
Showing posts from February, 2009

High notes

I have a voucher to buy a new DVD recorder. Its for a sweet 200 Ireland won 14-13 at the Rugby! Glasgow Celtic won by 7 goals Yet most pleasing today, I spent the afternoon, along with a co worker stealing ladders and other equipment. From another department, we were almost caught! We then marked it with our sign. Now they are ours It was like stealing Cattle or Women! :) Opps, sorry where is the way to the senate house again?

Valya’s day!

Today is my friend Valya’s birthday! I am so happy for her. I missed her birthday last year.    Valya is the best! She encourages me, with my book. She always looks after me. She helps me every day. Where would I be without Valya, what a poorer miserable world we would live in. So happy Birthday! Scourge of the Royal Navy! Media expert Jaywalker! Valya is the best! Bomb for Silly Hellenes, and Lusitanians Hurrah and Happy Birthday!

Well done

Congrats to my friend, and fellow writer Bagira on passing her Bilogy exam

I have a secret!

  I had a little work done Sssh! As I passed thirty. I have been getting less sidelong looks in bars. The pretty young things, seem to pass me by. As you know I go on holiday next month. I want to make an impression. So I paid for a doctor. He made me special price! PS is anyone else more impressed by the fellows, splendid moustache, then my mask. I think I have been outdone Picture is 5 years, 3 months, and 27 days old. I may have exhibited it before. It was stored away in an old online file storage program. Which is about to be deleted. I may have been better of saving it for Halloween. The real horror is returning to work tomorrow!

Playing with my new toys

  I am still off work. I return to work on Saturday. I am watching King of the Hill. I saw a Sony Vaio on sale, in the supermarket. I cursed out loud at the price, drawing glances. I am trying to buy Bruins tickets
Well done Katherina My friend, the blogger Katherina, has had 10 poems published!

Cheese and grapes

I had cheese and grapes for breakfast. I ate them together. Its so delicious! I know this is the way everyone else eats cheese. I have just discovered it I saw some students, in surgical scrubs collecting money. One was a blonde. She was hanging off a street sign. I thought ``oh God, I want her''. I gave them a whole 2 note coin! I spent work, fixing shelves. I love doing this. Its so simple. I like picking up the bent metal and putting it on my barrow. Its feels like work. You get dirty. No one comes to you with questions. You see the results of your labour. I watched Heroes lovely Clare is in Prison Orange. I ate fried Chicken and I went to the pub.  I won't work till Saturday. My love to you all :)
Congratulations and the best of luck to my friend Kate. She took her Erasmus interview today. I wish her the very best!

Strange days indeed

There was a bald headed man at my brothers birthday. I was wary of him. My brother is easily led. So I was not pleased by this I stared and stared at this bald guy. He looked crazy. He was staring back at me. There was an air of tension. Would he lash out. I was ready for any false move. The next day I find out, the bald guy. Is my old gym teacher. He had been staring at me, as I didn’t recognise him. I blanked him all evening.

Why I don’t like going out

My brother turned 30 today. I went out to the pub with him. My sisters and My cousin.  I was bored and pissed off, for the first hour and a half I was there. The pub was crowded. There was a talent contest there. So I had to listen to people singing badly, for half an hour. The pub was full of kids, at one point. 18 year olds or so. They were harmless it must be admitted. However for a good while. I could not hear myself think. I was wondering is this fool, going to kick off. The toilets were full. I was pissed off. Its everything I loathe. Why would I want to wait 10 minutes before I get served. Or have to queue for a bathroom. I just don’t get it I don’t like that picture. I look fat and ugly. Nade, my sister looks nice though. Then the place quietened down. I relaxed. It wasn’t such a bad night after all. My brother was enjoying himself. I am wired different.

