
Showing posts from June, 2010
Are you Butch? Was someone fingered?
Yesterday whilst cursing all things Chilean again. As I saw my money go down the drain. I noticed the camera lingering on a young lady in a green sweater. As she bounced up and down, in triumph. I cursed the fact that the game was being held in the Southern Hemisphere...

Doctor Who The Matt Smith era review

There are spoilers in this review At the end of the End of Time, the Doctor regenerated This is my thoughts on the first series of the Matt Smith/David Moffatt era Matt’s Smith doctor took a while to get used to. They always do. I do like Matt’s Doctor. Its more Alien. Matts Doctor is more like the genius stoner, than David Ts. David T’s Doctor was somewhat the cool school teacher David T’s Doctor quoted the Lion King, a few minutes, after regenerating Christopher Eccleson. Matt Smith’s is more unearthly. He hands James Corden, a bag full of cash and assumes it a lot. He doesn’t ask for chips, or an orange or a cup of tea. That’s not a bad thing. A lot of the Audience for Doctor are now teenage girls, and their mothers. This is one of the triumphs of the Russell T Davis era. Russell managed to get the show a large female audience. This is not unusual in SF, going back to Star Trek had a large female audience. It is just not be fashionable to point it out, the most obsessive fan

Happy Birthday Meike

Jamie says be good!
Ssssh Don't tell my brother, but we will be staying overnight in New York city, on the 21st of september. Cost me a bit more than I expected. I did it via the travel agency, rather than the airline. As I wanted to get everything squared away We will hang out in Desmond's where we used to spend our St Patrick's day. That's me and my brother and sister, celebrating St Pat's at some point in the noughties. We will go to Hooters, and than drink late So I am looking for a hotel somewhere in New York city

Song for today

I like Dido, I like the thank that her name is a reference to classical mythology. I like the way she looks, she reminds me of one of the girls, from the art college. Anyway, I listened to life for rent I've always thought that I would love to live by the sea To travel the world alone and live my life more simply I have no idea what's happened to that dream Cos there's really nothing left here to stop me I guess it’s true

Happy birthday Nead

Your so old

Dell Streak

I do not like to think of myself as a material person. I am sitting here, in a T-shirt, I picked off my brothers charity pile, and a set of 10 dollar sweats. I saw an advert last week for this in a newspaper, and I thought. I wanted one. I had been thinking about getting an I-phone but Apple always turned me off. This looked right So after work on Saturday. I walked into the store, and I signed a contract. (60 deposit plus 30 a week) I am sure its going to cost me a fortune, but its less money to spend on beer It took half hour, to put the back cover on, again. On Monday I switched it off, and it would not turn off again until lunchtime. I had turned my headphones off, and my speaker on, and blasted come on Eileen across a carriage. Its heavy and I am terrified I will get mugged. I could not get MSN messenger droid working properly either. Cleaned up a picture of my Icelandic ex, very nicely though On the other, hand. I can listen to al
His mind is gone, and I have been hitting him, but the glasses, which he found, are his own yesterday people kept tweeting happy father's day except to the dead beat dads. Why, why not tweet happy veterans day except for deserters, and war criminals. Happy Christmas, but if you were not good, this year ha ha ha.
I have no idea who this woman is I bought a Dell streak and I was transferring pictures It was taken on St Patrick's day 2007 I don't pictures of women I don't know, I wait till we are introduced

On this day

On this day I announced it 5 months to my birthday People celebrated Icelandic National day My friend Katherine was heartbroken We did 7 more requests than yesterday I was called vindictive I learned a co worker, had retired because of ill health My brother got sunburned I put a hit out on someone :) My other brother got in trouble at his job I got an e-mail from my friend Nessa I had a meat pie for dinner My pal Lexie went to the hospital My brother paid off his share of my holiday I read an alternate history piece of the Bavarian wars of succession My Valya played Squash I missed Justified I lost the battery for my mobile phone, but nothing else France lost 2-0 to Mexico My friend Susanne sent me a link about an unholy jellifish I finally go round to updating my blog
More old skool, kids TV merchandise. This is from the early 1970's late sixties I think. We have a lot of orphaned transfers in this part of the collection. Huckleberry hound needs Yogi and rockets to sell his book. I guess we all can't be smarter than the average bear
Thirty years old, and this still goes through my head For really old school: I was looking at childrens books from the 1950's today and and for the other side of the Pond They had all the Topsy and Tim books too


There is a girl at work. One of the newbies. She is a smart girl, but lacks confidence in herself. Her boyfriend is in a band and she was talking to him. She referred to him as the creative one. Which was a shame. As she is a smart lady, but as I said she lacks confidence. So she deferred to her boyfriend. The creative one That is a problem with the world. We watch sports rather than play them. We go to galleries rather than paint. We listen to music rather than sing A lot of Pop culture is imposed from above. It is imposed by a self appointed elite. We notice this with High culture, but we defer shamelessly and cowardly to self appointed arbiters of pop and middle brow culture For the love of God Amanda Holden tells people they can’t sing, and millions of people watch During the great depression, people went to see Musicals. During World war two. What you think you have it harder than a Clydeside steelworker, d

