
Showing posts from August, 2010

Bon anniversaire Granniog

Have a nice day, eat some jelly


A morality tale with breasts This may be a perfect B/horror shlock movie Beware there are spoilers I am warning you there are spoilers here… *************** The film starts with Richard Dreyfus on a boat listening to show me the way to go home. As he is fishing. An earthquake happens, and a shoal of Piranha is let loose. I was thinking I might prefer to die from blood loss from Piranha’s than drowning Its a great, Its a model for making a  genre movie. You work backwards. One you have things in place, you polish it, with humour and references The opening scene with Kelly brook, and the blonde moppet, the little sister of the hero. Is well done. ``Nice boobs. I’ve a training bra’’ The only problem, is Jerry O’Connell’s porn producer is a bit graphic in front of the kid. Kelly covering the ears would have worked. Jerry is fine, too. Plays his part, perfectly . A c--t So  Boy meets girl, girl leaves boy for bastard with gig tickets. Boy meets tart with a heart, and film crew. Bo

Check box

When I was in UNC, I opened a bank account with a local bank. I won’t mention which one. As they kind of fleeced of me. I opened a savings account for example. Which I had no need for. It was my fault, for simply picking the first place that was open. I had been very careless with my money. I spent to much and left my money lying around in plain view. They sent the checks to the wrong place. I wrote bad ones. I was chased by a credit agency over this. I wonder if I am still black listed somewhere in the USA over this. I was even a little concerned about returning to NC. Wondering if my creditors should be awaiting for me. Anyway, they sent me a lot of checks. In this little box, and I have kept the box. It was full of stuff from my past. The mission cards from my old risk set. The business card of a Mr Harvey who was my contact at the employment agency I worked for just after I left college There are the tags, of two jerseys. The New York Yankee’s top I got my from my older si

Scott Pilgrim

Its the first gamers movie. As opposed to movies about games. The opening titles, for universal have been adapted to look like the Ident for a PC game Michael Cera, plays Scott Pilgrim. A bass player with a new Chinese School girl friend. Knives. Than a beautiful stranger enters his life. At a party, Where Scott fails to impress the famous or is it infamous romana At the battle of the bands. Scott is attacked by a stranger in the manner of street fighter 2. The first ex, does a bollywood dance. Surrounded by demonic cheerleaders. Chris Evans, the Movie star not the DJ, is the next. The film revolves around these set pieces, but it not defined by it. The young lady playing knives steals the show. She is lovely. The film never takes its eyes off her. Scott does treat her well. The scene when one of the evil exes punches her, and punches her high lights out, had me baying for blood. Knives is an interesting character she is 17, and an innocent and is dumped by Scott. The film implies

Unopened Christmas present

  I get deodorant/shower gel from an aunt, every year. I don’t use aerosol deodorants as a rule. The scent lingers. I hate when people use them at work. As I work in a windowless bunker. I have not opened this, box and I may never. Besides the Winnie pooh wrapper is cool

26 August

My best wishes to my friend Susanne, who went to a funeral today, so here is a smile for her They are not going to extend the contracts  of many of my co workers. They got the news today. Best wishes to my friend Sahara who has made the right decision

A belated birthday

I just tweeted this to @kevinsmith, well I will say it came out this month in this side of the pond. Anyway the classic movie Airplane like my middle sister is thirty years old this year A Comedy classic. It introduced me to Leslie Nielsen I remember seeing glimpses of it, the very few times I was able to stay up late. There were boobs in it!  I think I watched it, all the way through in college, with the help of a few beers. ``Guess I picked the wrong day to quit smoking’’

Counting down

10th of September when the drought breaks 9 Time I will be woken tomorrow 8 am  start if I want to cycle before 7 the compartment where I did the last 2 queries 6th of September is the Train strike 5 minutes till midnight 4 days till I am off work again 3 Sandwiches, why don’t I eat that many anymore 2 episodes of Man men to watch 1 more hour before I sleep

Dexter is still a murderer

It was an ex girlfriend, who first introduced me to the show. I was sceptical about it, the hero or rather anti hero of the series is a murderer. Goodness then we were still friends… Anyway, I think I was the last person, who has not seen season 3, but in case you have not. SPOILERS SPOLIERS SPOILERS SPOILERS Captain Laguerta who in the earlier series was quite a political promotion. She seems to have settled in, and become part of the furniture. In real life this does happen. If you manage to stay in position long enough, you will be accepted. You may still be incompetent but still accepted as part of the background I feel the loss of Doakes was glossed over. The loss of Doakes, should have HIT laguerta harder. Doakes, Miguel and her new friend the defence lawyer Are all killed. Two of the people LaGuerta has slept with. Actually more than that. Two trusted co workers murderers, as far as the captain knows


