
Showing posts from January, 2008
Parabens pelo seu aniversario! Parabenspara voce! Parabens e muitas Happy Birthday Lua Clara.

Castle Lion Lego

Lego (fr Danish, leg godt, play well) Today is the 50th aniversary of the Lego brick. I played with Lego, for years as a boy. I actually had, the Lego Castle set. Castle Lion. I built the actual castle once, and then I played with the castle. As I felt fit. This really annoyed my mother. Who seems to have believed that it should have been kept on display. I had a box about a foot and a half(50 cm, for my friend in Akranes )deep, full of lego. Comprising several sets. The Lego castle. The Police ship. The Crane, and the Garage and Petrol tanker. My siblings rejoiced in destroying my creations. They used to destroy the Lego men, in particular. Chewing their heads off. Stepping on them. My youngest sister, used to delight in being King Kong, and crushing the towns. I had spent hours constructing. Despite angry siblings I created a whole world. Incoprating many things I learned. Particulary in from my History lessons. The world I had created had progressed to about 1920 AD. T
My Youngest brothers birthday. He is 22, He is the one in the Black. Thats from this time last year. At his 21st birthday I wish him many ``Happy returns!'' I once got my brother into trouble, when he was 6 or 7. He was a very assertive child, and one night while my parents are out. He would not go to bed. So I searched arround for something suitiable for him to watch. I came across the Producers. Mel Brooks Magnum opus So to spoil the movie. Two men, plot to make a cheap, unpopular musical, as a means of stealing money. They find a terrible script, written by an ex Nazi. ``Practically a love story to hitler'' The musical, despite the bad taste is a great success. Foiling the plans of the producers. The subtle comedy of Mel brooks, was lost on my youngest brother. Who told his class the next day, he had seen a film, about Hitler and how funny he was... He spent the day with the principal and our pernament records says Nazis.
Yes, I was a bit bored today at work. Enjoy Burns night.
Beauty My friend Esha, has been making Soap. Chocolate and Orange Soap. They look good enough for eat! You can see her wonderful work, by hitting the link, to your right. Esha is the mistress of the famous Mil'ka I saw a book, about beautiful places. A beautiful land, of Ice I tell you the truth. I speak of a land of wonders, where people look out to the snow and glacier, upon stilts It is beautiful to laugh, so check my friends new blog. ``We're mean because your stupid'' Link is to my right. I got my haircut today, and I am hopefully more....
Heath Ledger Conor, Ned Kelly, The Joker. (April 4, 1979 – January 22, 2008)
Valya, I apologise, for upsetting you

The Simpsons movie

The Simpsons movie Oh this is full of spoilers..... I never got round to seeing this in the summer. Well what a difference a censors certficate makes The opening scenes, are of Itchy and Scratchy on the moon. Its amazing how conservative, the simpsons really is. For Homer, to remember JFK. We see that in several episodes. The opening gambit with Itchy and Scratchy on the moon, uses camelot tropes. Which is why I am mentioning it Would make homer 50 years old. Homer works in a nuclear power plant. Homwer supports two cars, three children and a wife on a single pay check. Its almost as if the 60's never ended. There is a sign say Itchy-Hilary in 2008. Oh, and Itchy uses Nuclear missles, to kill Scratchy. Better living through Nuclear power. Hell Homer goes off and lives in Alaska Its a subplot of the movie. Alaska, new frontier. Yada yada Bart has started to see Flanders as a surrogate, Lisa meets a nice Oirish boy Bart promises not illegally download this mo
There was a small fire, at my friend Esha's apartent yesterday. She had to leave her home, with her husband, and cat. The famous Mil'ka, mercifully she was unharmed I wish her well
I got a post card, from my friend from DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!
A late christmas card, from my good friend Lilly

Old New Year

I have a lot of Russian net friends. More then that, the person, who calls, me and text's me the most often, resides in the city of St Peterberg. I wonder if, I ever thought, whilst I was sitting through lessons on the NEP, or the Purges. That I would pick up mail now and then from Moscow and St Petersberg Its a wonder too, to have friends in Sunny Calfornia, and in snowy Akranes. Though, I didn't have friends, who spent their days being trained to recognise, your aircraft, and uniforms. Anyway, yesterday, 13th of January, was Old New Year. The Russian celebration of New Year, before the late introduction of the Georgian Calender. So I headed into ``Town'' Curious to see some Russian culture, and promising my far away friends, that I would try some Russian food. There were lots of people, there. The stewards were checking for alcohol, on the way in. However the crowd was well behaved, lots of mothers with babies. Many people wore ribbons, in Russian colours, blu

