
Showing posts from December, 2022


 1940-2022 The Man who wiped away Brasil's tears With him dies Old Brasil I fear

Knives Out

  Well I enjoyed this  It is a while since I have seen a murder mystery on film What a great cast! Ana de Armas, Katherine Langford, Don Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Daniel Craig. Max Von Sndow and Michael Shannon.  Some of my favourite actors there.  So there is a death in the family, and a will to be read  It has been too long since we have heard the phrase a gentleman sleuth. Sadly people have read about Blanc in The New Yorker rather then the Times. I was also pleased by Craig's accent. He seemed to be having fun in the role. Which is nice  I liked the fact the script is aware that recordings on mobile phones are commonplace Ana de Armas is radiant l. I do love Katherine Langford too-There is a nice scene of Katherine being coached and prompted by her relatives to guilt Maribel  Chris Evans was great as the spoiled son. Radiating menace. I can see why he chose this film After Avengers finished It does show off his range The language and manners are well observed.  Some snappy

The Baden Meinhoff Complex

  So I finally got round to watching this. I have always been interested in RAF I have been meaning to do so for years. I did watch it compressed which no doubt took some of the energy out of the experience Yeah it is quite intense. I think it is maybe two hours too long. I wonder if things are bowdlerized for movie audiences.  Well, as one of the characters notes -Shooting and Fu king are the same thing. It is a loot into the intense world of the Rose Armee Faction. It is fascinating how middle class they are- The Berlin dinner parties, The Undertakers in 18 century costume, the Pastor as a parent. _ In contrast to the violence. The shooting of a very middle aged German judge, in his home- The gang winding up there handler in Rome, trying to get him to steal a purse so he steals their car instead The riot in which the Shah of Iran's bodyguards' attack the crowd is very well done. The Film looks great- As I say it is a period piece. Everyone is smoking constantly  The Ugly Germ

Russian Predictions So Medvedev former PM of Russia and sometime President. Maid some bold predictions about 2023 Including UK to rejoin the EU Euro to collapse as a currency Californian secession from the US Poland and Hungary occupy the Western Ukraine The 4th Reich proclaimed Also Elon Musk as a second Grant I think the Russian could have had some fun here. If Medvedev had gotten hold of some hackers, and some kompromat on low level people in the West. Then he could have interlaced this with his predictions/  Publish the predictions of war, and ruin  aas well  random secrets about say Johnathon Thierson of Lemmings Ohio- Who is having an affair with his Sister in Law. Spoil the end of Young Sheldon. Reveal the secret illness of Prince Edward* * This is just me spitballing. I wish no harm to anyone 

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas

  I regret my daughter was unwell over the holiday This troubled me. She feels better now. As I write this one sister has Covid.  My daughter  did receive the clothes I had sent her. So that was pleasing I also bought her an Air conditioner I hope my American friends are feeling a bit warmer I had a lovely turkey lunch at my Sisters house I saw London Irish play against Saracens. A quite contested game- The floodlights improved the atmosphere

All Quiet on the Western Front

 More beauty and squalor, and more subtitles 4 friends from a German military school- join up and serve in a regiment in the last few days of the First World War. While Generals and Politicians try to end the war The War here is Franco German affair. We don't see any British or Americans, or Russians. Everything looks beautiful. The red caps of the military academy student The forests of France in the rear of the trenches.  The snow of midwinter. The dress uniforms of the French and Germans When it is not beautiful, it is foul- the corpses. Wet, and damp. We see someone go mad after bombardment. One of the leads has to collect the dog tags of the dead.  It is like Master and Commander a film almost without women. Wives and Mothers are mentioned. One of the lads has a liaison with a French woman. A poster is used as a pin up There is an interesting use of food- We see the Politicians eating well- eggs and toast before their negotiation with the French in the railway carriage. A goos

Come and See (1985)

  This film's reputation preceded it I had seen it mentioned on Twitter again and again. Someone was kind enough to distribute the YT link. So I sad down and watched it I may have seen bits of Come and See years ago on Channel 4.  It is a beautiful but horrible movie.  The forests of Belarus look beautiful. The Stork, The beautiful twin baba's with deep blue eyes. Everyone in this film has piercing eyes. The bedclothes of the babushka.  The mud and bog and the straw, of rural life. .  The budget constraints aside- The tracer shot is done with crude special effects. The grass in places has obviously been cut recently. The model of a German reconnaissance plane is obviously a model  Like Django unchained it occasionally detracts from the seriousness and horror of it's story with stylistic flourishes which I found ill judged. it is better when you see things unstated- the pile of bodies.  So this is the Eastern front in all it's petty and gross horror. The vehicles driven

Victor Lewis Smith

Died in Bruges today at 65 Years old I was a fan of his columns and TV work

The North Wind Doth Blow

Photos taken on my way to work  

Brief Coup in Peru, None hurt

  Yesterday as I was walking home from work. I was passing through the park  And I checked Twitter- to see an announcement.  Pedro Castillo- The president of Peru- facing impeachment dissolved Congress on television and announced there would be new election and a new constitution  President Castillo an ex Rondero -The large hat was one of his trade mark. From Up country in Peru- Castillo beat the perennial bridesmaid of Peruvian politics Keiko Fujimori. Castillo had been effectively in office but not effective in office since 2021 Well there comes a time in every Peruvian president must face the wrath of congress or the annoyance of the voters or simply gets bored Castillo decided to go out with a bang. Except it was the bang of a burst withered balloon or it was the bang of a car backfiring  As I have mentioned - Despite his dissolution of Congress .Congress stayed dry. Congress refused to recognize the President and called for arrest

Kristie Alley

(12 January 1951- 5 December 2022) Mother, Actress, Interior Designer I had such a crush on her Lt Valeris Rebecca Howe Jackie Rodgers `` And Kirstie Alley is still hot''   Goodnight Miss Howe


I went to watch London Irish v Newcastle Falcons on Saturday at the G-Tech Stadium. The G-Tech is a nice modern stadium but one quibble is the spotlights shine into your face if you are sitting across from them.   I have received  cheap Rugby tickets through work. This is the second time I have been. I went with my sister in October It was very cold day-Though the ball boys were strutting about in shorts and t shirts   December 3rd- Also was the Netherlands USA game- which I listened to on the Radio . I thought of buying a hat before the game- but I didn't want to spend 27:99. I did buy my daughter a jersey. I do like the London Irish badge I settled down with a Guinness and a sausage roll Unlike soccer at Rugby  can have a drink in the stands- There were some lads in front of me with a hipflask. Something that would not fly in Soccer There were several schoolboys indulging in horse play in front of me. I hope they had a good day  The half time show was quite good fun. A father and