A decent thriller, in`` The Enemy of the State. The Fugitive, the Bourne trilogy'' mold Angelina Jolie plays Ms. Salt. A CIA agent married to a German biologist. (Spiders) On a Friday afternoon at work, a Russian defector Orlov walks into the CIA HQ and declares an agent named Salt will shoot the president of Russia Salt is a sleeper, part of an old Russian/Soviet plan. The terms are used indiscriminately in the movie.  The sleepers would wait till day X and then strike-There were apparently 100's waiting to strike if the balloon went up Lee Harvey was a sleeper- Per the film  Angelina Jolie, plays her character largely sexlessly.  There is a scene of her in the beginning being tortured by North Koreans, she is in her underwear. In real life she would be naked.  No- that was not alluring. It could almost be a male lead. In fact at one point, Salt disguises herself as man. ( 2021- This film was originally a Tom Cruise vehicle)  The CIA need to get a flight from DC to NY

Round up August 21st 2010

I have my long weekend, and I have been watching Dexter season 3. I have finally caught up with the rest of the civilised world I have been answering a set of question on Eire 1922-1950 on my history list I have put $100 towards my holiday by not drinking I went to see my soccer team, win today. They are top of the league. I walked down there. The weather is odd. It looks overcast but its humid. So I felt too hot, and than too cold. They have a new game at the football. One has to try to hit the cross bar from the centre spot. If one scores you win 25000 notes I  updated my scrapbook, and my recorded dvds of Mad Men, Glee and Family Guy. I walked through the old market. The man who used to sell Porn, is no longer there My sister is in Ireland on holiday. She is buying me flipflops My other sister is going to Ibiza with her boyfriend. Hey boyfriend almost lost his eye, however he is now safe to travel and Finally A safe trip to my Valya who is off to Peru!

Nessa blog My friend Nessa's blog

What we have learned so far

Andy is barred from the Ayr branch of B&Q after an incident with a stepladder the first Kiwi fruits on sale in Scotland arrived at the Hill Head branch of Morrisons today! Its impossible to buy garlic in Hillhead after Michaelmas Richard Telford of Kirkwall, married with three children is innocent Loch Tay is visible from Charon the moon of Pluto Gordon Haig of Glenrothes is the 1471st tallest man on Earth East Kilbride is where the money Jelly will not set properly in Scotland Motherwell, is fashionable with japanese tourists Connie Bailey Rae, was a runner up for Miss Aberdeen in 2007 There are only two fridges in Scotland. One in Balmoral one in Holyrood

Happy birthday Viki

Many happy returns

Sport Billy!

There has been nothing cooler, since than. Alas still banned in Scotland!

From my years in India

They dismissed me from the service soon after. They told me to go easy on the gin

Happy birthday

Happy birthday @Yourmelody1 Many happy returns

Who is this?


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Sunday 15th of August

The BBC have put several of the classic series of Doctor Who, on Youtube. I spent an hour today, watching State of Decay. Part of the E-Space saga I am still weighing up holiday plans My soccer team are top of the league after two matches I am off down the pub. I am halfway through my dry month. So before I have an orange juice I will see my friend at Christmas I send a hug to my friend Katherina Best wishes to my fellow blogger Sahara My pal Susanne looks great in her new hairdo I hope my friend Nessa, had an easy day at work today

My teenage years

H/T (Wrackspurtlove) According to my mother. I resemble Young will The young lady is Antony Head’s daughter

There just taunting me now


The Evil leaper Quantum leap

Of late, inspired in part by my friend Susanne. I have been watching the Series Quantum leap again. I got the first two series on DVD. I have been watching the episodes as I ride my excercise bike in the evenings For those of you who don’t know. The series premise was that Sam Beckett, was travelling in time, within his own lifetime. 1956-2010 Sam leaped into other lives. The person, he leaped into exchanged places physically with Sam. Sam was guided by his friend Al. Admiral Albert Calavicci. Who appeared in the form of a hologram only Sam, and dogs and horses could see Anyway, I was recalling the evil leaper episodes. There was a trilogy of episodes in which Sam encountered an evil leaper. Alia. Alia was Sam’s opposite driven by Lothos, an evil hybrid computer. To do the unspeakable Sam, faced Alia down and convinced her, to stop. Talking the gun, from her hand. However there was another ending I remember Quantum leap as sweetness and light. Perhaps wrongly. There is an

