
Showing posts from January, 2020


So I thought why not watch some classic  Doctor Who I liked this a lot Basically the Dr stops and Alien from stealing an artifact that is a source of immense power Tom plays two roles, it is a doppelganger story The antagonist  Meglos- Meglos who is the sole survivor of a long dead race of plants.  And of course the russet coated JNT era 4th Dr, and Tom is always good as a Gillian. Sorry as a villain. Tom's breakout role was as Rasputin A plant antagonist is interesting. It's quite different then a bumpy headed alien. I did wonder why Meglos needed to kidnap a host from Earth. Rather than any warm body. In modern Who they would make more of a struggle between the captured host and Meglos. This is one episode where the Dr can actually pilot the TARDIS. Albeit it is something he does off screen. He returned the hos human home It's nice to see one of the villain's of the week simply covert the Dr's long red coat. The escape from the Time loop is brilliant

Fugitive of the Judoon thoughts

So this is episode is a feint and a bob, and then a sucker punch... I was not looking forward to it.  There was a lot of fuss about the Judoon. Who seem to be strangely popular in ``New Who''.  I know there was a Terrance Dicks book about the Judoon . I am not  against, or opposed, or hostile to the Judoon, but I did not understand the fuss- I would not be dancing in the street if we saw Monarch again So we have two stories here. We have the Companions meeting Captain Jack Harkness. Jack from Torchwood. Jack is in the middle of a battle in space and using a time scoop to shanghai Graham and then the other two companions. (Ryan and Jasmin) Jack does try and deliver a warning to the Doctor-  " Beware of the lone Cyberman! Do not give it what it wants!'' Captain Jack  also mentions the Alliance sent something back through the past... Could that be ...(1) We also have a backdoor or a Doctor introduction. For the Ruth Dr. Like most Regeneration episode, the D

So who is the Ruth Clayton Doctor?

Theories  1. She is a different universe Dr 2. She is the Doctor from season 6B. There is a regeneration between 2 and 3, which we did not see.  Hence she is working for the CIA. Celestial intervention agency 3. She is the Valeyard. Which would put her in Dr's past 3. She is a pre-Hartnel Dr, the Morbius Doctors are canon. It was her coat in the control room 4. There was something going on, she is the Doctor from the past....But there were looms or something. 5. She is the Peter Cushing Doctor regenerated Update Chibnal says she is not a clone

Kobe Byrant

August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020 Saddened to hear of the news of his passing, and that of his daughter in a helicopter crash A famed Basketball player, Catholic and Father

Terry Jones

Father, Writer, Historian, brewer and Python 1942-2020 ``He's a very naughty boy!'''' I know people will go on about his work, with Python but I remember ripping yarns, and his series Barbarians especially his criticism of Kenneth Clark


Wow !!!! It's nice to be excited about Star Trek again I did not hate Star Trek Discovery. I found it frustrating, I enjoyed Captain Yeoh, Lorca and Anson Mount's Christopher Pike in particular.  This was a great pilot. It is nice to see Trek go back to the future. Instead of endless prequels and reboots. Picard takes place after the events of Star Trek Nemesis. Indeed it fixes a problem from Nemesis. Data was not able to download his mind into B4. So Data's death has significance Data is dead. He was the last of his kind. Orla Brady turns up as an Irish accented Romulan. My headcanon says she was taught English by the O'Brien family in Dublin I am wondering why the Romulans needed federation aid to evacuate 900 million Romulans from Romulus. There are hundreds of inhabitable worlds in Federation Nice, to see Bruce Maddox is back...


For my daughter's safe return My daughter had gotten out of her house and had ran off. She was found in the market.

The rise and fall of the Dinosaurs by Steve Brussati

A Christmas gift from my brother. Very well received A very readable book, I quite enjoyed It was bittersweet to note that one of the leading paleontologists of the day is pretty American born Sino Celt. Ahh if only one had been more diligent The Deccan traps hypothesis is put to bed. The Cretaceous era ends with the Chixlub  collision A good discussion about how scales became feathers A nice primer for adults on the evolution of the  Dinosaur's 

The Two Popes

I liked this It has its flaws. It could be described as ``Sister Act in the Vatican''. Francis being the outsider who shakes up the Vatican and gets them to change their ways. When we first see Francis in B.A in a barrio talking to a crowd.Bishop Francis talks about football. We see Francis bantering with a tobacconist and watching football matches. He is very Argentine. This is I think an issue with Francis's Papacy. A lot of Northern Hemisphere Catholics are not familiar with how Argentine's act and talk. ``Jumping off the top of his ego'' Firstly it is beautiful. The Vatican is beautiful. The colour, the art. The bright red thread to tie the vote. There are some flaws with the piece. For example, the Pope always eating alone, is a tradition This tradition upset John Paul the second. It is not something that can be blamed on Benedict Secondly, it is well observed. Hopkins -Benedict is German. The Nun who serves Francis comments on the meals that Ben

The Witcher

``Throw a coin to your witcher, oh valley of plenty'' I am in two minds. First I have to thank one of my co-workers for explaining that the story is told over several time periods. I found Cavil as Geralt of Riveria an interesting piece of casting. I like Henry Cavil. I liked his Superman, I liked him in the Tudors. I have heard he was good in the Man from Uncle but, it took me a while to warm to his Witcher. Cavil seemed to be doing a Clint Eastwood impression. The voice being gruff being a particular bugbear. Cavil's horse being called roach is another gripe of mine. I hate this trope. It is probably just me but I notice that Neil Gaiman does it too The scenery is beautiful, some of the CGI is a bit ropey. This is a problem when we have CGI characters talk to the cast. Practical effects were the way to go. Okay so the books were set in a fantastic Eastern Europe. But we have the usual mix of Brits, paddies and black people This was a mistake I would have prefe

Update Fifth of January 2020

Tomorrow is my youngest sister's birthday QPR won 6-1 against Cardiff on New Years day Celtic lost the Old Firm derby on the 29th of January I went to the local on New Year's eve. I was pleased to finish early on Christmas eve and New Year's eve. I enjoyed the first part of Spyfall. The New Year's day Doctor Who episode The Master returned and recast.