
Showing posts from April, 2013

Two firsts 30th April

Congratulations to Glasgow University graduate David Mackay who piloted @ virgingalactic White Knight II on their first supersonic test flight! From one alumni to another Well done! 17 years ago today. Crash by Dave Matthews was released. I listened to this in UNC, it was one of the first Albums I bought. In other news I hope they accept scans of my papers, for my job

Rule of 3

I lost a teaching English second language job I broke my glasses. I stepped on them I will have to pay a lot of money, to the town hall to get married. I haven't a penny! 3 strikes against Malchera today!

Song for the day.

Had a nostalgia flash the other day. My brother in law, was listening to it

The ultimate faux pas Nazi Smokes


Sean Collier Policeman, Kickballer, Salem State Alumni, Son Fell in the line of duty, April 2013

Round up 19th of April

My pupils did their project today. I hope I have graded them correctly. I am worried I have been too lenient. My boss told me to be more organised. I nearly had a heart attack, until I realized  she was talking about my register. I wonder and worry how good a job I am doing Margaret Thatcher died this month. The first British Prime Minister I knew I am pleased to note, the two suspects in the Boston Marathon case have been apprehended. Alas after the death of a gallant police officer at MIT The Boy received an award at his school I made a homemade video for my class. I am pleased with this

Boston will overcome 15th of April, 2013. A bomb explodes at the Boston Marathon. Murdering three people and wounding several.  My thoughts are with the people of Boston there families, and friends.  I have had the honour of visiting Boston several times.

My Grandfather singing

My Grandfather singing, at his 50th wedding anniversary. With his Wife, and family and friends beside him

Doctor Who fan trailer.

Image I like this, it shows all the 11 incarnations of the Doctor, Baker, McCoy and even McGann

Sahara went from Green to Sand in a flash Fascinating story. It seems that a study of dust samples in the med. Have confirmed what people have long suspected. The Sahara was once a green and verdant paradise. It had Hippos and lions. It had villages. If the change had never occurred, the history of the world would be very different Firstly there would be no Sahara to act as a firebreak between the African jungles, and the rest of Eurasia. So the Entire Eurasian population would be exposed to the African disease system. The civilization of Egypt might never arise. Or be very different, as the Nile would not be the life line round which the Pharoah's organize.  The horse nomads of Eurasia may well reach the Fish River in this universe. From such turns and twists of fate is our world made. Its interesting how much speculative fiction there has been about turning the Sahara green. In the TV series ``The Centurions'

50 anniversary special Doctor Who

David Tennat and Billie Piper are to return to Doctor Who for the 50 anniversary special I am a bit disapointed in this. I will accept David T, was a great servant of the series. I liked his work. I still watch them. I am glad he has gone. I thought the Doctor and Rose stories got bogged down in melodrama. I prefer Matt Smiths, slightly innocent, strange schoolboy. The God who wears a 9 year olds face Secondly. Why David T. I know its a ratings dream. I know lots of people will love it. Maybe the BBC will produce a 10th Doctor Cartoon. That is all fine. As I said I will still watch Midnight, I will watch the Fires of Pompeii, I will watch the End of Time. But why not give one of the lesser lights a chance. Why not let see McCoy or Colin Baker, or even McGann. For a moment remember the fans who bought DVDs, and Videos and read the Target Paperbacks. When the series was not the jewel in the Crown. Give them a chance to shine Anyway

The Walking Dead Season 3

Spoilers There are Spoilers here Spoilers Don't you listen to River Song? *********** We saw some returns. Merl, back from the rooftop. A nice touch was Merl quoting the Gospels and mentioning how he liked woodbury's library. Then we see him later tearing apart mattresses for dope, and confessing he does not really know why he does it We also saw the return of Lenny James. In ``Close'' This was the best episode of the series I think. With Rick having to confront his past. He had simply forgotten, Morgan(Lenny James carácter) Rick, and by extensión the audience had moved on, and left Morgan  behind . Meanwhile the past had caught up with Morgan. In fact Morgan would never be able to escape it The scene when our heroes ignore a hitchiker in the episode Close, and we return to see his bloody rucksack, was chilling. A man reduced to his his teeth and nails. It would only be a matter of time.. and it was. We lost some people T-Dog. I was sorry to see the