Christmas egg

I got a dinosaur egg, for Christmas, either this year or the last. It was a gift from my litter sister I decided to look at it properly today. I opened the box, and there was a wooden stake and a brush. I realise I have squandered the potential value of the item, by removing it from its original packaging This is the egg. I was working away, on the shell. With brush and wooden stake. Whilst I watched the Normans. A little Velociraptor, recovered

Song for today ``There’s gotta be more…’’

I am borrowing this content for a moment. Yes I am aware I have a child’s musical taste I used to catch this song,on one of the music channels, a few years ago.  I liked it. Its a nice enough song.  Stacey O, is a sweet young lady. Who tired of the music business and became a volunteer in Africa. I have been listening to it all day today. I downloaded if from Amazon. It catches a moment in adolescence when, you start working, and its mopping floors, or loading books onto barrows. You go to college and its waiting around all day for three hours of lectures, eating instant noodles, and maybe watching Star trek, or the Simpsons  and going to bed. So you go to the club on the weekend. You go to the underwear party. You get drunk, but that’s it isn’t it


Was just offered gourmet jelly beans for my phone


As some of you may know. I am going to Virginia Beach in just over a month. I will be going with my brother C. Who I normally go on holiday with.   This is me, in C, in Murphys Irish bar. Virginia beach March 2010. Who the onlooker is I do not know. However this year, my youngest brother is in the USA. He is working as a camp counsellor. So in theory he may be able to join us, for our trip   This is my youngest brother. Yes, he has this photo on his visa. ha ha ha I want to go and see UNC play on the 18th of September. My friends will be there. A College football game would be an experience. The tickets are not outrageous. 50 dollars each. Though the seats are metal benches, and the stadium is dry. The problem is the USA, is so large and so vast. Or rather the problem is I don’t drive. If I drove it would be a 4 hour trip, from Virginia beach to the University of Chapel hill, at North Carolina h ttp://

Song for the day

My friend Katharina had her heart broken , it seems like ages ago. She is happy today, she is playing with her new toy. Yet sometimes, when she is alone, and it is quiet, the saddness trips her up, As misery loves company, let me share this song. Bif naked, – Lucky. You may know it from Buffy the Vampire the slayer, the series. I heard it on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer soundtrack. It may have been the first CD, I ever bought, as opposed to have been given, or borrowed. I remember this song, because I remember someone `` We never should have met we never should have spoken, but we did meet and we did speak’’ In some other universe, there is a house with dogs, and children, and their Godmother is visiting Time is all it takes to forget the world
Alternate Site ID You will probably have to zoom. Needless to say I found the picture online. The dinosaur, is probably a Spinosaurs. The plates on its back, and teeth. The French maid, needs no explanation

Another message, from the conspiracy

Are they on to me?

The A-Team

This was a classic piece of 1980’s TV. I watched it for years. We bought the merchandise, we talked about it in class. My brother is a big fan. He had the DVD boxed set Well it’s exciting, and its a good cast, but its a little disappointing. There are lots of memorable set pieces, and some snappy lines. This film actually seems to be more of a vehicle for Bradley Cooper than anything else. He graces the camera without a shirt. He flirts with the very sexy Jessica Biel. Who is playing the Colonel Decker analogue They could have had Jessica Garner and a homage to Alias. As they had a homage to BSG Iraq, will be the new Vietnam. In the original A-Team series our heroes robbed the bank of Saigon. Here they are to liberate some printer plates that have fallen into Saddam loyalist hands. The missing printer plate have some basis Liam Nelson, does a good job impersonating George Peppard. You see it, in his mannerisms After 8 years of service. Face is still a Lieutenant? The film is vio

I saw this:

I saw this outside work today I meant to take a photo. I had a splitting headache Not the only genre fan, in construction

The first hint of conspiracy!

Dur dur durrrr!

The first weekend

Despite the generous gift of a glass of complimentary orange juice. A bottle of becks blue. I am not enjoying my second day of refraining from liquor. The heat does not help. I had hoped it would rain over the weekend. On Saturday morning it promised just that. Does anyone else remember the summer of 2008, when it rained non stop. I looked back on those days with great fondness. Watch Dave, the channel, the episodes of Mock the Week, they show are all from that time Its awful not to have the hit, the release of alcohol to look forward to,indeed  besides the occasional bottle of pop and chocolate bar,  I have no vices