
Showing posts from November, 2007
I should be working Its the busiest day, of the month. Two of my colleagues, are enjoying their day off. Others are transferring out, or on holiday. I should be working. I am not. Aren't the Hilton Sisters lovely My employers have offered me a choice. Do I take, late nights and Money. (Paris) Or domesticity, and a quieter life. (Nicky)
``Daddy wanted me to go to rehab'' My sister was at a Amy Winehouse gig, the other night. She took this picture. Our Amy has finally taken her fathers advice, and gone into Rehab'' Someone, asked was Amy was shooting up! Which was just meanie meanie mean!
Ups and downs They are unwilling to change my hours at work. I had discussions, with management at work. They would not let me go. I am glad I was off work today. Let my head clear a bit. I spent the day cleaning My friend the Blogger, 23plus. Is not going to be posting for a while. She has hard a hard year. She lost her dog. She has had troubles of the heart. I hope she comes back soon. I wish a peaceful Christmas to my friends, in Arkanes I just realised today. Nicole, after Anna Nicole Smith! I kicked myself! I watched Dr Who, one of the Cyberman episodes. Yet my HDD recorder, failed to record I have booked my trip to Germany. I will be there, on December the 15th. Please don't come after me, if your an internet manaic.
Another picture of me at work. I am terribly vain, I got it from my father. Anyway, today I asked my boss, if I can change my hours. I would start work, like the rest of the civilised world, at 9am. Fingers crossed. I added a map from my blog. I see I have vistors from the old North state ``First in Flight''

The Spy Museum

On Thursday, my brother and I went to the Spy Museum in Washington DC. ( We were holidaying there) The Spy Museum, was located off Whitman avenue in DC Walt Whitman, is the man who wrote``    O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won''   Whitman's words adorn, the metro stations around DC.    As I said  we traveled to the Spy museum. It cost about 20 dollars for our tickets  . One was not allowed to the film, inside the Museum. Which was a disappointment. Once inside, the main doors, you went through a lift, with flashing lights.  Such as in the start of Alias or a James Bond movie  Then you entered a room, where you had to choose a secret identity.-A legend . Then I watched a film, narrated by Linda Hunt. (Linda Hunt, who played a man in  the year of Living Dangerously ``Could you be the unmet friend? ''  Then we saw the exhibits. A mock up of a subm
A draco Ad multos annos, Cursum perficio Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur

Mr Malchera goes to Washington

I went back to work today. After a sluggish start, I was worried. I would be late. My day went well. A nice birthday card, from my friend Miss Misery, awaited me. Work was fine. People asked about my holiday Work, was brisk, and busy. I came home, and did my excercises. Last Wednesday. I went shopping. After a hearty breakfast. My brother and I travelled to the Metro center on the Washington Metro. We stopped off at Macey's. Where I bought, a pair of Jeans. A Jumper, and a top. Then came the cherry on top The nice lady serving me. Noticed my passport. I keep dollars, in my Passport, as I can separate, the 1$'s from the 20$s and 50$s. (1 Dollar bills, are a bane of my holidays.)After being sent up to the top floor, to collect a voucher. Then we went for a walk. We went through Washington's Chinatown. Which had a Starbucks, advertising its wares, in English and Mandarin. From there, to Union Station. Where, I bought two DVDS, namely Heroes and Jericho.  I then ki


We interrupt our scheduled programing, for a moment. I would like to give a moments of thanks for my friends. My friend Miss Misery, is celebrating thanksgiving tomorrow.   My friend, in Akranes, is leading a display, at her school. She has worked very hard, and deserves praise for her hard work.   My friend Granniog, is having a tough time. At the moment. She has started a new job, and is getting used to dealing with some new people. Who are not making it easy for her. Who are making trouble for her. However she is clever and resourceful, she will triumph in the end. I will talk more about my holiday later. A good day tomorrow to you all. My Valya will be enjoying Turkey in St Petersberg

Mr Malchera goes to Washington part 2

So my brother and I having arrived in Washington, woke up after an early or late night. Depending on what timezone your living in. We went down to breakfast. I ordered a full Irish Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Soda bread Black and white pudding. That was also garnished with a strawberry. Not something I remember from my childhood holidays. We then set off to explore DC. We took the city's metro. We purchased a fair card. After a bit of tooing and froing with the electronic gates. We managed to get aboard, Washington DC's Air conditioned Subway. We got off at the Metro centre, and followed the signs. The first famous site we saw, was the White House I had meant to film it with my Video camera, however the accursed instrument, was playing up. From the Whitehouse grounds, a heron swooped over us. Washington, must have a lot of Green areas, that are undisturbed. We could see men, patroling the rooftops of the Whitehouse. My brother asked, what would happen, if he clim

30 Birthday

I turned 30 I was given, some money by my parents, towards a minibreak in December.  My sister gave me some cash today, towards my trip. I got tour of Duty on Dvd from my Brother I recieved birthday greetings, from my friend Nessa. I received Birthday Greetings from my friend in Arkranes, in Icelandic Valya called me on my birthday I got a birthday message from Lilly I got sent a card, from Meika. Granniog said Bon anniversary ESHA, sent me Birthday joy   I didn't hear from the Good Witch of the South, I guess, we just out grew each other. Thank you to my friends, who made feel happy today. If I forgot you, drop me a line, and I will remember you here
When I was in the US studying abroad. I went to Washington DC. I was there for the Thanksgiving break. I thought it would be interesting to go back and see what it was like. When I was there I was 19, almost 20. I could not go in to bars. I spent the evenings, in my hotel room. With a tube of pringles, and skinimax for company Well, I almost didn't make it this time. I had not set my alarm. I plugged it into a different socket. Then I didn't switch the Alarm set button, on. I just forgot. It was one of the worst hours of my life, the cab ride to the airport. You are supposed to be at the Airport. Three hours before an international flight. We arrived at the Check in desk, and 7:10 am. Our flight was supposed to leave at 8.05 I was flying United. They were great, they said, as soon we got there. You have made the flight don't worry. They lead us through the check in. On I was traveling with my brother. The flight we were supposed to leave on, was delayed due to a mechanical
I am leaving on a jet plane
Family snapshots This is a picture of Dad and I. If you notice, we are both squinting as my father removed his glasses. To look younger, and the ``Apple does not fall from the tree''
My holiday has begun. On Tuesday night. I went to a soccer match. My team lost. They conceded a goal, in the 2nd minute of time added on. The game seemed quite bad tempered. On and off, the pitch. A rotund youth, was ejected from the ground. After diversion comes duty, on wednesday I reported to the dentist, for a scrape and polish.
Good luck Granniog
My Scrapbook, In response to a request, here are pictures of my scrapbook
Scrapbooking This is my good friend E-S-H-A's scrapbook. It recounts her wedding, and celebrates it for her, and her family I keep a scrapbook too, its not as well kept, E-S-H-A is the owner, of the famous Mil'ka