
Showing posts from July, 2010

31 July 2021

I miss beer. I am stuck in my room, my neighbours are talking late. I am roasting in the heat.

Mock the Week reboot

If we assume Frankie Boyle, is never coming back, to Mock the Week.  Than the show needs some spite. Hugh Dennis and  Russell Howard are too good natured. Their humor is based on either word play, or fun nostalgia. (Simon and the Witch, Wotsits) Find someone spiteful, and let them have at it... Kevin Bridges might work Get rid of Hugh Dennis and make Milton Jones a regular. The man does Hugh Dennis work better than Hugh. How many kids get these days get the Shadwoddywoddy/ Jimmy Saville reference? Dump Andy Parsons for someone else. ``The Family guy'' Someone different, a woman perhaps? I know they used to have Jo Brand, on as a regular in the earlier episodes. They could find some better Sara Millican perhaps? Don’t hire Ed Byrne. He is too close to Dara. It begins to look like a clique. Byrne complained about not being hired by Channel 4, for work the other day. boo hoo.
Another postcard from Agadir

I found my headphones!

As well as my streak case Hurrah!!!
A postcard from Morocco from my friend Irisha

A postcard from Meike

A postcard from my friend Meike, in Germany. Who is enjoying her time, by the seaside, be careful of sharks!

Happy Birthday

С Днем Рождения Happy Birthday Diana

Fantasy Football team

One of our supervisors organises this at work. He handed me a form, and I decided to fill it out, it will pass the time, and please the Supervisor The Fantasy football  concept is easy. You choose a certain amount of players, normally so many per team. Here only one is allowed. You have a budget to spend, in this case 61 million. This is a fantasy budget If someone gave me 61 million, I would be living in a castle in Hawaii. If your still interested I am playing 4-4-2 formation Anyway here is Malchera’s XI Goalkeeper: Hart J Manchester City I had wanted Shay Given. However he is injured, so I went with Hart. Here is hoping! Defenders: Terry J Chelsea, 5m I don’t like John Terry but I wanted a strong back 4, and to give the Devil his due Terry is England Captain for a reason. A strong back 4 is vital Gallas Arsenal. Arsenal defender. A strong back 4 is vital Heit Everton Everton did a good job last season with there defence and a strong back four is vita I may have

Why I am a crazy person ``What is your childhood trauma’’

Peter Hart

Peter Hart dead I own Mick, and the IRA and its enemies,


From what I have read. Christopher Nolan, wants to do a  James Bond movie. This can be seen as a two hour audition for it. There are car chases, there are chases through exotic locations, Mombassa. Tokyo, and Paris. The plot is both simple and complex. The Army developed a system to control dreams, to allow people to experience pain while they are dreaming. That technology has been corrupted, and stolen, and is now used for corporate espionage. Leo is playing Cobb. A man, who has learned how to enter and manipulate peoples dream, but is haunted in his dreams by his wife, who died. John Gordon Levit, as Leo’s partner in crime. The lovely Ellen page stars as Adriane. Cool nickname Well, Leo, and John and Ellen, are hired by a Japanese corporation, to implant an idea, into the son and heir of the Tycoon, who is their major rival. The Tycoon’s son is played by Cillian Murphy, and Michael Caine has a cameo as Leo’s father in law.  So Nolan picked his favourites. Its not a bad movie.

Tiffany Adverts

I wonder if George Peppard and Audrey saw these's_(film) This is an advert from : I loathe scanning mircofilms, its a fiddly job which gives me eyestrain, and motion sickness Scanned from a mircofilm at work This is an article from the New Yorker, published in the 1930's It is a description and review of this film Freaks The story of a sideshow troupe. I became aware of it, from this classic episode of the X files The reviewer warns away the parents of children from this fim Alongside it, our adverts for a ladies hotel. No gentlemen guests. The past is truly a different world. Interesting to see catch a glimpse of it, now and than

Why no witty post?

Tomorrow, is my last working day of the week. It has been a  busy one the elevators are not working at work My mother  goes into Hospital tomorrow. You call take care
You are strictly forbidden from using lift 14
Eres un ángel,

Song for the day

Its of course, by @thatKevinsmith.  I heard, the original version, at work. A bit of a rough day for me work wise. I was tired after the weekend. The funny thing, is often I am buttercup. I just realised that today

Update 18 of July

Good luck to Lexie, with her job interviews I have on my to do list: Finished the work in compartment 7: Taken my brother shoe shopping, to no avail today I continue with a search for a NYC hotel I have been told the place in Biarritz, where I have been planning to stay is in a small village. My brother has fallen and cut his head quite badly


Mexico is in North America

Relics of a smoker

I am still trying to find my headphones, and phone cover. I was looking behind my desk last night. I noticed a wire, and wondered if it was my earphones, I needed to bring light upon the matter, so I reached for one of my lighters. Yes using a naked flame, is not smart I know. However the lighter in question, the Montpellier one failed to strike. The gas has evaporated I smoked on and off from 15- 30. I naturally bought lighters and matches. I had a jar full of disposable lighters, and matches. Which I have got rid of. The Montpellier lighter, I bought in Montpellier, when I was visiting Charlotte. I have been to Montpellier, twice and I didn’t get many souvenirs The shiny dolphin, I bought in Hawaii. I had wanted to get a shark, but they didn’t sell them. It looks like a Zippo lighter, and it was shiny. I got it, as an ice breaker. I miss, the routine of smoking. I miss my lighter, my silver dolphin came with me across the world. To New York, to France, and now it rests on


