
Showing posts from July, 2009

Congratulations to my little sister

  Who graduated, yesterday.  I went down to see her. I got caught in the rain twice. The sausage rolls were very nice That’s enough jibber jabber My sister worked hard. Well done little Sis

Thats me in the corner.. Thats me in the spotlight

Seen whilst sheltering in the rain, on the South Coast,

Scribbles of a mad man


The Wembley Cup

Glasgow Celtic triumphing in the first Wembley cup competition.  They beat London’s Tottenham Hotspur. As Barcelona and Spurs drew. Celtic lifted the trophy I was so pleased to see Celtic Play. They had bagpipers, playing the boys of the old brigade, and the fields of Athenry. There were the large banners, and flags. The Polish Celtic supporters association. A lot of Irish pubs, and a man with a sunburst flag I went with my brother We were there to watch Barcelona play an Egyptian side. Al Alhy. Barcelona played in pink. They had Iceland’s Eighur Godjohsson amongst their team. The Egyptian side had a band with them, who kept playing and singing. As they conceded goal after goal Then the wait was over. I saw the Bhoys come on the pitch, and huddle. We were allowed to move closer to the pitch. Our seats were up in the Gods. Celtic scored twice. A great gold from Samaras. Though Spurs were unlucky later in the match When the final whistle came. Celtic lifted the trop

Happy Anniversary Becca and Chris

Many happy returns

Boa Sorte

Good luck, to Michelle, With her Surgery

Good luck Tan

Good luck Tanya, with everything!

I bought a new phone

I was sick and tired of my samsung breaking down all the time. So having been recommended it, by Alexia I bought a LG cookie. I love my new phone I can text people now. With the aid of the stylus, I can send a sms message with the best of them. No longer do my clumsy fingers exclude me. Hurrah!

Ups and Downs

I received  Battlestar Galactica the final season on DVD today. Its a very dark ending, by the look of things My phone is not working. The power socket seems to have been loosen. I was miserable today at work. Its going to be a long week..


Well if nothing else. This film has proved conclusively that Cinema goers will tolerate male full frontal nudity I once had a Gf, who was from her countries answer to Brigton, or San francisco. She had lots of gay friends. She had them since Childhood....I watch Six feet under and Torchwood. This is much stronger stuff. The plot is simple. Bruno having been disgraced, at the Milan fashion week. Moves to America to seek his fortune. Where he finds true love, and a family to call his own. Sasha Baron Cohen is fearless. There is a scene, with him romping with a midget. There is a scene with him waving his Johnson at the world. Lots of Nazi jokes. ``The world had turned on the most famous Austrian again… ‘’This is something that might be going over a lot of heads. The Austrian far right has a reputation for being ever so slightly fey Bruno tries to solve the middle east. Leading to a hilarious song about Jews and Hindus. Sasha Baron confronts the WestBoro Baptist church. The Ron Pa

Teasing people at work

When I was in UNC. I used to finish classes at around 4. I would rush back to watch the all new Batman/Superman adventures In part because it starred the very lovely Harley Quinn I was trying to get a co worker to dress as her…      **************** In other news, my little sister has gone camping and the heavens have opened. I hope she is alright

Halfway through July

Yesterday I was exhausted. I did not manage to fall asleep until 5am When I have those nights I wish I had a whiskey bottle to knock me out.  I was glazed over and listless I was given a lovely kit kat at work. By a kind and pretty soul. I shared Haribo with them today I watched the final episode of the wire season 4 yesterday. The series still  doesn’t pull it punches. I cannot find, my copy Hellboy two, the Golden army on Blue ray. Has anyone seen it? I have been downloading music from Amazon. Lots of Johnny Cash, and Catatonia. I was singing along to Rotterdam by the beautiful South. All day at work I posted chapter two

The pleasures of a Sunday Afternoon

Yesterday, (Sunday) I went and met with one of my co workers. This is the same lady who recommended the Time Travellers wife.  I met her in the park, and we had coffee. Well I had non alcoholic beer. We talked. I saw her home. It was lovely

On 10 7 2009.. I

I did not shave today I had a diet coke, and McCoys for breakfast I watched the last episode of the Children of Earth. One of the darkest hour’s of television I have seen for a while. I went swimming today, for the first time in years I saw a lady with tattooed thighs today. Bikini girls and an angel I was told I was moody today I sorted out my recorded Dvds. I forgot I had Ashes to Ashes recorded I spilled alcohol, all over myself today. We use I have been chatting to my friends in NC. We are talking about going to football games I think I broke all the rules I have lived by today

