
Showing posts from October, 2011

Shona Samhain

Happy Halloween. Enjoy the evening.   My mother  is home from America. She visited Wall street. She saw the protestors. She visited my cousins across New England. Many names, I remember from my holiday there In Christmas 1998.  One amusing fact, is that my American cousins, being Irish, New Englanders are to a man Democrats The exception is a gentleman from the great state of New Hampshire, who is a proud member of the G.O.P I remember this man fondly, as I was 20 when I visited his home, and he gave me beer! My brother is home from South Africa I can hear him snoring I was very pleased to hear from Granniog yesterday. I was watching football in the pub. An experience she was sharing! Alas my team lost I am glad Karoline’s operation went well. I was speaking to Nicolle, yesterday, which was nice I am glad my Valya had fun at Halloween. On and Kasia, if your reading this my friend Valya is looking for German dating sites I look forward to seeing Stefany soon.

The Stainless Steel Rat.

I noticed this today at work. Its from 1986. Its one of the old choose your own adventure books. In this case, its the Stainless steel rat series. The Stainless Steel rat, was written by Harry Harrison. I did a High school project on his works, when I 15. I read a lot of books, when I was that age. West of Eden, which is about the world, as it would have been, if the Dinosaurs, had not been wiped out, by the Asteroid Anyway, the Stainless steel rat books, are set in a future. Where the Galactic empire, fell a few generations ago, and the galaxy has fallen into a decline. Its a rather orderly decline. Most of the Human race, is content in a world quite similar to the modern age, just with starships, and the occasional Alien. In fact its something of a Utopia. Crime does not really exist. To much CCTV, and robot police can be everywhere I suppose. Its something of a 1960s view of the future. Think the Jetsons. Then there is

Your Highness

I am sorry, I missed this at the cinema. I really quite enjoyed it. It seemed to have negative reviews, which I think is a pity. As I think its an attempt to talk to people, Teenage boys. Think the age group doing there GCSE's in England, or HS freshmen and sophmores. People who don;t normally get spoken too. They get told to do things. Buy Nike, play Playstation, go to class. But not spoken too Danny McBride,  plays one of the The Princes of Mourne. There are more than a few nods to the Northern Irish location.  The cast are speaking with British accent. One point Thaddeus describes himself as a pintsman. There is a Nordie telling off the lads in a fight scene, at the Tavern. The prince, we first see is being is being hanged for seducing the Wife of the King of the Highland dwarfs. They try to hang him, and he is too tall for the scaffold. The credits, are an animated riff on fantasy movies.  A tavern, a wizard, a busty maiden bathing. yadayada yada Charles Dance, plays the Ki

Paint the whole world...

"Espero que se recupere rápido" Boa Sorte! Karoline
Happy Birthday Eugenia A very happy birthday to my friend Esha
I will be returning to Muenster, for its Christmas Market 9-12 of December. Traveling via Amsterdam
Yes I'm a bad student. However. I thought I would make an extra effort, as my teacher is so pretty, and the subject is so interesting

100 things I liked

100 things I like/liked In no especial order: Watching Fraiser Drinking Milkshake Listening to Robbie Vincent on LBC Watching Sport in Question with my brother Smoking a soft pack of camel cigarettes Watching QPR Listening to Jefferson Airplane Stefany Watching Xena, Warrior Princess Eating B.L.T Sandwiches Dinosaurs Playing Age of Empires Eating Pancakes Wearing Dr Martens Valya! Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer Eating Marmite and toast Robyn Watching the Walking dead Playing Tetris Eating Pepperami. Dunking them in tea Drinking Leffe Blonde Meike :) Watching Quantum leap Reading the Great war American front novels Drawing Zacheins, Watching Lost Eating Steak and Kidney pie Being in Hawaii on Holiday Playing Sonic the hedgehog Watching Bob downe under Going to a Carolina Hurricanes match Veronica Watching either of the Battle Galatica's Going to Christmas markets in Germany Drinking Doombar bitter Georgeina the Russian barmaid Watching Fam

