
Showing posts from December, 2007

Rant, Iceland

364 Days smoke free I have been angry about something. I was conversing with someone, and they claimed, Christmas is spent, where I am from in a Drunken haze. They stated that Christmas should be spent with your family. With you reasonably alert so you can help your kids, enjoy the day as a family. Rather then spend it under the haze created by Johnny Walker, and Jack Daniels. Well... I don't have any kids. I don't have a Wife, or live in Lover. I don't have even have a girlfriend. If I had any of those thing. I would actually refrain, from having a glass of Beer on Christmas day Not that parents who consume alcohol, necessarily neglect, and ignore their children. Granniog, was brought up with different attitude to alcohol, then me. Table Wine, and an aperitif after dinner. If I had kids, I would probably stop drinking alcohol all together. Instead of just say Christmas, and Holidays. One of my friends, Miss Misery has known me for five years. This person has know

I am Legend 2007

I am Legend Dr Crippen, surely not ... I have seen the Omega man, so, I wanted to give this a try. Will Smith has made Colonel. He is showing his age :) In Independence day, he was a Captain. A virus, has wiped out the 90 % worlds population. The survivors were reduced to two groups. ``Vampires'' Abino mutants who hide from the light, and eat flesh. So Will Smith, is left alone, in the Day time. In New York, Riding his car, up deserted streets. Covered in Tumbleweed, and stalked by deer, and Lions. I know New York, and it made me nostalgic. Seeing Will Smith, drive up, fifth and then take the corner, onto Park. There was a Batman, Superman movie poster in the deserted wastes of Times Square Oh my! Dr Neville grows corn, he researches a cure, he broadcasts a message to the world. He waits, He works his way through Blockbuster. The film, actually gives up an insight, into Smiths mental state. He has been reduced to dressing shop dummies. Later when his si
Thanks and Wishes My sister returns to Barcelona today. I have been up late seeing her off. I wish her a safe journey, and will miss her I want to thank, the person who handed in my envelope, with the Valya's and Granniog cards in them. At the Supermarket. Thank you. I hope my friends in Arkanes had a fun time in Reyjarvik. A dry trip through the tunnel, and fun last night. I am still reading ``Judging Dev'', today is the 70th anniversary of the Consitution. I wish a happy birthday to beautiful Sveta I wish you all good night, its past 2am
A Christmas card, from the Far east of Russia. Courtesy of Valya
Merci Granniog pour la carte de Noel
This time yesterday, I was in agony. I had stomach cramps/pains, from about 9.30 till I fell asleep after 1. I had been planning to spend the evening quietly. I wanted to watch Ricky Gervais's extra's. It was about an half hour into the program. When the pain started In September last year. I missed my first day of work, ever, due to stomach pains. I had the same symptoms. I then started to throw up, and throw up. I went to hospital, and was given morphine, to ease the pain. I was worried I would go mad on Morphine. Either get hooked, or spill my deepest darkest secrets. So as you can imagine, I was worried. Luckily my good friend Charlotte, came online, and I was able to talk to her, about her Holidays. This helped to take my mind of things. I was stamping arround my room. Reciting the names of European capitals, trying to count in French. Anything to take my mind of the pain. I got a hot pack, which I had bought for the strains, and aches. I get, spending my days, going u
I was in Agony, last night with stomach pain
I have been sporting a tie, as often as possible. This Christmas, I think it makes me look like Marc Ronson. I was tempted to stand by one of my sisters, and say. I think Amy winehouse, has let herself go. However I will refrain I recieved Transformers the Movie. (2007) on DVD Lost, Season 3. On DVD The Simpsons movie, (2007) on DVD A mini vacum cleaner, for my PC Jelly babies Addias Sweatpants/ Tracksuit bottoms A diary CSI Calender 2007 After opening our presents, in the family, home. My brother and I went to the Pub. We walked in the rain, about a mile. Where we had a few beers. Then we returned to our parents home for a Turkey dinner I then went back, I watched Dr who, the Christmas special. I hope you all had fun too
My favorite Christmas Carol Yesterday I bought a Dalek, Feeling restless, I went out later. I love walking in the empty streets at night. Or early in the Morning. For a second, the streetlamps, went out. For a second Merry Christmas to you all
Christmas card from the Land of Ice Christmas Card from Orange county Christmas card from the Poles Christmas card, from my friend in the land of choclate
This is me on a Rhine Ferry. Colonge was holding its annual christmas market. They sold Mulled wine. Deciding to follow the maxim, of when in Rome. I drank two cups of the stuff. I have never really drunk wine. I used to drink anything else, but wine. I woke up with the worst hangover I can remember I went to the medieval Market, which sold Pineapples, and cranberries. Shame on you. The mini bar was free, but alas only sold, fruit juices and selzer waters.
I have spent a long weekend in Germany On my last night, I decided to go and see. Koln FC play Kasierlaten. I bought a Koln scarf The match started at 815.PM I believed that the game, would be held in the Koln Arena. It was not. I realised my mistake. When I saw scarf and jersey clad Germans. Get on the tram, at the platform opposite. I was treated to some singing, by a good natured crowd. More women then I expected. I suspect, the game is an excuse to drink. Noting the cheeky bottles of Jagermiester and larger bottles of Beck. We were packed into the E trams. It took about half an hour to get to the Stadium. I am not sure if the tram was free. No one seemed to be paying, so... Once I arrived at the ground. I walked across the grass, to the stadium. My feet froze. I have a pair of Chelsea boots, that I wear on holiday. They cause me agony. So why do I wear tehm. Firstly so I don't slip. Secondly so, I am not wearing trainers-sneakers-runners. Thus can gain entry into more discernin
Get well soon I send best wishes to my Valya, who is recovering after her operation today. She was injured in a fall from a horse, earlier in the year. I have been thinking about her all day. Wishing her well, and sending her kisses