Happy Birthday

Its my brothers birthday today

Happy Birthday

Its my Mothers birthday today

Valentines day

Its based on a self help book. Of the same name. It starts with comic asides. These include women in Kenya, and women in Japan. I got a bit annoyed with this. One thing I don’t sympathise with is women complaining about their relationships. (1) really sore point with me. Anyway, the first scene I remember. Is Bradley meeting Scarlett Jo at a supermarket. He lets her go in front of him. She wins a 1000 customer prize.  A cooler. (In practice this annoyed me, as I would have liked a cooler There very useful. I would have been spitting bricks.  ) Bradley and Scarlett flirt then, they walk off. Bradley asks for her number. Then remembers he is married. He is thus a clit tease. (I like Bradley he was in Alias) Brad then goes out to his car. Where he meets Ben Affleck. The scenes here are odd. For a moment, why he is meeting Ben Affleck in his car is not apparent. They seemed for a moment to be gay . Ben A, makes a snarky remark. I

New Haircut

I got my hair cut today My sister has new glasses I had an awful nightmare this morning Last night I went to the Pub

Its still not big or clever

I sat next to two Goths today

Homicide a year on the killing streets I finished reading this today.   I have a conceit. When I go to America. When I am in New York most of all. I stride about. Jogging after the don’t walk sign. When I used to smoke, that added to it. I used to imagine myself, wearing a badge,  and announcing to the world ``Detective Malchera... Homicide'' It is strong stuff. One of the detectives spends a year investigating the murder of a child. A case in which a wee 18 year old girl, spends her last terrible moments on earth being gang raped, and then strangled by her stepfather and his buddies.   ( I am rereading this, as I re edit my blog on 18-July-2012, and its still strong stuff to read in passing _ts got no better a decade later) We see a group of men. With one or two objections, this is Man's world Women were still working their way into Police work. One Police woman is remembered for her reaction to a domestic incident, ending in murder -She stood pointing a

By a strange coincidence


Happy Valentines day

A happy Valentines day, to all my readers. Be they on a bay by the Cold Atlantic, or near the forests of California Or roaming pretty Paris I wish you all happiness

Friday 13th

I was stuck in the lift today I got a letter, returned to me, from South America. It had crossed the equator twice. It has circumnavigated the globe. I forgot my drink today. I had to drink sprite. As the lifts were broken. I had to take barrows up manually. On the other side of the coin. I did get out early

Happy Birthday

President Lincoln Charles Darwin.

The bad times locked away

(My little safe) I am off  work tomorrow. I left work early today I watched Far beyond the stars. Its a wonderful episode of Deep Space 9. Captain Sisko imagines he Benny Russell. An African American SF writer in 1950’s New York City. I am listening to England play Spain at Soccer. Ireland have beaten Georgia. I had Chicken and pasties for dinner. I am wearing my NC pjs In a month I go on Holiday!

The passing

I could wear normal shoes to work today. I had a long trip home, despite the fact that we are not frost free.

Likes and Dislikes

In 1998 I liked. A lady called Catherine Xena , Star Trek, Cold Beer, Travel, Jack Daniels Whiskey!  Heinz Tomato Soup, Steak and Kidney pies ,Cold Pepperoni Pizza , T-Rex (The band) History, Buffy the Vampire Slayer An occasional Cigar , Red Dwarf, Ice Hockey, Hot buttered Toast, The X Files, U2 Walking on a quiet beach. Pubs, writing a good essay Smokey Bacon Crisps. The gentle rain, Coffee , A steak and egg brunch, The fun loving criminals, Southern Girls, NYC and eating out with my friends. A woman called Robyn I disliked in 1998 Getting up in the morning, Nightclubs, Lamb, Humid weather, Cabbage, Waiting, Queuing, Long Bus trips, Insomnia, Hunger, the smell of Petrol, my home town, US drinking laws, Beef and onion pies, Being asked constantly how to spell my name, Being alone, Maths, Gin, the smell of rancid cider, The fact that I am not taller, my accent. A ladies friends. Women with too short hair, emotional situations and Insects. Okay : What jumps out about my