100 Things I liked

100 things I like/liked In no especial order: Watching Fraiser Drinking Milkshake Listening to Robbie Vincent on LBC Watching Sport in question with my brother Smoking a soft pack of camel cigarettes Watching QPR Listening to Jefferson Airplane Stehefany Watching Xena, Warrior Princess Eating B.L.T Sandwiches Dinosaurs Playing Age of Empires Eating Pancakes Wearing Dr Martens Valya! Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer Eating Marmite and toast Robyn Watching the Walking dead Playing Tetris Eating Pepperami. Dunking them in tea Drinking Leffe Blonde Meike :) Watching Quantum leap Reading the Great war American front novels Drawing Zacheins, Watching Lost Eating Steak and Kidney pie Being in Hawaii on Holiday Playing Sonic the hedgehog Watching Bob downe under Going to a Carolina Hurricanes match Veronica Watching either of the Battle Galatica's Going to Christmas markets in Germany Drinking Doombar bitter Georgeina the Russian barmaid Watching F
Apology To those of you searching for Playboy. It is not this site Thanks Malchera

Word from Hades

I am very tired. I did not fall asleep until 5am. Thats in part, because I had let my sleep patterns fall apart over the long weekend. Thats also in part due, to a slightly difficult conversation with Valya before bedtime. Valentina was trying to encourage me, about work. It had the undesired affect of just making me think about work, and unable to fall asleep Still, at least I am not the only supervisor in today. That and the catalogue went down, thus. It was very quiet after lunch. There was a birthday celebration this morning. These annoy me, People are forcing cake on me, an hour after breakfast. One of my co workers, gets away with bringing in cake and candy rather than working. I think its unprofessional, and infantilising. Now at least it shall be quiet for the rest of the day.

Good luck

Good luck to Dothe, and Carla and co. Expecting their second baby Good luck to my little sister, who was made redundant today

Hall Pass

Hall Pass The farrely brothers, try the 40 year old virgin knocked up formula. This is a rental copy. Odd, that Steven Merchant, did not get higher billing For fans of six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Steven Merchant, here will get you a lot of hollywood Leon  black from, Curb your enthusasm,  plays there token black friend. Basically, its an attempt to do the teen gross out comedy to middle age Owen Wilson, and his best friend, are given a hall pass by their wives, where they have a week off from marriage. Their wives  idea is, that they will recognise the comforts of married life, and go back quickly! There are some amusing observations of American life.  The Applebees-Olive garden-Chilli’s, chains being everywhere. Owen Wilson’s telling his twenty something rival, that people like him hire people like the boy. That the  boy has to shape up. The boredom of the two friends, when they are attending  a house viewing. I can sympathise. Curt

Frre trips to Japan

Free Trips to Japan on offer I saw, this in the Economist. I know Valya has been there. Do you think Malchera is a famous enough blogger? Would I like Japan? I am not that keen on Manga? H/T The Guardian. Seven months after much of its north-east coast was destroyed by a tsunami, Japan is attempting to revive tourism by offering free return flights to 10,000 foreign visitors. Japan's tourism agency said the programme, which will begin in April, is expected to cost more than 1bn yen (£10m), equivalent to about 10% of its budget request for next year. Applicants will be asked to outline their travel plans and answer questions about post-disaster tourism in Japan, recently named favourite long-haul country by readers of the Guardian and Observer in the newspapers' annual travel awards. Tokyo won favourite city for the second year in a row. The successful applicants will receive free return air tickets, but must pay for their accommodation and other expenses. Tourism
Happy Birthday Eims Many Happy returns to my sister. The middle one. The one who is not adopted. She also showers, for those of you keeping score