Glasgow Christmas

A Glas'gae Christmas. The three wise men, bring the Mother and child. Gifts of ciggies, Buckfast, and a wee Sky box For those of you, unfamilar with Buckfast: ``The prevalence of the drink in the so-called Buckfast Triangle, an area east of Glasgow between Airdrie, Coatbridge and Cumbernauld, has already raised concerns'' We ye nae have a drink I myself, I am retiring to the Rhineland, for a few days. To enjoy Kolsch, and chocolate. I hope Granniog, has fun in Montpellier. Valentina is returning home, for some medical attention. I wish her well, and good health Get well soon, Miss Misery
Mail call I recieved a lovely christmas card, from my great friend the Blogger Miss Misery. I left it on the operations desk. So every one can look at it. Yes, its from California, from my very good friend. THanks, Nessa!
This is Hoyt public library in Michigan. I recieved a lovely Postcard of the Library, from my friend the Pathfinder.
Good luck, to my sister who had a job interview today.
Beowulf Further thoughts: The CGI, was good enough to give me an idea of the texture of the clothing. I could tell that Hrothgar was wearing wool. We did seem some of the aspects of the Workaday world. The servants spreading straw on the floor of the hall. The Wench, rolling dough. Antony Hopkins, played the old king. Both Hrothgar, a (suicide, and Beowulf, would not be enjoy a Christian burial. The old world, Angelina's world. The world of Heroes and demons, will leave no monuments aside from the song of Beowulf

Beowulf 2007

Beowulf I read this, in my first year in High school. One little anecdote about my first year out of short trousers. I had taken a book out on monsters, from the Library. I had found out that the tale, was of Danish origin. Rather then Anglo Saxon. I corrected my English teacher. Who looked it up, and I was indeed right.  I was surprised to learn, that there have been several versions of Beowulf, on the Big Screen: ( Christopher Lambert, was in a version of Beowulf, in the 1990. So Highlander, The Knight moves, Fortress, that's how he earns his money)  Anyway I was pleased with this Film. This is probably the most accurate depictions of the past, on the big screen. Yes, everyone is too rich, and too pretty. The first shot of the great hall, is too technicolor. Yet the feel is right. Its Pagan, Bloody lastly. Beowulf, goes into battle naked. Why because his Sword, is big enough. Grendel speaks Old English. When his mother a

Pretend to be a Time Traveler day

I should have been doing this yesterday, however for some reason. Society does not give me a stipend  owing to my good looks and charisma alone   Pretend to be a time traveler day!!!!!!    You must spend the entire day in costume and character. The only rule is that you cannot actually tell anyone that you are a time traveler.  Other than that, anything's game.   There are three possible options:   1 ) Utopian/cliché Future - "If the Future did a documentary of the last fifty years, this is how badly the reenactors would dress." Think Star Trek: TNG or the Time Travelers from Hob. Ever see how the society in Futurama sees the 20th century? Run with it. Your job is to dress with moderately anachronistic clothing and speak in slang from varying decades. Here are some good starters: - Greet people by referring to things that don't yet exist or haven't existed for a long time. Example: "Have you penetrated the atmosphere lately?" "What spectrum will

Christmas Shopping 2027

I did my christmas shopping today For my youngest sister. Alan Carr, on DVD For my brother His favorite sport is Rugby, so a rugby ball! For my middle brother Walker, Texas Ranger, the first series on DVD  For my Mother The Boys from Claire. Starring Colm Meany and Andrea Corr For my father Donal Mcpartins' the Donegal Curragh I still have my older sisters present to get. If your thinking won't my family, read this. The answer is no. One annoying thing, is the book, I got my father, will come later. Its out of stock everywhere. Oh and I got my middle sister, a hair dryer!
A suprise This is another Birthday gift, I recieved from my friend Lilly. She designed a card for me, and printed it. The laminated it, and tied it with ribbons. It was made with a lot of care and skill. I was very happy to recieve it
A birthday card I recieved from my German friend.
I was asked, by a charming French lady. Why do English speakers, say `` pardon my french'' `` This phrase, in which French refers to "bad language", is employed when the speaker feels compelled to use an obscenity despite having listeners who might be offended. It's a late 19th century euphemism which first appeared in Harper's Magazine in 1895. It is thought that the term French is employed in this sense as it already had a history of association with things considered vulgar. As far back as the early 16th century, French pox and the French disease were synonyms for genital herpes, and French-sick was another term for syphillis. The OED also equates the adjective French with "spiciness", as in French letter for "condom", French kiss (1923) and French (i. e. "sexually explicit") novels (from 1749). '' Many bad words! So why, am I talking about swearing. Well, I went to a football
So Does a rusty roof, mean a damp cellar Answers on a postcard
Rome was not built.... Today, was supposed to be a big day at work. We were supposed to have a new boss. We were supposed to have 5 new employees. We ended up with one. One of our new birds, has already flown the coop. A relative of one of our supervisors, quit before she even was inducted. I was reminded of the time, I spent a morning training, a new colleague. Who went upstairs to ask after something, and was never seen again. My book on De Valera has been postponed again, from Amazon, until the New Year I am practising my German, for my trip
My Valya, sent me a lovely video, of her visiting the British Council Library. She looked so pretty. She was prettier, then Molly Ringwald in ``Pretty in Pink'' I note that Libraries use the same colour scheme, the World over I hope she enjoys her trip to the theatre tonight