
Showing posts from May, 2011

A couple playing Cosplay

Last week. As I was getting on the train. My eye, was drawn to the young lady here. Who was with her boyfriend. They were off to an event , for the long weekend I asked permission to take a picture, and they agreed   A touch of colour on my way to work

Good luck Kate

Well done

Lord Essex 's way is the only way (Short Story )

Prologue. It rained hard. The roof had been breached here and there. The Aldermen and Mayor of Bristol had made flowery speech after speech. Praising him, as a second Edward to hammer the Irish, rather than the scots. Calling for good weather and good fortune. Bishops, Parsons, and their fat and dull wives ate like tomorrow would be doomsday.  A fool tumbled. Another fool stumbled over the bagpipe while his fellow mishandled a lute His head still felt no better Tomorrow he would be in a leaky cabin, with half the company sea sick.  If he was really lucky he would drown, but no he would live and than  he would be chasing kernes, in the forests and across the bogs.  He was a Devereux, in him was the blood of Kings, True Kings but may as well have been in the gaol waiting the hangman.  Tomorrow Troy would fall, as the Gods willed but Virgil's hero  had loyal countrymen and friends by his side. Essex was   only by slander and whispers. Cut throats and knaves ate his meat and drank

An old Soldiers life.

World War Two Currency VIEW SLIDE SHOW DOWNLOAD ALL      

Doctor Who, The Almost people

Review and overview of the Doctor Who episode. ``The Almost people'' (Fixed the damn typo) LISTEN TO RIVER SONG SPOILERS! Re watching the episode on I-player. I think I may have been a little harsh to Mr Williams. Rory goes after Jennifer, as he is simply worried about her. A good nurse, cares. Rory fears Jennifer will do herself a mischief .  I am just heartless. The story ended last week, with the discovery that the Doctor had been copied, by the living matter. We heard a Ganger Doctor rambling, as the Humans barricaded themselves into the Chapel. The copy of the Doctor begins to have seizures and speak One day we will get back-the First doctors words. Repeated at the beginning of the five doctors ``Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow''. The Third doctor Jelly baby- was that tom bakers voice? why why- Did I hear David Tennant? Hello Hello recerse the jelly baby Hold on, hold on. The Do
Happy birthday Nessa

Jeff Conaway

Jeff Conaway October 5, 1950 – May 27, 2011 Kenickie-Wheeler-Sgt. Zack Allan Actor-Husband-New Yorker Rest in peace.

Unanswered Pop Culture questions

What was so efficient about Madge Ramsey's filing system? In Hero's season 2. If 90 percent of the Human race are dead. Why would you bother extradting Catlin back to Ireland? Why not put her to work in the field. Is she really worth the weight in fuel. Or simply just shoot her? Who cast ``Nelson'' from Ashes to Ashes-Life on Mars. So the Guy who plays St Peter, at the gates of Heaven in Ashes to Ashes is now starring as the main receptionist in Holby City? Now we have Space Archaeology, surely its only a matter of time before we find the remaining cities of Gold? Why did they kill of Hagman and Harris at Sharpe's waterloo, that really upset me

Round up 26th May

I miss Valya I may start another blog. This will be a prequel to sleeping under the cross. It will tell, the story of how Hugh and his people came to South America It should be short, 5000 words. My sister has tonsillitis, I hope she gets well soon. Even though she is adopted I may go with my family, well my mother and her brother and sisters to New England, in October I would prefer to go to South America.

Happy Birthday Kate

všechno nejlepší k narozeninám Many happy returns, and good luck with your studies

Frank's World War Two Papers

My mother looks after an old woman. Elsie. Elsie's last living relative is a man called Frank. Frank,is not long for the world. However before he was an old and sick man. Frank was a husband, a music lover and he was a soldier in WW2. Some of his things came into my possession. Sharpe - Over the Hills and far away MP3 Download

The Rebel Flesh Doctor Who

As last weeks review of the Doctors wife, got so many hits. Why not try again Last weeks episode can be read here This is the second two part episode of the season. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS DON’T YOU LISTEN TO RIVER SONG? Spoilers Spoilers There is no health and safety in the future. We see a trio of workers in space suits. Carrying pikes, walking down a corridor. They come to a room. Which  the set designers were told to describe as Industrial. There are  analogue displays, and pipes on and a large vat. One of the workers stands on the rim of the vat. Chatting casually to each other. He falls into the acid. The Acid dissolves him, the two continue talking. One of the workers. An older man. With a Scots accent. Complains about the cost, of acid suits. As a man drowns and dies His indifferent co workers walk off. The scot complaining about the cost of an Acid suit. No stereotype ther
One of my co workers, is selling off DVD's he no longer wants to watch. There is a list to choose from, most are horror films and such. Not my cup of tea. Than I noticed Secretary staring Maggie Gyllenhaal I chose that, one of course... ``Yeah thought you might like it''