Mega Virus

H/T BBC news ( There is a reader, in Lima, who is smiling) The largest virus yet discovered has been isolated from ocean water pulled up off the coast of Chile. Called Megavirus chilensis, it is 10 to 20 times wider than the average virus. It just beats the previous record holder, Mimivirus, which was found in a water cooling tower in the UK in 1992. Scientists tell the journal PNAS that Megavirus probably infects amoebas, single-celled organisms that are floating free in the sea. The particle measures about 0.7 micrometres (thousandths of a millimetre) in diameter. "It is bigger than some bacteria," explained Prof Jean-Michel Claverie, from Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. "You don't need an electron microscope to see it; you can see it with an ordinary light microscope," he told BBC News. Viruses cannot copy themselves; they need to invade a host cell if they want to replicate. Like Mimivirus, Megavirus has hair-like structures

True Grit

( The Coen Brothers 2010 remake) One of the best films, I have seen in a long time. There are very few comments I have to make. I enjoyed an actual window on the past. The langague and scenary where wonderful. This is why the defining genre of American art remains the Western. The two bounty hunters. LeBouef, and Rooster, were both veterans of the C.S.A one, a soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia. The other served with Quadril. We are quite clearly South of the Mason Dixon here. This is hinted at, rather then shown in prospect. I was reminded of Dickens, when the girl, is offered a coffin to sleep in at the undertakers. Oliver twist! 14 years old, was old enough to steal to consider stealing a kiss, but was not old enough to drink coffee. I learn from wikipedia, that the original had more of a relationship between laBouef and Rooster Despite, the distance in time, and space from the the BOSWASH corridor A threat of a lawsuit, is what keeps the locals on their toes. Its J,
I have finally completed the review for the wedding of River Song. That is my grand project finished. Apart from the Christmas special I still need to book, a hotel in Peru. The lovely invitation, from Sthefany. I need something, to pass muster with immigration. Valya, is away in New Hampshire looking at the leaves. It is nice to be able to post information about her again. I hope she is careful with the lake Champlain Monster! Don't hurt it!!!! I hope Susanne is feeling better. Lets hope the Clan win today! I am sorry for teasing Catlin Hello, to my reader in Munester, I am thinking of another trip there, just before Christmas for the christmas Market. The rest of you be good!

New Dinosaur toy

A Dimetrodon. Strictly speaking not a saurian. Rather a Triassic era reptile You can learn more about Dimetrodon in the BBC's Walking with Monsters
Steve Jobs February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011 Buddist, entrepeneur, inventor, adopted child

Tyrannosaur stance

I have been watching the BBC’s planet Dinosaur, with great joy. It is fascinating to see how our understanding, of the infamous T-Rex, has changed over the years Here are two T-Rexs from MacDonald's happy meals, from the last 10-15 years The plain white one, is from the promotion for Ice age 3. The Coloured T rex, is from an earlier promotion in the late 1990s. Look at the difference in stance. The early view of the T-Rex, was that he stood on his legs, upright     We now believe he leaned forwarded, and balanced with his tail, rather than standing resting on it Just in a Decade **************** Another sleepless night. As my subconscious schemes against me
Song for the day. Hot and Cold, by Katie Perry. I used to have strong feelings, against Katie. I was dumped, to the music of ``I kissed a girl'' However this is how I was described by a very special person. Who I will see soon

I am going to Peru

I am going to Peru

The Wedding of River Song, Doctor Who

The Wedding of River Song ********* Spoilers: Wild Guess. The Doctor, is killed, and his body burned, by he is revived by Silurian medicine. The Silurians, will be in the episode, they take him below the Earth, and using the reading they took, of the Doctor, in the Hungry Earth, they revive our favorite time lord. Bonus points, if the Doctors companions have to cast him into the rift at the center of the Earth we saw, in Torchwood *********** The program opens with a panoramic view of London. We see the Gherkin. Its the title sequence, from the British version of the apprentice. However the BBC announcer, apologizes for sun spots, and stellar activity. There are Balloons across the sky, carrying cars. A picnic in the park, is ruined by petrosaurs. The patrons of the park, had been warned not to feed, them. On the BBC, Charles Dickens, is being questioned about this years Christmas special. He gives a few hints. Charles Dickens, played by Simon Callow, from the Unquiet