
Showing posts from November, 2010

My dinosaur card

Care of my sister

Leslie William Nielsen

Leslie William Nielsen Actor, Airman, Golfer, Husband , Father February 11, 1926 – November 28, 2010 The day feels a little colder…

Will find the dinosaur one tomorrow

A poor scan, but a picture of a birthday card from my parents. My sister got me a dinosaur one, which I prefer
Some of you may have seen this. This is a video of me, in Sienna

A birthday card from the Ukraine

  Thank you girls, I loved it,  

My fancy Florentine hotel room

A chandelier over the bed I had bidet, they were quite common in italy

Happy birthday


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to Robert Ryan… Enjoy the cruise

Happy Birthday

¡Feliz cumpleaños! Yom Huledet Same'ach felix sit natalis dies 誕生日おめでとう

Florence photos

A facsimile of Michaelango's David Open air statuary  En Firenze                                                    The Dumo

these things too

Tá sé ar fud an domhain atá leagtha íseal, agus an Séideann an ghaoth amach mar luaithreach Alexander, Caesar, agus fad a bhí i n-iontaobhas; féar a fhástar go bhfuil na Teamhrach, agus féach Troy anois ar an gcaoi a bhfuil sé - agus an Béarla iad féin, b'fhéidir go mbeidh siad ar aghaidh freisin!

Love your new red hair!

It rocks


33.3 ( not really but rather more poetic)

Sienna A.C

I took the chance, to attend a Sienna A.C football match. I was quite pleased with the result both on and off the field Here am I. In the Stadium. All seated, and mostly open air. One can bring umbrella’s to an Italian match, unlike, in the UK. I had to bring my passport, too. One needs I.D to view the beautiful game. I wandered aimlessly about for a bit, but the staff and stewards were polite and helpful The food and drink at the game was reasonably priced. They do not allow bottles into the ground. So they pour everything into cups Kudos, to the Siennese, for making no bones, about pork coming from pig There is something beautiful about floodlights Some things never change, an occasional moment of high wit from a supporter, and the referee being mauled by the crowd, for being too generous with injury time Sienna play in black and white. The opposing fans, gave there team their full voice, and there were only 1000 of them. The Siennese, filled there end with songs, and flags

Sienna snaps

Myself in one of the town squares Phallic door knocker. There all over town. There is a dragon one, too somewhere   This is a monument, to those lost at sea. Sienna is inland. Upon a hill, the monument, is tended though, so it must be an event in close memory A statue of Garibaldi.

Dispatches from Sienna

A group of Italian students, were singing the theme tune, to the three musketeers A very pretty young lady, wore her back pack, on her chest rather than her back I can’t find a chemist. I have a terrible hangover, I have been in agony all day. Missed breakfast, see above. Than could not find any place open. I raided the mini bar, for something to eat I went to the Botanical gardens, I took more photos. They are on my old phone. I will post them later. I have drank too much coke.

Round up

I hope my sister gets better. She is ill with Deli belly Belated birthday wishes to my friend Sheala Congratulations to Ashly with her viewing Still so hard, not to smoke! I realised something today. Actually yesterday. I just can’t smile Big Hug for my Valya tomorrow

Descent onto Italy

Its different. Germany is like visiting an alternate universe. Its strange but familiar. Italy feels sounds and looks different. I did not manage to sleep, the night before. Nerves, being out of sorts, and upset, of having lost my phone charger. So, I pushed off, through the rain, The flight was delayed twice. The Aitalia check in desks were not working, but besides that it was fine flight. I managed to pass throu Very beautiful, American student, across from me at Rome airport. Looked like Claire from lost. I hoped the young lady would avoid Perugia…. At Florence airport. After having to go through customs channel for an internal flight. The Italians, found it necessary to ask people where they travelling for business or pleasure From than I took the bus, After missing the first bus, it had a bus in front of the stop. I travelled into Florence Keep seeing girls on scooters, charming but strange Arrived at the station in florence. Got on a train to Sienna. Despite the g

An awful day

As some of may know. I do not start work early. I do not like to get up early at all. So I don’t start work till 1130. I leave work at 7 12pm. I do not take my last break which would be from 7.12 pm, till 7.42pm. So in other words half an hour of doing nothing Except that yesterday someone, complained about this Thus I am now forced to take a break So, I got up this morning, at 8am, meaning to get up early to go and ride my bike. I could not prise myself out of bed. Yes I understand there was some laziness, in there. I managed to get up, and headed off to work. I have to cross over a pedestrian bridge over a railway line. Which is now full of druggies. I made my way into work. They bring in the new people. There going to fill my department, with people from another department which is closing down. We do 51% of the institution work. I am not looking forward to the new year. After that, A co worker asked me to borrow money. I was able to decline, because I am on holida

Hard rock legend


What is it?


Happy Birthday Susanne

Happy Birthday Susanne

Things I have found today

An old bottle of Orange juice. Best before date 2009 50 Ml, of an energy drink. A pair of Nike runners  top strap on the left shoe, is lost A regulars card, for the George and the Dragon My pictures of from my last trip The music I downloaded, from Amazon. Various Biro’s Pencils A kington USB key A samsung phone manual A box of Matches A 2006 Battlestar Galactica calendar

Old school

Picture is not great, but this is an old recording of Dame Nellie Melba. Dame Melba, was always mentioned in crossword puzzles and my sisters copies of Bunty and Judy, as a famous singer, and the inspirer of Peach Melba, and Melba toast Her image is currently gracing the Australian 100 dollar bill. We have a recording of her, at work. Which is not something I should be sharing, so you did not see this! Its fascinating, music from another era. Something Queen Victoria, and T. R would have listened to.

A life in retrospect

My Grand uncle, died sometime last year, My dad, got a claim for his share of the estate. I was looking at it, today. If Dad signs, which he may not. I don’t think Dad would pursue a greater claim against my late uncle’s estate. I think he gets the sense, its pulling the boots of a corpse. My grand uncle died childless, and alone. He had battled with drink for most of his life. In his youth, he had been apprenticed as a tailor. The change of fashions, mass production had not been kind. I remember him, buying us lucozade, after a football game. When it still came in glass bottles. This was in the 1980’s Going through, the lawyers report of his property told of an austere, life. The rights to  graze on several pieces of common land. These pieces of land were not connected Some sheep pastures. One fenced off, one not A small bungalow, without double glazing or even central heating, but valued at eighty thousand. I wonder what he could have done, with that. It would have brought
What was in the parcel Thank you Valya!

Song for today I go to two pubs on a saturday. One of the bands, they hire at the second pub. Played this number. I had not heard it for a while. Its ``Laid’’ by James. A classic piece of 1990’s Indie. I listened to it in Glasgow, and in UNC. It was a favourite of Amy’s For more good music you should check out my friend Nessa’s blog. missmisery

Good luck Lexie

Good luck lexie. Hope to see you soon

The other side of the coin!
