
Showing posts from May, 2007
My Great Grandfather, was once told, by an eccentric traveller. (In Irish)The world is on wheels. He replied. The Mountain, has been there for thousands of years. It has not been there Another traveller, claimed to have spoken to god, on the mountain. My Great Grandfather replied, there is not many that speaks to God
The Cutty Sark Fire The Dunbarton built, Tea Clipper, caught alight on Monday at arround 5am. I awoke, and the picture, from BBC news confronted me on Google. I have in fact visited the Cutty Sark. I remember using 2p pieces instead of 10p to activate the commentary. (Thinking I was Al Capone, and the Scarlet Pimpernel rolled into one) Luckily alot of the Sark's fittings. The masts, and figurehead, had been removed for refurbishment. That said, in a depressing development, the Police suspect Arson. The BBC's the Apprentice, featured the Cutty Sark, as a backdrop today. Thus dating the show
I am glad to hear my Princess, has recovered from her accident Best wishes, always

Old Scores

Liverpool lost against AC Milan tonight. I watched part of the Game, whilst doing my exercises.  A few days ago, Chelsea triumphed 1-0 against Manchester United. I remember the FA Cup, final of 10 years ago. It was my sisters confirmation, I spent the day, in the Wilds of the West of Scotland  Digging, it was an Archaeology field trip.   I then came home, and watched Romeo and Juliet. (Baz Luhrman Version) In a taste of things, to come. I believe I held a torch, for a Northumbrian Witch. (A wiccan , not a slur) I remember, being distraught, I forget when I stopped feeling distraught  You never remember the day it stopped hurting. Why is that ?

Spiderman 3

Spiderman 3 First my observations Flint Marko, ``The Sandman'' has the same surname as one of my coworkers. It was a little amusing to hear get Marko When Marko falls into the Sillicon, which was to be accelerated. One of the techies looking at the readings,( in a bunker) notices the mass of the sand is a bit higher. Its ignored as a bird. Well a 1.9 metre man is a heavy bird. Perhaps, I am too big a fan of BSG but when I saw James Franco with scars. Well I kept thinking of Edward James Olomos Always nice to see Bruce Campbell, here playing a French Maitre de. As well as a brief appearance, by Ted Raimi. Sam Raimi's brother. (Once Joxer, and before that Lt O'Neil) Its still New York, I saw you smoking Mr, Jameson! That and seeing the Flatron building made my feet itchy. I see the NYPD decided to let Spiderman do the work fighting Venom, and the Sandman. (I was mouthing shoot him, shoot him, during the climatic battle ) I had to wait for them to clean up the th
I have just finished Dr Robotniks, mean Bean machine. It is the first Mega drive game. I have completed, ``Clocked'' if you will.


Last night I had a nightmare. This is not an uncommon experience for me. I suppose they shall have accompanied me at night, from the cradle to the grave. I shall recount it here. I was on holiday, with a young lady. One of my students. It was St Petersberg, or Moscow. We were walking by a river. We spotted a shop, offering compatibilty tests for couples. We thought it would be fun, to go in and take one of the Tests. (The shop looked like one of those souvenier places. You see anywhere) So we enter the shop its full of nick nacks, and stuff. We ask about the Test, The old slightly wizend woman. Behind the counter accepts our custom. She turns on a display. Something like an overhead projector. Displaying questions and pictures on one part of the wall. Test starts nice enough. Then the questions start getting weird. Moving away from whimsy.`` Do you take sugar, with your hot drinks?'' To the more serious ...`` What type of punishment do you think, should be given to those who
I have decided to reapply for the supervisor position at work.
_____________________ Miss Paris Hilton, is in trouble again. Paris Hilton to be jailed 05/05/2007 - 01:27:14 A California judge has today sentenced Paris Hilton to 45 days in jail for violating her probation. The judge's ruling put the brakes on the hotel heiress' famous high life and even prompted her mother to ask for him for his autograph. Party girl Hilton, 26, must go to jail on June 5 and she will not be allowed any work release, leave of absences, use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in place of jail, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Sauer ruled after a hearing. The judge said she broke the terms of her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case. "I'm very sorry and from now on I'm going to pay complete attention to everything," she told the judge before he announced the sentence. "I'm sorry and I did not do it on purpose at all." She was then ordered to report to a women's j
The Cathederal The Bridge, and the Hermitage. A Museum founded by Peter the Great, recommended by a wise friend The Peterhoff, which is I have on good authority the most Beautiful Park. In St Petersberg The beautiful city of St Petersberg, a gift from my best student.

Blotting out the Sun..

Blotting out the sun, is no longer the dream, of evil millionaires Its not just Skoll we must fear. ``Although nanotechnology can lead to unprecedented progress, it will also allow for the easy construction of weapons of mass destruction. The grey cloud, proposed by Ralph Merkle, is just one example: the idea is to build an enzyme or nanomachine that transforms atmospheric carbon dioxide into graphite. If this nanomachine has the capacity to self-replicate, like bacteria, calculations indicate that in as little as 48 hours earth would be covered by a solid cloud of graphite that would block the sun and destroy civilization. Since, unlike nuclear weapons, nanotechnology is not limited by exotic isotopes but only by knowledge, we can reach an unbearable scenario where a single intelligent person has the power to destroy humankind.'' The Merkle cloud. Its actually the

Lucky number Sleven

Lucky number Sleven I don't like Josh Harnett. Why? Oh yes because of  40 days and 40 nights. I thought about going to see Lucky number, at the cinema. I didn't I may have been too harsh. Hartnett, who starts this picture. As man who has been mistaken for someone else. It convincing, as frat boy who has got mixed up with the wrong crowd. Clearly, Sleven nods towards Pulp fiction, and The Usual Suspects. It is proud of its roots. A discussion of Bond villians, and Hitchcock films passes from the lips of the two leads. ..The film's paternity is mostly Tarratino An excellent cast. Ben Kinsley, Morgan Freedman. As well as Bruce Willis. Who now seems to play nothing but cops, and robbers. Odd  thought I had today is I have watched Willis age on screen. From Moonlighting, to Die hard, to Slevin. Ben Kingsley is playing a Jewish Mobster.( Shades of Snatch). There the friends of the friends of ours. The Jewish Mob are mentioned in