
Showing posts from May, 2010

Happy Birthday Nessa


Shot down in May

Last week, one of the machines was left on. I swore i’d turned it off. Anyway the same thing happened today. Which is embarrassing. Its a silly mistake. An oversight. I learned about this before lunch. Which annoyed me. I didn’t like hearing it from a subordinate. Anyway, I was grumpy about this, and feeling a bit sorry for myself. Not attractive qualities. ( I see my friend Nessa has read this. Nessa is going through real difficulties I am being silly) Than, I hear the same thing happened to a different department.  A half hour later. Some one else had intervened I clearly had not turned off the machine in the other department. Hurrah!!! My spirits rose. I was a bit grumpy today. That said my co workers went to the red zone, without prompting. Perhaps I am too hard on them, The month and the week is almost over. I just cleaned my shoes. I tided up. I filed away some paperwork Tomorrow we shall do better

The day was a not a total loss

One of my co workers had a dream where I was telling them off. I am pleased


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Like drinking UHT milk and than eating an eraser

Hot tub time machine

Its ``the Hangover'', with a neat twist. 4 guys who let loose and find there true selves. Here they go back in time via well a Hot tub, time machine. Its three 40 something's and there nephew. Who lives in John Cusack's basement The young lad plays second life, and writes Stargate Fan fiction. ( Oops)His Second life character is in jail. He twitters and watches the world go by Tough to see John Cusack play a loser. He was a star of the 1980’s. Here his Gf, has just left him. Curiously as the final blow she takes his TV. Is that the big deal it would have been? The whole of the 80’s genre gets a name check. Miami Vice, Michael Jackson. MTV, Regan. AIDS, Super Mario brothers on Arcade. Walkman's. ``Where's the beef'' The 80's is dismissed as the era of Regan and Aids, at one point. There is a cameo by George Mcfly There is a bad thing moment, ala Peep show... A little nudity doesn’t hurt. A very pretty

Unanswered questions

Did she send them upstairs on Friday?  So was Jim Keats the Devil?  Will my brother stay the course on his working holiday?  Who where the two Time Lords with their eyes closed in the End of Time?  What will I have for dinner?  `` Will our story shine like a light, is it all or nothing?  Who was in the last stall at work all day today?  Will Linear A ever be deciphered?  What beers will they have at the pub tonight?  Why is a toasting fork?  Will my neighbours be up all night?  Who reads my blog in Texas?  Should I get my old PC fixed?  Will I find love?  Will Kai Optka ever return?  When Adam and Eve where the only people on the Earth, where did Cain get his wife?  Where is my Valya?  Why do Americans tweet about their meals?  Why does she lurk on my MSN messenger account, but never chat?  When will my cheque arrive?  Did Lexie have fun last night?  I wonder what I looked like at that Gig on Monday?  What was the score between Cardiff, and Blackpool?  ``Who killed cock robin?’’  Will

Robin Hood

Oh its not a bad movie at all! There are shades of Gladiator, and Braveheart. Even of Robin Hood prince of thieves. Oh and Shakespeare Crowe’s accent is hard to place. It’s not Irish though, I hear a couple of Irish accents every day. Crowe doesn’t have one. He says ``Ye’’ which is an anachronism in Hiberno-English. To be honest I don’t really know why Crowe felt the need, to have an accent. He plays an Englishman in Master and Commander. He played Comodius in Gladiator, without being Tony Curtis in Spartacus. ``Singer of Songs’’ Or the ``Cammadaarrr of thee Garrison of Roem! Geez whizz Thanks’’ Cate Blanchett does an English accent playing Marian. So I suppose that Crowe felt he needed to raise his game. Audiences have not noticed Houston’s Hiberno-French accent, as the Cour de Leon, nor Kevin Durand’s Scotch accent. Yes him, from Lost, 3.15 from Yuma, and X Men origins. Robin is an Archer in Richard’s army. He and his little band, are fighti

Malchera meets Nicky Trigger

Work May 2005

From the sublime to the ridiculous They have changed the evening system at work again. We are supposed to go to another department. We shall call them Red. Our duties are to consolidate the work there, to make it ready for tomorrow. This has been the most unpopular part of the job, ever since I have been working in Hades. People have left my shift, because they loathed working in red The complaints are: We end up doing the other departments ``Reds'' work. The other storage groups do not have to go. Some people never went to the Red zone. We were granted a temporary pass from the Red zone. The Friday before I went to Virginia beach as it happened I had people doing Projects. Looking for lost items This was quite popular. Now I have to play prison warden. I have to chase people up to the Red Zone

