having a hard time at the moment. Take care, stay strong, and stay out of the rain
George Takei, (Sulu) is playing Hiro's father on Heroes. His car bears the number plate: NCC 1701
Scenes from another Universe.... A new System lord being crowned. The Son of Amon dedicates a new Temple, in Alba (The explanation is rather more prosaic. A display of Egyptian artifacts, is being held in the O2 center in London. Ancient Egypt, a civilisation two thousand years older then Christ. So old, so very old ) Perhaps we should be remember Agrippa, and be thankful ``The Dog Anubis barks''
Dreams Last night, I dreamed, about my College Sweetheart. I was wiating for her to come home. For some reason, I had slept late. (I have been traveling overnight or some such) Anyway my Beau had arrived earlier. She had been out with my Brother and sisters. I heard shouting, and went to the window. I was in childhood Bedroom. I looked out over the park. There was my Princess, storming off to catch the bus. Having had it out with my sisters. Later I dreamed I lost a tooth. Which I know is linked to castration. Curiously, my watch strap broke yesterday. I am without my time piece. Hopefull, its just a phase. Tomorrows slumber, will be full of Swedish Maids, complementing me on my Sword. (Hello Baigra. Good luck with your studies )
Congratualtions to Granniog She got her Diploma. Well done. (She also makes me laugh a lot these days)
I suppose its fair to say I now have two lives. One in the world. One online. I converse daily with people. I have never met. There is some overlap. Some of you have met me. Its strange though, in an age where one could watch a Tristan da Cunhan webcam. One sometimes waits days and days for news You miss so much. Thats why I like webcams. You get more of an idea of the person, that your conversing with. Internet access. Is the one thing that I begrudge the youth. Yet when Promethesus gave mankind fire. It meant that people would get burnt. ciggerates would be left smouldering, and the kettle on. Souldragon. I am sorry. You changed your name, your a different person. I get it. It was looking at the dates when I finally realised. It was almost five years. It was over. What was lost was lost. On the other hand. We are all adults
Saturn hole Jacktober is upon us. It's 6 weeks to my 30th birthday. I was depressed yesterday. I could not sleep. I remembered, being told that the period before your birthday is referred to in Astrology as the ``Saturn Hole'' The idea is that your sign enters into saturn, and experiences a rocky time, before it hits your zenith on your birthday I was told about this, when I resigned from that job, I had two years ago. It was a very depressing time in my life. I remembered it last night. So why was I sad. Well, its probably silly really. I had hoped something was going to change. Or probably its more accurate to say, revert to how it was. I got some suprising news last saturday, and I wanted to see how it would play out. It took a week and nothing change. I was thus excited for the week, and then I hit a torpor of saddness. I probably should be glad, for the excitement. It got me through a dull period of work. I am not sure, if its right to hope that things would have chang