
Showing posts from August, 2011

Day of the Moon

Day of the Moon SPOILERS. (Part 1) Amy being chased across the American desert. Its the Valley of the Gods Utah, two Landrovers one black one buff, cut her off. Canton emerges, leading a squad of G-Men. One is tempted to say Men in Black ``Is that a body bag?’’ enquires the comely Caledonian. Amy has covered her hands and face, in tally marks Its empty,(The Body Bag) do you even know, why you’re doing this? Recap, the silence, The events in the warehouse. The Silence, had burst out of their tunnels, and surprised the Doctor, and his Companion. Amy had picked up Canton’s pistol, and fired on the child in the space suit Area 51, Nevada. The scene seems to be winter. There is snow on the Ground Do not talk, to the prisoner. Do not interact with the Prisoner. The Timelord, is chained and in a straight jacket. He has grown a beard. Amy pond found, reports Canton. Canton describes the pen mar
Bon anniversaire Granniog

Postcard from Kiev

I could not find any in Kiev. so please accept this one

The Impossible Astronaut

The Impossible Astronaut SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS (Midway through the series, I decided to write reviews, someone said they were more like walkthroughs of the Doctor Who episodes, of 2011. This review is written, after I have seen the episode a few times, thanks to my DVD recorder and I player.) Spoilers The teaser begins with Matt Smith, having fun as the Doctor. A man, forces his way into a room, its the 17th century, all wigs and breeches. Mat Smith Doctor has been painted nude, as a God of some such, with a trident. The Doctor is discovered half naked, hiding under a ladys skirt. Rory and Amy, are sitting at home, on their couch. Their home is rather nice. They are watching laurel and Hardy. ( I assume it must be in the Public Domain) The Doctor appears, on screen and frolics. Then there is a rattle from the letter box, and a letter addressed to the Newly weds appears. Its in Tardis blue, and has a map co ordinate written upon it Rory and Amy set off to visit th

Lets kill Hitler, Doctor Who

Lets kill Hitler Spoilers Spoliers Spoilers Listen to River Song Spoilers After a recap, of the first half of the series....The Silence, The battle of Demons run, and the identity of Melody Pond-River song Rory and Amy concerned about their daughters plight left a message for the Doctor, in the form of a crop circle. Which the Ponds had made by driving their mini, in the corn fields if Leadworth. Actually I remember Leadworth being green hilly country. Anyway the Doctor has noticed this and attempts to assure the proud parents of Dr River Song that their baby will be fine. Whence Amy notices a streak across, the picture of the name Doctor, in the paper. A sportscar rushes to the Tardis and a beautiful mixed race woman, steps out of the car, its Amy and Rory oldest friend. Mel Mel, is being hunted, by the police, as the sirens, and Helicopter. Mel is also suprised to see how hot, the Doctor is, but she is pressed for time ``You've got a time machine, I've got a

We are not worthy!

``Lets Kill Hitler’’ It was like being pushed from a speeding car, down an autobahn at night Alex Kingston is a goddess. She turns on a sixpence, in this episode. I know its a barmy football metaphor but wow WOW Review to follow

A view of Kiev

I arrived there last week. It was a wonderful adventure

Kiev video

A little belated, but our love, to Rachel
Good luck, to everyone in Arlington. I hope they are okay

The natives are restless

Threatened in kiev

Round up August 2011

I wish my friend Kasia, a safe trip to Bremen I hope my Princess mother, is feeling better I am looking forward to visiting the Ukraine Good luck to UK students, with there A-Level results Welcome to UNC freshmen

Round up August 2011

I wish my friend Kasia, a safe trip to Bremen I hope my Princess mother, is feeling better I am looking forward to visiting the Ukraine Good luck to UK students, with there A-Level results Welcome to UNC freshmen
I am so glad, I had today
Happy Birthday to a Mom in Lake Tahoo, and Mama in Akranes Have a nice day girls