Nicky Trigger

Last night, I did something I may have strictly speaking never done before I went to a gig. I went to see the Skandinavian heartbreakers set. In particular one band, and the lead singer of that band. Nicki Trigger I ran into Nicki before the gig. She is friendly even to the strangest of people This is a better picture of the very lovely and very talented Nikki Trigger. As I mentioned before is a singer for an 80's inspired group from Denmark, (Britney Lace) I went to see her play in town. I know young Nikki's older sister. You can hear more about Nicki's music here. Or you can follow her at twitter I am glad I went to see them. Let Nicki's music speak for her. Its better than anything I can say

Best wishes

Get well soon, and be careful to my Valya and to you granniog

Going to a gig tomorrow

Any advice

Round up May 14th

I went to the Opticians today. I don’t need to get new glasses. So that is good news They have changed things again at work. We were excused from having to go and help out another department in the evenings. Now we must return. I will have to spend my evenings chasing down people, to make sure they go upstairs and help out the other department. I will be fighting all the time. I left a machine on at work last night, that was embarrassing Heroes has been cancelled by NBC. No more lovely Claire! My best to my friend Miss Misery Good luck with your test, Kate Good luck Lexie.

Mountain lions in New Jersey

I didn’t want to type Cougars. As I do not want to activate peoples spam guards. I guess I would get more traffic, but I have been happy in my obscurity up until now and there is no need to change Anyway my youngest brother is off to America. He will be a counsellor at a Summer Camp. Some of the local fauna. I was up till 430 am filling out his visa form.

Four Lions

A bloody farce I was reminded of  statistic that 3/4 of terrorist attacks in Northern Ireland failed, before they could be carried out. Three British born Muslims, of Pakistani stock. In an Northern town somewhere in England. Along with an older English convert dream of Jihad. Omar the leader of the gang. Married to a Nurse, and working the night shift as a security guard. Dreams of going to Pakistan to join the struggle One day Omar gets his e-mail from Pakistan, from his uncle. ( The e-mail address is Hilary Clinton 555. I wondered if this was a joke) The convert refers to the British security services as the feds. The MP, at a public meeting, cowers behind his desk, when a guy fakes a suicide bombing One of the would be bombers, rails against the Teacher who failed him at Media studies. 3 of the bombers sing along to Toploader, on the drive down to London. There is a scene when Omar tries to obtain a phone to call his friend urgently, and can’t because the sales staff insist o

Today in History

Today in History Cuimhnidh ar Luimneach agus ar feall na Sasanach

Thanks Lexie

  Thank you
I took this video, last week. when I went to London zoo. I have had my hair cut since than. I think I look like Hitler, however I only paid 7 notes. So I will not complain. As I noted in earlier posts, the animals were quite quiet on the day I went to the zoo.
Happy Birthday Lilly Best wishes and many kisses

Off to Old Virginia again

Off to Old Virginia again

Get well soon Valya!

Take care, get strong!

Song for the day

Saw this on Glee. ``I am getting older, I used to have so much mercy''

Iron man 2

A decent sequel. Harry Stark having build his super powered armour deals with the fall out of his exposure as Ironman and new challenges, including his own mortality I love the Harry Stark scenes. John Slattery who plays Roger Sterling in Mad men, was playing Harry Stark. The father of the lead character. It was basically a pastiche on his Mad Men role. Even down to his quaffing whiskey. It was great Rourke’s  Russian doted over his pet bird, which was nicely done. Russians adore parrots. When Rourke is attacking the cars at the Grand Prix, There is moment he reveals the chest pack. At that moment he would have drawn sniper fire. It looked like a suicide bomber The CRS took how long to respond? I kept thinking Tony aim, for his head. Scarlett Jo, is smoking hot. Her part in her early scenes is very well written. When Tony gets into the car I didn’t recognise Sam Rockwell. Kudos to him, on being willing to play a jerk. Its a step down from President of  of the galaxy It was solid
It is with regret, that I learn that my friends Nessa, and Del. From Stars and Tartan, are to separate My best wishes to them both Mal, Ru

We're all going to the Zoo Tomorrow

So, on Saturday I went to the Zoo. I sponsor a tiger for my Valya there.  The Tigers were asleep, and I didn't bring my digital camera, but rather just used my mobile.  Which does not have a zoom. I started the day off a bit grumpy. I went on the Metro, to the cool part of town. This is where I should have hung out as a teen and twenty something. I am glad I didn't. Because I went to America instead. Though they were selling Brooklyn Lager. I thought of going back for some Anyway I walked up several hills. In a huff, and I got this great view

The Zoo!

Camels. They smell strongly A Kimono Dragon. The worlds largest lizard     Emu, sans Rodd Hull   There were Macaws and Toucans. I really liked the Toucans, they were great. Guinness were spot on, when they picked it as a mascot