I had a moment today, so I took a brief look at the latest display at work. As I mentioned in my recent post I had to walk across to another office, and I went by a slightly different route. So I took a peak at the exhibits and art with great interest I have been writing about an Alternate South America. As a project on and off, for a few years. I was skimming through a book on the material culture of the Spanish colonies today Its fair to say I have have a fascination about the continent So, I took some snaps This is the name of the exhibition. It recounts the Latin American revolts and rebellions against Spanish rule. As well as politely passing over the British exhibition to the river Plate This plate describes the rebellion against the Spanish in Peru. Alongside some books of the period. A map of South America, at around 1820. Inspired by all these rebels and

He Man !``The cosmic comet’’

Every evening, I ride my exercise bike for an hour. Its really boring. So I look for something to keep me amused. I can’t really chat or answer e-mails. So I watch stuff. Anything to pass the time. No Porn, or depressing or violent stuff, the windows are open Of late I have been watching 80’s cartoons. As I watched an episode of Defenders of the Earth yesterday I went for something different Namely Masters of the Universe,  which was a cartoon based on a toy made by Matel I have read the brand were designed to be based on Conan, but that was too violent and sexualised. So Mattel found its own source material My brother had He Man, I had Skeletor, ( The main bad guy- the Antagonist) and He Man’s sword. As well as his shield. I promptly broke the sword.  My mother really spoiled us in terms of presents. We always got what we wanted, at Christmas. My Parents were buying for multiple children too, and all this on One sometimes One and a half incomes Anyway, He man, was a toy produced b
To do list 13th of July Book hotel in New York Buy a tape measure for work Find my remote for my hard drive Check cost of trip to NC. Take my brother to the shoe shop. Send that parcel off to the USA Find the earphones and cover for my Dell Streak Finish the transfer cards for 7 Research Biarritz

Viva Espania World Cup final 2010

King Juan Carlos The Duke of Alva The Cross of Burgundy

Latin lunch

As many of you know, I spend my time observing people from windows. At work, we had a Latin American day, They often have events in the piazza in the summer time.   I guess it was due, to it being Argentinan Independence day yesterday. So I hope you had fun Sol That events at work took on a Latin theme. Which according to the powers that be, means wearing either a stetson or a panama Anyway, they had Dancers, from Bolivia, In quite ornate costumes. This picture does not do them justice. They moved in high heels. Another group of Dancers, gave the crowds salsa lessons This is a somewhat better picture of the Bolivian dancers. It was very warm here today. Unlike parts further north who had rain Lots of eye candy on the Piazza today and not forgetting that most of my readers are of the xx genetic groups We had two acrobats. A diverting lunch break

War of the Dinobots

One of the highlights of my life was when Hasbro released the Dinobots They were Transformers who transformed into Dinosaurs.  I don’t think there is anything cooler even now. I actually brought the advertisement from the mail to the swimming pool. Where I met my friend, and dropped the comic book page into my pool I was watching this- an episode of the Transformers cartoon the other day, and began to deconstruct it. Read on to learn more The cartoon  starts with Chip- The disabled companion of the Transformers- looking at a meteor Chip is ``the brains''  and so he is working in an observatory. With an African American- kudos for representation Chip indulges in a bit of hyperbole when he announces that the meteor is about to destroy the Earth.  So Chip contacts Optimus prime No one, else.-NASA, USAF, notices the meteor ( Actually not impossible) On the ride to  their encounter with the meteor  Prime decides to make two more Dinobots.
``you miss order when its gone''
Today is the 5th anniversary of the 7/7 bombings. In happier news my friends little sister, Alison, and my friend Lorena's birthday so many happy returns to them Holland, triumphed 3-1 to win there semi final. It will be two European teams, in the final of the 2010 world cup. I look forward to the Germany Spain game today I bought some music on Amazon today. Placebo, Gorillaz, Guided by voices, and Burt Baccharach I am still looking for a hotel in New York for steptember I was enchanted to see the pictures of my good friend Daria's wedding. She looked so beautiful. I know she worked very hard to organise the day. From this observer the day looked a success.
Testing my new camera...for my American cousins I just had a chicken and bacon sandwich

Get me to the Greek

As I posted in my review for Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I am not a huge Russell Brand fan.  He is a smarter comedian than perhaps I like to admit.( I note in 2021 Peter Hitchens was impressed by him)  In Forgetting Sarah Marshall Brand play's Aldous Snow so this movie is something of a spin off, rather than a sequel I love Kirsten bell. She has a brief cameo here, in the ad, for a TV show ``Blind Medicine’’ that Snow watches on the plane Colm Meaney is playing an Englishman. A cockney here to add to the Yorkshireman he played in the ``Damned United''. Oh and a Welshman in the ``Englishman who came a hill and went down a Mountain'' Green Wing's Martin, turns up as Snow/ Brands flunky. Who offers   Jonah/ Aaron Green a lolly One of the Harry Potter kids, features as well Aaron Green tries a terrible British accent The plot is simple must take Snow, from London to LA, to recreate his seminal performance at the Greek Theatre.  Snow career has hit the skids, af

Congratulations Daria

My best wishes to my learned and kind friend Daria, on the happiest day of her life. Many happy returns to you and your husband

Update 3rd of July

Happy Birthday to my pal Bec Germany defeated Argentina 4-0. So my bed on an Argentina Spain final, is now void. So from now I will follow Germany in the finals I still need to buy travel insurance, and book a hotel for my stop in New York I am glad my friend Lua Clara feels better I send love to my  friends Nessa, and Katherine PS I think its 5 years ago today that met Granniog in person Take care, enjoy the sunshine, wear sunscreen

Happy birthday Kata

Have a wonderful day! You be good! (Borrowed the picture from Xenafanfiction)

The Defeat of Lexie

This is me vanquishing Lexie. She is very much afraid of me, as she knows this will happen. She is now hiding probably in darkest Peru, or cowering in the Oort belt.   Yet we all know I am the toughest, and the best. I will take all her sweets too