My Google fu

We were talking about TV shows we used to watch My co worker. Mentioned this show. Its called Doug, she remembered it was drawn in a particular style She watched it between 1994-1996 Douglas Yacey Funnie It starred a band called the Beets I looked for this for two hours today There is also :'s_Further_Adventures I remember the series. The story is about a puppy searching for his master. An orphan named Tommy. They went to Hawaii. I remember that episode. There was an episode where they went to East Berlin. Which is very accomadating of the Stasi I believe this show was mentioned too I have to confirm that tomorrow. I think my co worker, was talking about the Grand Dozer. and finally Tim Thaler, was al

Round up-8 July

I have been watching the new series of Torchwood. The children of Earth. The BBC have been showing it, over 5 nights. Peter Capaldi is guest starring as senior civil servant. I am looking forward to tonight’s installment I went apartment hunting today. Its rather like dating. You tell people quite personal details about yourself. You set your sights high, and then have to lower and lower them. It rained yesterday and left the window open. Its damp again today, and my bedroom smells of ditchwater. I can’t sleep at nights. It was 3am, before I went to sleep yesterday.

Happy Anniversary Miss Misery

Happy Anniversary Miss Misery

4 years ago Today

E-mailed to me by a friend … 7/7 never forget I woke up late today, I was confused by a message from my sister. It was asking me whether I was having problems with the trains. I switched on the TV, could not find anything and went down to breakfast. There I turned on the TV and discovered that the Underground was out. It said at first a power surge. Then I saw the pictures of the bomb in taverstock square and learned that Edgware road station was out of action. I then heard about more bombs with a heavy heart I set off for work. I took the bus from Chiswick, worried about a bomb on the bus. I got off halfway up the Bayswater road. I walked. In I was worried about oxford street. All the shops and the glass, and found myself praying from time to time. I remember walking past the Dixons on Oxford street and seeing a crowd of Londoners huddled around the TV screens. The only time I've seen this is for football matches. I walked up Tottenham court road. The streets were empty

The Time travellers wife

A little Girl, at work. Recommended this to me. Henry DeTamble, can time travel. He travels back and forth through time, crossing the path of Clare. Henri encounters Clare in a non linear way. Sometimes, he is in his 40’s and Clare is only 6. Henri’s time travel is a dangerous affair. It leaves him naked in strange places, without knowing where he is Clare falls in love with Henry. Despite not seeing him for years. When we first meet Clare. She encounters Henri for the first time, from Henri’s point of view. It took a while for me to get into the book. I was reminded why, I dislike women on a few levels. Henry is a male Mary stu. He is a librarian, but tough. He is skilled at breaking and entering. He never murders or rapes.  He is dangerous, but a safe level of danger (Idiots, Malchera curses to himself) Henri is clearly written by a woman. There there is Clare. The Penelope or the Nausicaa to Henri’s Odysseus. Remember Nausicaa, brings Odysseus clothes. When the woman you liv
Happy 4th of July I hope my friend Miss Misery has a wonderful day off, and My Valya is a free of a terrible week Party on !

Saturday no school today

I asked for today off. I have been messing around this morning, installing a password onto my wireless connection. Next door, or across the street have been stealing my connection and downloading 15 GB or information, a month. I have put a stop to it. I went to Boots to get my glasses repaired.A lens popped out of the frames. The day before I left for Wien. I had placed my eye glasses into my jeans. Before sojourning to the Pub. I have been meaning to get them fixed. I went down to Boots. The optician there, simply reattached the lens to the frame, and gave my eye glasses a polish. For no charge. I am very grateful. So thank you sir I have been reading the Time Travellers wife. It was recommended by a co worker. I felt smug in the Bookshop. I was amused by the thought that if there was a book related crisis. I am the senior person there. ``1000 m of shelving. I do that for breakfast son. Stand aside kid. Bravo Lima, Bravo three :)’ I took the book to the park, and watched t

A lovely gift I received at work


Happy Birthday Kata

Many Happy returns

Summertime and the living …

I got the 4th of July off It was hotter then Brasil or Mexico today I got paid a little more this month, which is nice