
Showing posts from June, 2015

Meeting Royalty

My wife met the grandaughter of Alexandra Maria Augusta Juana Consuelo Prinzessin von Preussen Her Highness was pleased to meet my wife. Impressed with her as a teacher, and enchanted by my daughters name Her Grandfather might have been King in another 1916

Man of Steel

I will give you a definite Ok I should like this film better. It has a strong enough cast. Russell Crowe, and Kevin Costner. Henry Cavill, who did yeoman work in the Tudors stars as the son of Kyrpton. Lawrence Fishburne and Richard Schiff as supporting actors. I liked the depiction of Krypton. It seemed suitably alien. Looking down the casting ladder I spotted a few Battlestar Galatica alumni. Hello Gaeta I felt my self drifting away Firstly I think the film may be overlong. This is my commonest complaint with films as I get over. The film spent less on the back story then other recent superhero offerings. I think it put an interesting spin on the matter. Young Clark being freaked out by suddenly being able to see through peoples chests and stomachs.Costner warning his charge from acting out... Michael Shannon can chew the scenary. But jeese another Nazi? Why and logically why? If Zod is bred to defend Krypton why the whole blood lines controversy. Why should it occur to him?

Round up 23 of June

I have been working two jobs for the last two months. I have been getting  by on very little sleep. I was afraid I would fall asleep on the bus last night. To awaken God knows where. I am also due to start new classes tomorrow and on Saturday I have enjoyed watching Game of Thrones. Its interesting to see what happens when the series and books depart. I was sorry to see Stannis go. I was hoping he would pull something out of his hat, at the last minute. ( I wanted to say out of the fire-mixed metaphor) My daughter is finally walking. Oh how we worried that she would never stroll or strut. Yesterday I had to remove her from the bleach I see Celtic are playing in Iceland. I am pleased that Faulin has signed a new contract with QPR. I hope for the best next season My best wishes to my good friends Danny Campbell and Barry Williams on their retirement from B3 My phone is broken, my daughter threw it our of her cot.

2 years of Marriage

My thanks to my wife, for our two years together.  Thank you for giving me our beautiful daughter.

Happy birthday to my big sister

Best wishes, and every happiness.

Find Mini Malchera

A picture of my school days


It took me about 10 days to watch this. So perhaps I am viewing it rather more as a mini series then a  film. Well I liked it. I liked it a lot. Its a good story, well acted and told. Like Titanic we all know how the story ends. Spielberg wisely avoids retelling Lincoln's biography. Instead the great director focuses on Lincoln battling to pass the 13th amendment. Thus we see Father Abraham rather then the more divisive character of the early days of Lincolns administration Nor does Spielberg try to replay saving Private Ryan, with Mine balls and Springfields. We see a battle at the beginning and the aftermath of one later. The bodies still warm. Its a strong cast. Tommy Lee Jones as Thaddeus Stevens. Daniel Day Lewis, as the great emancipator Jared Harris playing Grant. Surely too fair and too sober! John Gordon Levitt plays Lincoln's son and Sally Field,Martha Todd Lincoln. We see a glimpses of Lincoln's marriage. As they struggle with the aftermath of a loss of a c

Stannis kicked the dog

While watching Game of thrones. Dance of Dragons, I wonder why they made Stannis kick the dog. His sacrifice of his daughter makes him a monster, but  Tyrion gets a pass despite killing Shae? Well yes it is a worse crime. Jamie Lannister attempted a child murder. Theon killed two orphans. But Stannis is abandoned ...