An Open letter to Dara O Brien

Sir, I have watched you for many years. As a guest comedian, and presenter on the BBC’s comedy panel quiz programs. Than on to Mock the week. Where I credit you with the show’s success. I think you were able to keep Frankie Boyle under control. My hard disk drive contains, your shows at the Apollo in London.  I enjoy watching them again and again. I have even followed the three men in a boat series.  Why only last night I tuned in to watch you on the Apprentice your fired So it is more in sorrow than in anger I write this. On Tuesday you met my sister after the Uncut Monkey shows. You simply shook her hand, and greeted her. I must take umbrage at this matter. My sister is adopted. Not in the legal sense. She is very much my biological sister.  Yet despite our shared genetic makeup my sister remains adopted. In a very real, red headed stepchild sense. Imagine if you will, cleaning your cupboards in June, and finding a can of cranberry sauce. That is my sister.  Reme
Seven complaints My computer blue screened last night....I could not fall asleep, too much noise last night... We are short handed at work...I have no money... I miss Valya....Its colder....
A Grandmother in the Garden ``An é sin   an méid   go léir   an   bac   a bhí   faoi''
I mistook, the word for Walford Albert Square in a classier universe I bet this typo gets more hits than anything else

The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who

The Doctors Wife. ( Please leave a coment) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Yes. To quote River song. There are Spoilers here Spoilers Spoilers Neil Gaiman was the favorite writer of my last paramour. Jaqui (the teenage co worker, for those of you keeping track -Valya called her little girl)  She adored his books. I hope she liked this wherever she is.  I do miss that girl,-she was so smart. This means that Neil Gaiman is the only person to write an episode of Dr Who, and Babylon 5. The episode starts with a piece of continuity Amy is still brooding over the death we see of a future doctor in the series opener. (The Impossible Astronaut) Rory, tells her not to mention it to the Doctor. We hear knocking on the Tardis door. Despite the fact that the Time travelers are in deep space The door is opened and the Doctor gets a message. A psychic message, in a box. A distress call The Doctor, mentions an old time lord friend. The Corsair. Firstly, a Corsair is a pirate.  So I was confus

3 simple wishes

  Why can’t the BBC copy Channel 4. Put all there content online. Who would not want to watch, Fawlty towers and Black adder. Walking With Dinosaurs and Older Dr Who   I wish I could play the Age of Empires rise of Rome demo, in cheat mode. I should explain, Age of empires rise of Rome expansion was the first version of the Age empires series I played. I would like to be able to tweak the parameters Actually in the AI’s favour.  To create a longer game, however this is not possible.   I wish there was a better hangover cure than water and painkillers
I miss my Valya I miss my Valya I miss my Valya I miss my Valya I miss my Valya I miss my Valya

Mr. Men

Mr Men The other day, was the anniversary of the death of Rodger Hardgreaves. They had a nice picture of his creations, on the Google home page. As as of late I was talking about Paddington bear. I am in a nostalgic mood. I shall recount it here When my brother and I were very young. We had Mr Men duvet covers. I remember they were stained with paint, in places. The two of us had been touching drying paint. I also had a Mr Men P.E bag, I wonder now, if this was a merely a converted pillow case My favourite  Mr Man, was Mr Strong. It was one of the first books I read. Or perhaps had read to me. I remember him eating eggs. For breakfast hundreds of eggs. His grip was so strong that he squeezed all the tooth paste out of the tube. I remember feeling very sorry for him, as he would have been unable to brush his teeth This is a copy of Mr Strong, in Icelandic. I bought it in Reykjavik. When I was there. I thought it would be an aide to learning the language. If I may spoil some
A gift from darkest Peru!
Happy Birthday Irina
Happy Birthday Princess Happy Birthday Robyn
I saw this in Muenster. Those of you on my facebook page, would have seen it already. Its a park bench decorated with the names of sitcoms. Scrubs, and Two and a half Men, out of shot, lies the Simpsons.  I was tempted to draw a huge phallus but that would be crude This is a copy of the Venus Kallipygos Which viewer of  QI may remember and finally ``I am not a number I am a free man''

12 Questions

Did you manage to sleep this time, the night before your trip? No, and despite having a few beers, no. Or rather not well. I think I was dreaming at one point. I was up before 6am Did you have any trouble going there? Yes the flight to Frankfurt was late. I missed my connection. I had an unwelcome extended layover How about going through security? Well maybe it is me, but after I had deplaned in Frankfurt. I had to go through security again. I had to take off my jacket. Understandable as it has a metal zip. I was trying to dash to the the gate, where I was hoping my flight would be. I swear the guy at the metal detector held my box with my jacket back for a few extra  moments So what did you do at Frankfurt Airport while waiting for the flight? I sat and waited. I read Bild, and the Washington post. I tried to sleep. I checked my phone. They gave me a voucher and I had something to eat. I didn't get any change from it though What did you notice first about Munster?

Sir Henry Cooper

`Sir Henry Cooper May 1934 – 1 May 2011 `` Twin,  Husband, Evacuee, Boxer'' You had him on the ropes''