
Showing posts from August, 2012

Bon anniversaire Granniog

             Bon anniversaire Granniog !

Not Now , Bernard

I was having a miserable day. I was not able to fall asleep, last night. My bebito is sick. Than I saw this, and I was happy again. This is a story I remember from my childhood. A little boy, Bernard, is terrorised and finally eaten by a monster!  You see him, chewing his sneaker, but will his parents notice? ``But I'm a Monster''

Telegram from Malchera

Deputising today...stop... Mi Coya is unwell...stop  I hope she gets better soon.. stop I have terrible heartburn... stop...I watched the Paraolympics opening... stop

Tyrant by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

I bought this a few years ago. I started to read it, and I left it on my shelf. I was upset by the description of a rape and murder of the female lead. I decided to come back to it. I guess I have become a little bit harder The book is a historical novel. Detailing the rise and fall of Its set in that period, after the defeat of Athens in the Peloponnesian war, and before the rise of Alexander.  It describes the rise of Dionysus, to absolute power. It is a period of history I would like to know more about. Carthage is challenging the Greeks for control of the Med. Rome has not yet risen. The Gaul’s sack the eternal city off scene. The book contains, a Gallic mercenary as the champion and finally door keeper to the eponymous Tyrant. I was not sure if Askal is a Keltic name, however I digress. Tiremes are beginning to be replaced by quadremes.Ballista's begin to make their appearance on the battlefields, and armies of Balearic

Donegal all Ireland finalists

Well done Donegal all Ireland finalists 2012.  All Ireland Champions 1992

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong, August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012 The first man, to walk on the moon. Father, who lost a daughter Graduate of Purdue University Veteran Passed away, today 25-August-2012

Round up 24-August-2012

I have started to watch Dexter season 5. I am quite pleased with it, at the moment. The farewell to Rita, was well done, and Julia Stiles has impressed me, with her role General Michael Collins, has been dead for 90 years, this week A friend  is in the Kill Devil Hills. . I wish People could say, Malchera has not been seen, for years, he is up there somewhere in the Kill Devil Hills. My rosy, is working hard, to give her little boy a wonderful birthday party. This is while, she is helping a friend. Its not an easy time, for her at the moment, so I send her mucho mucho besos. Te amo, my rosita Despite being turned down at interview. They have asked me to deputise on Wednesday Evening It has been at least 15 years since, I did a Keg stand/

A relic

I took this picture the other day. Its of a co workers shopping.  A former co-worker, in fact. The co worker, joined my department oh about a year and a half ago. My employer shut down one of its locations and transferred the staff over here. The tranferees had been living the life of riley compared to my department. They had flex-time, where they were able to gain as much time off, as they wanted by working extra hours during the day. This is a department which did 80 percent less work than us, to start with A lot of people made the transfer. Some were close to retirement and one or two took redundancy when it was offered. One co worker remained from the other department I will call him, S This is his shopping. You see its left out. Its collected before work. So S, can talk about his shopping. S, drove everyone crazy. He was not trusted with important duties by management. Though strictly speaking he had 30 years service. S, had been raised to the level of supervisor by my e

Will Marsh Joke I was raised as an only child, which really annoyed my sister. Will Marsh H/T to Granniog, who sent this joke to me,  Mon soeur elle sont une bebe Juane

The Wedding Video

The success of the Hangover, means we have to a British answer to the Hangover, because that is what the world wants! That is what audiences are calling for from Anchorage, to Santiago. The youth of Indonesia, and the coastal cities of China, will not rest until we have seen full frontal nudity and drunkenness and prostitutes and a British accent. The trailers, which preceded this film featured two films, of the same premise.( British answers to the Hangover/Bridemaids) As if Bridemaids, and Hot Tub time machine were not enough. Rufus Hall, last seen in Argumental, and Robert Webb, two stalwarts of Dave ( Dave is a British comedy tv channel)  Are cast as two brothers. Webb, is basically copying his partner David Mitchell role from Peep Show, the repressed, reliable, decent one. While Rufus is the wacky one. At one point he describes himself, as the ``Human Las Vegas.'' To be honest, Hall's character is a >>>> The conceit is that Hall, will make a wedding

The Dark Knight rises

Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers This is the first, and last of the Christopher Nolan, Batman movies I did not see with my sister. I was quite pleased with the film. I had heard mixed reviews. I think to an extent the film, was a victim of the Franchise’s success. I quite enjoyed it, than again I am perhaps too easy to please. I had to go out of my way, to get to the cinema. I was unable to use my voucher, and I spilled my coke. Which I had paid to supersize. I did however leave the cinema, in a good mood. I did not need to go to the bathroom, 3 times during the film. Really do they add something to the coke My sister thought that Michael Caine ( I spoke with her afterwards) dialled his role in. There was less of him, and Lucius Fox, in this movie. The film acknowledges the passing of time. Bruce Wayne has withdrawn from the world. A near cripple, he is given a run down of his injuries by a doctor. The city celebrates Harvey Dent day, Commissioner Gordon’s masters wish to ge