If you have a moment

Please tell James Corden, he is a fine comic actor. This is a great. Mr Corden you did a good job in Fat Friends. You co wrote and performed well, in Gavin and Stacey. Oh and my I say an excellent job, in the late episode of Doctor Who, the Lodger. I was thinking of writing a review of that here, but I will wait to the end of the series.   Did you get to meet Karen Gillian? She is lovely, and tall and Scottish, Like my friend Susanne.   You are not however a comedian. That is a different skill. Some people can combine the two. Hugh Laurie, has combined the two well. To a lesser extent Steven Fry has. I would actually put Steven Fry below Hugh Laurie as a comic actor. Fry’s performance as Wilde, aside I don’t think I.Q and Peters Friend’s are classics. IQ ( Gosh, Meg Ryan as a romantic lead) Yes I know Mr Fry is in Bones. But than again, he is up against David Borenaz. Yes he played Angel,

A true champion!

Whatever happens between the cousins today Well done Kat, on passing your exams and getting all A’s I told you so"!
From my brother to my sister.. Well done on passing your driving test

Following in the footsteps

As of Midnight tonight GMT: 7pm, EST: My younger brother, Patrick. Will be in the USA. I went off to the Airport with him today. Pat, known as Patwah, or Loon. Is of to teach Americans Life saving and Rugby I am reminded of the time, I set off on my great adventure west. Where I came to North Carolina, a young lad. Patrick is older than I was. I was 19, he was 23,  but he seemed so young, as he past through immigration. I guess they all do I urge all, of you to give him what assistance you can. In my absence, I authorise, him to treat on my behalf We shall see him, again in Virginia
O Columba spes Scotorum


X marks the spot? They are decorating in Hades. So I walk down a normally unused stairwell. I also have to use a different lift, when I am returning items. I have to draw a special set of keys, which amuses me. I pretend I work in a nuclear bunker. Which is probably not healthy, but if you met the bastards I have to work with, you would understand why violent nihilism, can sometimes appeal to me Or sometimes, I think I am in an episode of Alias. The one where Tarrantino makes an appearance I miss that show I saw this written by the door stop Diecinueve. I think I have misspelled it now here. ( Yeah Yeah, I can still hear my old school teachers saying how can you miss spell something you can see on the blackboard) I was intrigued by the word, and I took a photo of it... 19. Which after I had made an offering to the Gods of Google, I was granted the wisdom. Its the word 19 A mystery solved.
Sorry ladies more football Today I placed the following bets. I put a bet on the Grand National Chile to win the world cup. Chile have a good reputation coming into the tournament, I think they could pull a real upset and besides its another chance for Chileans to break my heart Germany to win the world cup. Germany is always reliable. The South African world cup is uncharted territory. Different climate, A new set of Fans, many strong teams self destruct. Netherlands and Spain come to mine. Germany I think will hold. If Chile bleed Brasil white, than the tournament could be there As a sidelight. I picked a Spain and Argentina final. Again if Chile break Brasil. Then these two are the Wild cards. Spain have under performed, historically, but just maybe. Whilst this is nothing personal, I would like someone to break Brasil’s stranglehold on the championship It should make things interesting

The Dammed United

Most of the readers of this blog, are not soccer fans. I am, and I would recommend this film, to them. Like the recent Sandra Bullock movie-  a sports movie Firstly I must say something about Michael Sheen’s performance as Brian Clough, it is  spectacular.  I remember Brian Clough at the twilight of his career, when he was doing guest performances on Sport in Question.( Which was required viewing for year 5 in High school) Clough was a brilliant but big headed and reckless manager. He is named checked by Muhammed Ali, he would win successes with several teams, but never achieve his real goal of managing England His son Nigel also made a career in the game. Nigel, would be one of the blond boys following his father Anyway, this is a period piece, in the same vein as Mad Men and Life on Mars.  A reconstruction of the near past. Black and white television’s John Craven’s newsround- Cigarette smoke lingers indoors. The boys read Wizard. The fish and chips are wrapped in Newspapers.  C

Happy Birthday Kat

  Happy birthday Take care Many happy returns ;
Happy Birthday Rebecca
Actually looks like a tombstone Today was a better day, than I thought it would be. Turned out to be quite bright, and quiet

UNC photos

Thanks Chris, who send me these photo's of me in my old University The old well. Triumphing over Silent sam According to UNC lore. Silent Sam, fires his gun, if a Virgin walks by