Charlie Wilson’s War

Charlie Wilson’s War The opening scenes of prayer on an Afghan mountain, cuts away to a party in Vegas. This is a story of a man, straddling worlds. A sinner, who embarks on a crusade. A Westerner who funds a war, in the East Dallas, is mentioned, the Series not the city. One of Charlie's associates is trying to get him to invest in a a soap set in Washington. Is this a nod to the West wing. Its a long episode of the West Wing. I liked that series. Tom Hanks, does a good job as the Yella dog, loveable rogue Charlie. Fond of strippers, and whiskey. Who by accident, turns the tide of war Afganistan I think one of his aides. The Jailbait, is the actress Shirri Appleby last seen in Roswell. Gulliani makes an appearance, warning Charlie about the dangers of drugs Philip Seymour Hoffman steals the show. As the CIA officer, who helps Charlie. He is first seen arguing with the guy who plays the Gabrielle's husband and also the Mayor of Wisteria avenune. Then breaks th
Congratulations, to my friend in Danmark, and welcome. To Carla, who was born, on the 29 of December, at 20.08pm Welcome, and well done!
Congratulations, to Graniog, who has passed her, probationary period, at her job Well done. Bon Chance !
Hurrah my Valya is back
Another opinion on I am legend....
Good luck Good luck to my friend in Akranes, who has bought a cute little roadster. I wish her many hours of safe, effortless, and enjoyable motoring
Good luck Good luck to my friend, the Path finder. On her first day, of her new college course.
New years wishes, from my friend Tan To answer the question I was asked this morning. 25 december is a public holiday in the Hellenic republic
Today is my little Sisters birthday Happy Birthday! Today is my friend Esha's saint's day. Today is Christmas Eve, in the Orthodox churches
Its the Sunday before Christmas eve, which is why I am not clean shaven. I get really self concious about this, on repeated viewing. My sister had returned from Spain. The family gathered at my parents house. I am talking to my father about about a football match at the begining. (Is it significant, I wrote the family, not My family) I left the night filter on , oops! When I watch this. I think of my younger brother. I see the mannerisms, I associate with him. The slight, head nod. The rhythmn of voice. Reflected back at me. I don't hear my voice. I hear it, echoing back through my ears, and I don't see my body langague at all. My father has you will note, has a quite different accent. To mine. Its odd to see yourself relfected in someone else
Thank you To Leah, from Auckland for saying Hello

The Fantastic 4, The rise of the Silver Surfer

The Fantastic 4 -The rise of the Silver Surfer. ( Now part of the Marvel Universe) Updated in 2024 I saw the orginal film, with my two sisters. I enjoyed it. They found it funny. I think in a so funny it's bad way.  Well I will get down to it. This film is  about  a  set of Marvel Comics superheroes.:4 people, who have gained extraordinary powers. Reed Richards, who can now bend, and twist like ``Stretch Armstrong  His friend Ben Grim  , who now is the Thing.  Who posses super human strength,  The cast list is just great. Chris Evans, (The Hollywood actor, not the nefarious DJ)  ( Update 2023. Mr Chris Evans- UK has been overshadowed  by Chris Evans USA) Jessica Alba Yes I like Jessica ( We see less and less of her in 2024) Michael Chiklis,  is playing Ben Grim (Vick Mackie)....and Ioan Gruffund- plays Reed Richards So the film starts with some nice special effects. Some Japanese fishermen, and tourists at the Sphinx, are buzzed bya silver light. The Japanese sea fr
Congratulations to my sister. Who has been made a broadcast Jornalist, for the Radio. I wish her well, in her new job
This picture was taken by my cousin, on the top floor, of the World Trade center, New York,
Good news I am pleased to learn, that my great friend. The wonderful Valya, has finished her course of care. Is now 100% fighting fit A brilliant begining to the year
1 Year Smoke free I went out last night with my brother. It was nice. Today I went to a football match. My team won. A good start to the year.
Phillip "Phil" O'Donnell (25 March 1972 – 29 December 2007) Motherwell, Glasgow Celtic, Sheffield Wednesday Footballer