Congratulations Meike

Congratulations  to my friend Meike on your marriage. I wish you and your Husband many years of happiness  Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

The Dandy

uks-oldest-comic-the-dandy-faces-closure-after-decline-in-circulation/ It is was sadness I learn, that the Dandy is to close. I remember it well from my childhood years. My cousins, used to subscribe to both the beano and the Dandy, and my trips to there home, in the summer were punctated and illumated by reading both comics. My father indeed was caned for reading the Beano, in class. Looking back, now. Desperate Dan, is a figure from the past. He is a cowboy, in a world which has moved on from Westerns somewhat. The Cowboy does not hold the commanding heights of youth and popular culture it did, decades ago. It did for our parents, or grandparents even great grandparents of the readers of today. The Caledonian origins of the Dandy were clear. The Jocks and the Geordies fought each other. As did the Border clans once before  Brassneck, a strip which run in the 1980s, featured an episode in which Highlanders fought with

Broadwalk Empire season 1

Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers This is the Great Grandparent of the Soprano's. If we imagine Mad Men, to be the distant  father, then there is a line of descent from Nochy, to Tony Soprano. The series finale ends same montages we remember from the early series of the  Sopranos indeed we saw them in the Wire too. A Cousin, from the HBO family. . As with the Sopranos we know we are never far from  the sea, or the woods. Where Enoch differs from Tony is that Enoch is a politician who became a criminal. Tony was a criminal. Enoch takes oppotunties, but regrets it, and tries to take amends. Tony uses people . Enoch has a kindness in him. As with Don Draper we walk in a more elegant age.... The series, looks great. Everyone is dressed immaculately, the champagne flows, Mr Thompson drives about in a rolls. Our Hero  lives in the Ritz. The opening episode was directed by Scorcese. The only thing, I would criticise is the theme tune. It just seems wrong. It seems out of place.


Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers I used to live to watch Family guy. I remember when they first showed it on this side of the Atlantic. I recorded it on my families VCR and I remembered for a long while the Children of the Corn/Hansen jokes. Peter Griffin, dreaming of a heaven where Kirstie Alley is still hot. I used to run out to buy the dvds. I even downloaded series 4. I have never downloaded anything else really. I have the series on multi formats. I bought a copy of the series in the USA. I was sent a stewie postcard, by an old gf. So yes I was a big Family Guy fan. I actually listened to the commentaries Than I stopped watching. The same as I stopped watching Fraiser and the X files. I just fell out of the habit. I still follow Seth Macfarlane on Twitter. I still laugh at his jokes. Family Guy no longer is must see tv, or a DVD I must buy If you liked family guy, you will like this film. Its basically a live action version of Seth MacFarlane's, works. Instead of Bryan the tal

They don't like to be seperated

They are a strange couple, from two different parts of the world. One has smooth green scales, the other has a torn sweater. One enjoys the sunshine of the tropics one, is up all night howling at the moon


A postcard I received from Brasil

London 2012 Women's marathon

The video I took, of the London 2012 Women's marathon race. From my vantage point along the Mall, next to Buckingham palace, soaking in the range, and dying of thirst

London 2012

I made my way to the women’s marathon. I was determined to see an event, and it was free, and upon a sunday St James Park, and the Mall, was full of people. I saw the flags, of Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Peru, Germany, Japan, Pakistan, Ethiopia,  and many others Its not quite the Olympic sprit, but I wonder what these to spectators where reminiscing about It rained throughout the day. I had an umbrella and a hoodie, other times, I was quite hot. I was not tempted by the 1.80 bottles of soft drink, for sale at the vendors. I also in a display of magnificent hypocrisy raged at the umbrellas of others, as I could not see, the competitors After the ladies run threw St James Park, we followed the crowds to the mall. Which was a lovely walk I took position just outside the Victoria memorial next to a Polish family, This is me, in the crowd. Yes, I look miserable, but remember why Apple and not blackberry dominate the smart phone market. I also had a mild eye infection today. But

New Glasses

I picked up my new eye glasses on tuesday. I have a painful weeping eye infection today, as it happens. I was ill on Monday. Some sort of stomach flu, and I think my body is recovering. My mother who had broken her leg, is better. She is now in a plastic boot/cast and is much more mobile. I have been following the Olympics. My father and Sister went to see Gabon V Korea,