For future reference

When the nice Barmaid says she looks like Cleopatra agree Do not say Cleopatra was an ugly woman

Vicky Christina Barcelona

I was reminded why I don’t go far on Saturday nights. I waited ages to use a bathroom. The bus was late. It was cold. I was not up the West End    Well, the city of Barcelona deserves its billing. This could almost be a promo for the city. Penelope acts Scarlett off the screen. I like Scarlett, Penelope Cruz  is simply better. Scarlett, is there, in all her glory. She is the woman you, can’t stop staring at. The camera lingers on her chest. On her thighs. It is beautifully filmed. There is a scene in a fruit shop. With the Apples red, the Oranges orange. There is one scene of great tension, towards the end. I would watch Scarlett in anything, Penelope and Javier, are good actors and bring their chemistry to the screen. The voice over is annoying. Its often pretentious but.. I would be remiss not to mention Rebecca Hall, a flawless performance. An exquisite study in character. Despite the fact that Scarlett seduces the camera. Rebecca Hall  steals the show

Round up 6/02/09

I still have not got my new credit card. I guess my delivery was held up by the weather. I shall await it on Monday Sarah Conor chronicles began the 2nd half of its new series last night. Lena and Summer were all dressed up They are repeating the second series of Dr Who.  Heroes resumes and Dexter has his place in the schedule. I have three days off work. I shall go back on Tuesday, and then have Thursday off. I think, there won’t be anymore snow. Which is pleasing as I didn’t want to be off work. If everyone else got to take a snow day The snow has almost melted away. I have a picture on my phone. However Visa, does not like my bluetooth program or my scanner. I saw a fox outside last night. I tried to take a picture of it. However it was too dark. Taking pictures at night, didn’t strike me as a good Idea the more I thought about it. Plus one finished tonight. I have enjoyed the series. However there was a scen

Well done !

Well done Meike on passing her exams

Net Survey

1. What time did you get up this morning?  (2021 updates in blue) 10 am. 7 Am-   2. Diamonds or pearls? I have never worn or owned either. I would prefer diamonds as: They are the second hardest substance In Russian, they are called Brilliants I have bought my ex wife diamonds Last movie you saw at the cinema? I can’t remember. I mean to see Valkerie I think something in Peru?     What are your favourite TV shows? Alias, The Shield, Lost, Heroes, Mock the Week, Xena Family Guy, Dr Who, CSI, Battlestar Galatica Doctor Who is still there. I no longer watch any of the shows mentioned above. I rarely watch TV  What do you usually have for breakfast? Cereal, Yoghurt, Toast, Tea, Biscuit. I have stopped eating dead things. Yes What is your middle name? James, What food do you dislike? Oranges, Bananas What is your favorite CD? Fun Loving Criminals I no longer buy CDs Favorite sandwich? BLT or Pastrami and Gherkin- 

Postcards from Valya

This is from South of the Border! Down Mexico way The Grand Canyon!


  Local snowman, made with great care Very progressive and tall snowman, in the park near me   First thing this morning. You can tell, that the snow is several cm thick.


I wish I had gone to the pub tonight! Why can’t it have waited till next week. I will loathe it tomorrow, but for tonight its magical ( I has been raving about the snow, to a Siberian, this will be read by Icelander. I am easily impressed no?)

Pinch Punch the first of the month :)

I went to the Pub Saturday night, rather then today. I slept till noon. No hangover. I drank cool aid, before retiring. I did wake up at 7am or so, and kind of just stared at things   It has begun to snow here. I bought a new heater for my bedroom  Time to break out, my large coat, and chase down my gloves. I am hoping that the snow will not bring everything to a standstill again. I saw my 2/3 of sisters today. They are both well. My sister has just returned from Dublin I got Hellboy 2 on Blue-ray. I am off to watch the Superbowl I wish the Panthers were playing