The Doctor's office play for children

The Doctors office Parts: The Doctor, A Nurse. Various Patients *************** Nurse :``The doctor will see you now’’ Doc :Hello, what seems to be the trouble? Patient1 Oh Doctor, every time, I drink tea, I get a terrible pain in my eye, Doc ``How long has this been happening to you?’’ Patient 1 :``Since I started to drink tea. I make the tea, and when I raise the cup to my lips, I get a sharp pain in my eye Doctor `Take the spoon out of the cup, when you drink it ‘’ Patient : Thanks Doctor! Doctor Another patient cured. Nurse The Doctor will see you now Patient 2:Doctor, Doctor you must help me Doctor What seems to be the trouble? Pat 2: ``I have been up all night. I could not sleep. I had a terrible dream, I have big bags under my eyes, and a terrible headache, you must help me. I dreamed there were monsters under my bed!’’ Doc ``I have just the thing for you. Take this, and apply it before bedtime’’ Pat ``It is saw?’’ Doc `` Yes saw the legs off y

Cowboy play for Children

Cowboy play for Children ********************* A man walks into a saloon, behind the bar , there is a man, wiping glasses. Two or three people are playing cards. There are 1 or two people as waiters, or such You can have people sitting around and ask for milk or coke *************** The boy/man walks into the bar ``Snap!'' Says one of the men, playing cards. ( Snap is a childrens game in England) The bartender asks the cowboy ``What will it be cowboy?’’ ``One of your smoothest glasses of milk’’ The bartender, makes him a drink. ``I am looking for a man they call him the El Nina Kid’’ Everyone, in the bar, is silent. Music stops if playing ``The el Nina kid!’’ Everyone gasps, they cards players stop, Bartender ``We don’t want any trouble mister. Why don’t you finish your milk, and leave’’ Cowboy,`` I said, I am looking for the El Nina Kid’’ Waitress, but the el Nina kid is so mean, so terrible ``They say the el nina kid, does not get frostbite, he bites th

Old Pinups

These were in my cupboard, on the wall 1) From the Playboy College girls 1998. Girls of the Big 10. part of the cover. Which remembers 50 years of NASCAR 2) A picture of Lucy Lawless as Xena 3) A picture of Britney Spears from 2004. Just after the Madrid Train bombings

Gust Becos I Cud Not Spel by Brian Patten

Gust Becos I Cud Not Spel by Brian Patten Saw this again last night, I had terrible handwriting, and spelling. So the poem appealed to me Because she is lovely

London Riots

Sent home early today, due to the unrest last night. I am sure I left the printer on. Everyone was worried about what time, they were due to clock out at. Half the books, were left on barrows tomorrow they will have to be replaced. I did my shopping. Its beautiful day out. Its a shame to waste it, really. My little sister, said I would be lying down with a flannel on my head. I wish I could have. Ealing broadway, was attacked. The shops up at  Haven green. Haven green, was where the students and high school kids, used to hang out. I used to work there at MEDAS. There was a pub on the corner of the green where I used to have the odd beer. There were baby clothes strewn over the place I hope it rains

News from Tottenham and Ealing

Sent home early today, due to the unrest last night. I am sure I left the printer on. Everyone was worried about what time, they were due to clock out at. Half the books, were left on barrows tomorrow they will have to be replaced. I did my shopping. It is beautiful day out. Its a shame to waste it, really. My little sister, said I would be lying down with a flannel on my head. I wish I could have. Ealing Broadway, was attacked. Thes hops up haven green. Haven green, was where the students and high school kids, used to hang out. I used to work there at MEDAS. There was a pub on the corner of the green where I used to have the odd beer. There were baby clothes strewn over the place I hope it rains A co-worker mentioned, that he saw a single New Nike trainer on the ground, in the neighbourhood after the rioting. Where was the other one? Another colleague, had to leave the pub, he was entertaining a visitor from Liverpool in, after the trouble started My Boss could smell smoke from her apartment, she was advised to stay in her home
Fotolog deleted my Nazi Shark, as it was abusive. So I have unleashed onto the world, the vanguard, of the down trodden invertebrate masses. The Red Mosquito determined to fight, the Capitalist Vertebrate oppressors
Reina Liverpool Neville P A. Cole Everton Chelsea Ferdinand A Hutton Sunderland Tottenham Taarabi Gomez Diao. S Song.A QPR Wigan Stoke City Arsenal Tevez Rochina Manchester City Blackburn Rovers Subs: Moykolo Dyer. N Wilibraham Manager A, McLeish
Bubba Smith. (28 Febuary 1945 to 4-August 2011) Hightower, in the Police Academy movies Football player, Actor, Graduate of Michigan State

Please allow me, to introduce myself, I am a man of wealth and taste

No glasses, look how dark, my hair is, Halloween 2004

He does not stare at me anymore
